Your Favorite Aspect ..

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by CapricornRaw on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 10 replies.
mine is Mars conjunct Pluto..
whats yours?
Posted by DonJohnson
Pluto conjunct Jupiter

the billionaire aspect. Look it up.

I do like Pluto conjunct Mars too. Gives me more life force and energy.

Exactly.. Mars conj Pluto can make great achievements, that include even riches.. without needing Pluto conj Jupiter lol.
i do however have Pluto sextile Jupiter.
Posted by DonJohnson
Posted by sugaries
I have jupiter trine pluto...where are my billions?

needs to be conjunct.

those 2 signs coming together = greatness
i read it somewhere. a case study too. lots of billionaires have it or something.
click to expand

whats the difference between a aspect in the minus and plus? is it like a negative and positive aspect thing?
for example the difference between Pluto conj Jupiter -2degree or 2degree.
thats not what i meant... i mean that sometimes you see a minus on a aspect... like a -2 degree and just a regular 2 degree
Sun in Sag
i have four planets in saggitarius.
Posted by CapricornRaw
i have four planets in saggitarius.

cool which ones?
venus jupiter uranus neptune
you can check my profile for my planetary placements.
Posted by Sutekh
sun conjunct jupiter

I have this one.