a bit feminine Cancer man

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by eglantine on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 and has 7 replies.
HIsmile. I met this guy recently and he is Cancer with Gemini Moon/Venus and Leo Mars. We are both in our forties... He has definitely a feminine side, is a bit shy and likes to gesticulate a lot with his hands (nothing really gayish, but just some borderline feminine gestures). He is of small stature and slender, but looks otherwise manly.

He has a son and he told me about his previous girlfriends, so he cant be gay. So he asked me out and we had a good time and he told me that he fancies me. His feminine side disturbed me at the beginning, but then I started to like him more.

I wonder is he is bi (I cant ask him at this stage) or he is just a guy whose feminine side is quite developed. Or is he just insecure and super sensitive?

Anyone else had similar experience with Cancer guys?
I know that Cancer men love being around women. They appreciate and understand feminine energy, which definitely makes them good, loving husbands. Lots of feminine behavior??? Hmmm... My Cancer male friends have all told me they cry a lot, they're big cry babies lol, they love to admit to that and laugh about it. They have a certain lightness about them too, wonderful spirits...
Harrison Ford is a Cancer Sun/Gemini Venus/Leo Mars. He's reserved and sensitive, but he is in no way feminine. You might just not understand femininity well... You could be used to being around macho and overly compromising types who pretend that they don't feel anything.
The ones I know vary between the kind you're talking about as well as the masculine ones. Although, even the most masculine Cancer males have something feminine about them.
Thanks a lot for your responses... I chilled out and I dont think he is gay anymoresmile. Definitely cancer guys seem to have a feminine side they sometimes struggle with.

Wow, Harrison Ford has the same placements... I always liked him. He seems to be into Calista very much.
Every Cancer man i met had a gentle feminine side, more so the ones with water moons

Some women like that ... i like it in a male friend, but prefer a bit of fire in a romantic partner
Fabulous daaahling...its not his Cancer Sun...I suggest you study his moon and read up on Castor and Pollux...*whistling*

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