Her Fearful Symmetry

This topic was created in the Books forum by Dianasart on Saturday, March 6, 2010 and has 1 replies.
I enjoy it so far.
I has been throwing me off every now and then, and boring me with a certain charater (Martin). But overall, so far, it's very enjoyable. It's a very slow read, which will last a while, so I personally feel like it's not a quick movie, but rather a long seriel (yes I do use tv to compare books). The thing is, unlike the shorter, more thrilling, exiting novels, you can't skip a page and continue with the action. Or (something I used to do out of exsitment) sneak peek into the next chapter!
The whole book is about twin girls who's aunt, their mothers twin, left her flat in London to the girls in her will. The twins have oposite personalities. Through the book the 'follower' twin tries to develope independence from the bossier twin.
There are other uniqe and strange charaters such as Robert, their aunts recent lover, Martin, the neighbor with a sickness that annoyed me at first, and Elpeth, the aunt, who's hunting the flat.
There is a big secret between Elpeth and the twins mother, and the twins are trying to find it all out.

So, if you've read this book I'd love to hear your opinion about it (but don't give away the secret! Unless it's the whole running off with the fiance thing... still don't tell me! smile )
If you haven't then I would recomend it.