Youtube Astrologers

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by SirHorns on Monday, December 28, 2015 and has 10 replies.
...which ones do you watch?
Please show a video that shows off their stuff.
Alyssa Sharpe and Lada Duncheva

Not as often as I used to tho, mostly for s**** and giggles
Posted by RamOfPeace
Alyssa Sharpe and Lada Duncheva

Not as often as I used to tho, mostly for s**** and giggles

Lada is the best.
I like Jewel Mayberry.

She has also videos for synastry and composite. And some numerology.
Posted by laFille
I like Jewel Mayberry.

She has also videos for synastry and composite. And some numerology.

Still waiting for her to post that life path 9 numerology video!
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by RamOfPeace
Alyssa Sharpe and Lada Duncheva

Not as often as I used to tho, mostly for s**** and giggles

Lada's the most useful of the 2, though she can be a bit drawn out and her vids too long. I cant listen to Alyssa for more than 30 seconds without wanting to shove a harpoon into my ear.
click to expand

She irks you that bad?
Fisk, Alyssa is funny to me, but mostly on surface level

SurHorns, I like Lada's stuff if it were more useful to me as a cusp tho. I mostly view her for her sexy demeanor and the way she pronounces "focused" lol
Will Harrison is my personal fav. He just has this vibe to him that I totally dig and makes it easier for me to pay attention to what he says and learn from. I can relate to his spacey demeanor as well. Lol
Alyssa Sharpe and Kapiel Raaj (KRS guy)
Posted by starwars
Alysaa is real fun!

ive watched couple videos for KRSchannel, he's great too!

I like this dude tho. Will Harrison. great info and he seem excited when he talks lol.

love this dude.