Yes another Saturn topic.. LOL

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by justagirl on Sunday, November 1, 2015 and has 3 replies.
Wow just wow.

I just got done with the Saturn opp Saturn ( the 2nd one that occurs).

i know not everyone believes in this stuff.. but just WOW.

Just stumbled upon this aritcle by chance.

This part hit me like a brick.

"The Saturn Opposition at midlife is a time to re-examine the concerns of the house(s) through which Saturn is transiting, where it resides natally and what house it rules. Saturn is The Teacher and the best way to be successful with this transit is to be a willing pupil. The first Saturn opposite Saturn aspect occurred at about age 14/15, the Saturn Return at approximately age 28/30 and now a second Saturn opposite Saturn aspect is occurring at midlife. As Saturn oppositions begin we re-evaluate and make changes. At age 44/45 it is time to re-evaluate the past 14 years or so since your Saturn Return. What have you accomplished since age 28 that is true and authentic and can be built upon as you advance through your 40s and into your 50s?"

Those that know what is going on in my life atm will understand why this is such a wow moment for me.

This is another brick being dropped on my head!!

"In your work you may reach a peak of success, which will be accompanied by increased responsibility. In that case you will work extremely hard but very successfully. On the other hand, you may receive abundant evidence that you are working in the wrong area altogether. This would be manifested by extreme difficulties in your work situation, such as finding your efforts blocked by co-workers or superiors. If your superiors disapprove of your performance, you should completely re-evaluate your work. Even if you are doing good work, this may be a signal that the job is inadequate from your point of view. This should not be an occasion for self-doubt and despair. Rest assured that you are supposed to be doing something else."
I can totally see this being the case with my job at 44. Hell, I'm actually there now. They go back and forth between letting me go and grappling to keep me. I've verbally expressed directly to my boss that I'm not opposed to being let go. Then they do things like they've fllooded my phone with l9ve you texts...yes, my boss actually used the "L" word and they sent me a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

Feel guilty much?'s gotten to the point of mirroring an emotionally abusive relationship. I'm supposed to be off until Nov. 10th, but don't have the reserves or time off to be gone that long. I've been thinking about asking my mom to buy me a train ticket to hide out with my guy in the next state and figure my career/business stuff out. I already ran the idea by him and he was like, "that would be better than just sitting there."

I just don't know if that's what I actually want to do. It's like I'm very confused these days. Life overall has gone much better than I expected, but not according to what I've planned. That's a confusing stage to be in. You're not alone Hun.
Well hopefully you get everything sorted! Go see your man Tongue