Your favorite youtube astrologers?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by rabidtalker on Friday, January 6, 2017 and has 12 replies.
Looking for new/more astrologers to watch, post your favorites here.


Posted by YasmineMin
I dont watch astronyoutubers anymore but I used to watch Alyssa Sharpe. I recommend ?

why not? no time?

she is really good and has great energy.
Astralada, even though I don't understand much, heavy accent.

And a Virgo I can't remember his name right now.
Posted by YasmineMin
I dont watch astronyoutubers anymore but I used to watch Alyssa Sharpe. I recommend ?
Same chick who used to come here and get butthurt and whine about it on Youtube?

She's amusing, but after I learned about that, she just turned into yet another attention whore. No longer amusing.

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by YasmineMin
I dont watch astronyoutubers anymore but I used to watch Alyssa Sharpe. I recommend ?
Same chick who used to come here and get butthurt and whine about it on Youtube?

She's amusing, but after I learned about that, she just turned into yet another attention whore. No longer amusing.

click to expand
eh? i missed this.. when? where?

Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by YasmineMin
I dont watch astronyoutubers anymore but I used to watch Alyssa Sharpe. I recommend ?
Same chick who used to come here and get butthurt and whine about it on Youtube?

She's amusing, but after I learned about that, she just turned into yet another attention whore. No longer amusing.

eh? i missed this.. when? where?

click to expand
I dunno. I did too. She was brought up sometime awhile back and someone had mentioned that. No idea what the username was though.

Posted by Mystical111
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by YasmineMin
I dont watch astronyoutubers anymore but I used to watch Alyssa Sharpe. I recommend ?
Same chick who used to come here and get butthurt and whine about it on Youtube?

She's amusing, but after I learned about that, she just turned into yet another attention whore. No longer amusing.

eh? i missed this.. when? where?

I dunno. I did too. She was brought up sometime awhile back and someone had mentioned that. No idea what the username was though.

I think she was on that LindaGoodman site too

Anyone else go on that site? It's not as lively but it's still informative.

click to expand
yeah i go on that site, i like it, less trolling,spam and nonsense.

Posted by rabidtalker
Looking for new/more astrologers to watch, post your favorites here.


anyone else? Big Grin

Love Nicole Huntsman (YouTube Channel: Modern Cosmic).

Also like KRSchannel, and Jewel Mayberry. I used to watch Alyssa, but I got annoyed of her lol.
Jewel Mayberry - she's the best for me

CancVirgo astrology


Astrolada - sometimes

Alyssa Sharpe too... once upon a time, I'm bored of her tbh.
Jewel Mayberry