Zodiac Sign Change.....What?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by coeus1031 on Saturday, May 11, 2013 and has 14 replies.
Here is the zodiac as the ancient Babylonians intended it???with the dates corresponding to the times of the year that the sun is actually in each constellation's "house"???according to the Minnesota Planetarium Society's Parke Kunkle:
Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus:* Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.
* Discarded by the Babylonians because they wanted 12 signs per year.
What Do You Think of This? Disregard It or Make A Change
Thats One For Disregard
For sure not a leo. No offense to leos.
An Ophiuchus was my best sex ever!!!! yay
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
An Ophiuchus was my best sex ever!!!! yay

Careful now... http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/messages.asp?id=2424463
click to expand

Years since I last saw that thread, blast from the past!
I remember when this news came about my Sag ex was like FUCK YEAH NEW SIGN! Tongue Everyone else seems to be rejecting it lmao.
I be a capricorn ain't nothing wrong with that I suppose! Cappies are awesome.
Hi everybody
This is my first post here, and it's sad there is so much resistance to the truth. All these people who can't see themselves???or, at least, their true archetypes???and still say they are interested in astrology, are reminding me of how stubbornly people an hold on to an illusion.
Sidereal astrology isn't just a version???it is fact. The skies are the way sidereal astrology says, and that's final. If you have beef with that, just go to Stellarium, the free software that shows the skies the way they are. If you've heard of the precession of the equinoxes, you shouldn't even THINK of using astrology in its "tropical" version.
So Leo or Virgo who doesn't want to be what they are???well, get used to disappointment. In the 13th century, when Pope Gregory tried to introduce a new calendar that corrected the "Julian" calendar, used since Ptolemy, to reflect the real change of the seasons???there were riots in the streets. The people were mad with fear that the pope was stealing 11 days from their lives. History repeats itself. When Pasteur tried to introduce hand-washing to doctors to prevent infections, many made sure NOT to wash as a form of protest. It took over 100 years for doctors to fully comprehend it. Likewise, astrology must also go through a painful transformation for astrologers, where all the charlatans, even the nicer ones, like Susan Miller, will be forced to retract their silly word salad, and own up to the reality of the way things really are.
People, like those above, will have to climb out of their bottomless pit of cliches and conventional wisdom and look at themselves the way their chart reveals them to be. This may be painful, but why? What a revelation, especially when you are young enough to enact what you have learned about yourself. The TRUE horoscope can be such a great increase in consciousness that it is worth the slight discomfort of having to rewrite a new narrative. Talk about truth-seekers! c'mon!
Like any opportunity to escape the matrix, not everybody can do it. But if you want to know your TRUE SIGN, go to my website, siderealist.com
If you want instant verification of the truth, look at the wikipedia calendar comparison, siderealist.com/calendar_sidereal.html
Your =welcome,
Special @Jahlia
If you're birthday falls within nov 30-dec 17, I'm afraid there's NO QUESTION about it???you're OPHIUCHUS. There ARE 13 signs, and the zodiac was originally designed to include all 13. The Romans came and deleted Ophiuchus because she was a woman???a wicca, a shaman, healer, midwife and protector???they gave her space to the scorpion. And have hunted her down ever since. If you are a true Ophiuchus, you know what I mean, black cats and all. So she was eliminated and other females were changed to beasts in the zodiac, and they changed to a 12-base system. But why? WOMEN devised a perfectly workable 13-base system, based on the Moon, and the menstrual period, 13-months of 28 days, why change it? Ptolemy (who thought the Sun revolved around the Earth) crammed everything in 30-degree quadrants, and Ophiuchus was OUT. Of course, it ruined astrology, and it hasn't worked since, except in India, where Vedic astrologers use sidereal times as well.
your =welcome,
You can call me a Sag all you want, I still come off as a Cap and most any other person would say the same about their own sign - thus, characteristics under the popular system would need to shift accordingly.
For those who want to argue that our characteristics are not inherent but learned through our knowledge of our ascribed sign, how does this hold true for someone who does not know the characteristics of their sign yet act in a very prescribed manner? How does this also result in the ability of some to identify persons of certain signs based on displayed mannerisms? (a number of folks on DXP can do so with great accuracy)
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
I'm so very tempted to be a smartass right now lol.

You and me both lol
Posted by AquaGemini
Posted by aquasnoz
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
I'm so very tempted to be a smartass right now lol.

You and me both lol

glad i'm not the only one Winking
click to expand

Glad to see others have stepped up and worded it way better than I could haha!

I have a page on Ophiuchus, but there are really masive sires about her, like Startistics.com
Ophiuchus is the hunted wicca???this is a female sign, the two sisters, the light and dark???combined to make the female magic that men are so afraid of???the power over life and death. Men have always hunted down these women???the powerful women, and murdered them in a mass lyching spee that lasted over 3 centuries. So modern Ophiuchus, men or women, are very lowkey, and stay undercover fon the most part. The few who do emerge are surrounded by haters INSTANTLY and have to be careful of attacks from the mob.
Ophiuchus has skills that no other person has???they have been bred for one purpose???they are the butterfly that emerges from the Scorpio pupae, and they often complete that purpose, and die???or fade away.
The book is still out on this mysterious female sign???the Romans made him an old bearded man???they did the same to other signs, stripping them of the female nature. So Ophiuchus is the 9th sign???making Pisces the 13th???of course, how could it be different.
Posted by AquaGemini
what element is ophiucus then?

haha cheeky! I was thinking it... it throws it all out of balance!!!