a confused Scorpio

This topic was created in the Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility forum by erintheebarbarian on Thursday, June 25, 2020 and has 4 replies.
Ive been talking to this guy since the year started, he’s a Cancer (23) and I’m a Scorpio (22) we’ve hung out before and text frequently it seems like it is going great. I’m getting to know him on a deeper level than before with everything happening in the world, he’s becoming more open and honest with me in our conversations than before, we spend a lot more time talking and I’m really enjoying that but just as its feeling like it’s going somewhere new between us he pulls back, no response to any of my messages and disappears on me. We made plans to hang out recently, nothing too crazy since quarantine but he never showed or called me and I knew he had disappeared on me again. This is the 3rd time since I’ve started talking to him he’s done this - he’ll disappear, come back in 1-1/2 to 2 weeks and message me like nothings happened. The past times I’ve led it slide - we’re both college students in difficult fields taking hard classes so Im understanding of that. but since school is out for the both of us and there isn’t much going on outside for us it makes me feel kinda sad when he does this. I don’t want to sound like that girl who demands attention 24/7 but I’m growing pretty tired of this disappearing act Im trying to find a gentle way to explain it to him without sounding heartless. Is this a male cancer thing? Should I expect this from him all the time? Any advice?
hey baby scorp

before the witches come in here and ask you for chart details and dumb shit about crabs, just know that this kinda thing will happen many times in your life and you will do it to others. not everyone will be able to give you the time and attention you want and deserve, and it sucks, but you can assess the situation and see if it's worth it for you to hang in there.

if y'all are somewhat serious, tell him one time you're into him and need consistency etc. be respectful and don't make assumptions because you never know what's up on his end. check his response and watch over time how his actions add up, if he makes an effort or not. then decide from there.

focus on yourself in the meantime, he's probably stalking you anyway.

and next time come to the scorp board. smile
He didn't respect you by not showing up or calling. I'm inferring when you said this is the 3rd time, is it the 3rd time he's stood you up?

Remember, he could be chasing other women -- other women who are not putting up with his bs.

A big red flag in dating is inconsistency. He's already proven to be disrespectful.

He's giving you breadcrumbs when he's lonely or if he strikes out with another woman.

Do not welcome him back with open arms. I think you need to ignore him if he contacts you. If you are confident that there was not mistaking that you both had plans, then ignore. Let him beg and explain.

If you are too forgiving and welcoming people take advantage of that in this world.

To me he needs to move mountains and get real for you to even give him a chance to talk again. You are too invested in some who is not invested in you. Go find someone who is because you deserve better.
Cancerians can be inconsistent and it’s not only the men. But you should bring it up in a conversation and see how he responds. He could be dating others or maybe there’s issues in his personal life that you’re not aware of.

Haven’t really seen any Scopio/ Cancer connections irl, irrespective of signs he may have a plausible explanation