advice on cancer man needed!!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by stellastar on Monday, February 25, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Hi all,
I've been going through a difficult time and felt I could do with some advice from an astrological point of view.
I have been in along term relationship with my cancer boy for just over 2 years, it's been a complicated relationship as we were working together and kept the relationship a secret from our colleagues.
Things had been going well to the point we considered moving in together however last September he applied and was successful in getting a job which was a 300 mile round trip.
I was happy to try in our long distance relationship,however I always felt that he wasn't sure which made me feel insecure in our relationship.
He final moved down in December and he back for Christmas and I had been down go visit him, however again I was getting the vibes that things weren't right and on his next visit I asked how he was feeling and it was at that point my life has fallen apart, he claimed that wasn't sure how he was feeling and whether he wanted to commit to someone for the rest of his life, he said he loved me but he had doubts. So after a gruelling 14 hour breakup of "I love you and I can't live without you but I have these doubts", he left we agreed that he could have 4 weeks to think about things with no contact.
Those 4 weeks will be up Saturday.
I was wondering what peoples experiences were of cancer men in this situation.
I'm a scorpio(31), he is a cancer(24)
This is breaking my heart and I'm convinced that if he wanted to be with me he wouldn't need 4 weeks to think about it, but maybe I'm wrong. HELP!
I have a feeling he's already made up his mind, sadly.
The age thing has never been an issue until now i guess.
also i agree with you aperosnplaceorthing, but what i would like to know is what is/was going through his mind and what would his emotions and feelings be like as a cancerian man.
i guess because i feeling so much pain i wonder whether he was too. Sad

To some people age is just a number, from my understanding some cancer men like older women. Im a scorpio female with a cancer mate,and the connection between the two signs is sooo deep you literally feel sick without them. But thats with anyone you love dearly. Normally things like this will happen when dating younger men, and at the end of the day he is still a man. If you respect this guy and care for him then let him find his own way. This is something you cant do for him. He probably want to explore a little. Whatever the still have to take care of youself and live your life. If it is meant to will be. In this life, time will change...people will change...feelings will change. But we still gotta live and take care of ourselves.
What dont kill you only makes you stronger ;p
You will be fine in due time
Send you some scorp huggs luv
He might be thinking about the future, they do tend to overthink things a lot, maybe because of the age difference he thinks you are ready to take the next step and he is not ready for that yet, I don't think age is a huge factor if for example you were 39 and he was 32, but he is 24 and you guys might not be on the same page Sad
Also it seems long distance is hard on some Cancer men, my bf explains it like this, "when we are together everything is perfect I am even a better person when you are around, then when we are not together is tough, I start overthinking things and is very hard"

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