Any advice from my Moon pals regarding Cancer M ?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by VenusianRose on Saturday, October 20, 2012 and has 4 replies.
Hey there! I've been reading about Cancers on this forum for quite some time in order to gain perspective on a current situation regarding my Cancer love interest. To make a long story short, we were once coupled-->break-up-->friends/lovers-->friends. I can honestly say that this love I have for my Cancer male is deep and unwavering. I've always had his back (He told me once that I was "his rock"- always supportive). However, at this point in his life he cannot be in a relationship because he "wants to get his butter in order"- financially, career-wise, and emotional state. I believe he is evolving into a better individual and letting go/ coming to terms with his demons. I can't be mad at that and I respect him for his decisions. I'm afraid that my emotions get the best of me (Moon and Venus in Pisces) and instead of letting him be and "shell", I take it personally. I don't want to push him away. I've always said to him that our close friendship should always be the foundation to our relationship. Our communication is great! I'd rather have him as a friend, than to lose him completely. What say you Cancerians? Our charts are as follows: Me (VenusianRose)- Sun Taurus/ Moon Pisces/ Mercury Aries/ Venus Pisces/ Mars Aries/ Jupiter Leo/ Saturn Virgo/ Uranus Scorpio/ Neptune Sagittarius/ Pluto Libra/ Lilith Leo/ Asc. Node Virgo.... Him- Sun Cancer/ Moon Taurus/ Mercury Leo/ Venus Cancer/ Mars Gemini/ Jupiter Leo/ Saturn Virgo/ Uranus Scorpio/ Neptune Sagittarius/ Pluto Libra/ Lilith Virgo/ Asc. Node Virgo
Any insight into our charts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
P.S.- You Cancers sure do have some magical powers!
Im currently dating a cancer sun man.....I would take him at his word. From my experience with him once he makes up his mind to do something, he does just that. He did go through this same period as u are describing with your friend.However, it was before my time. He hadnt dated in awhile before he met me. Even now, if his finances arent right or something is off in his life, he can be one moody crab to live with.
I would not push the subject.
I know its very difficult though..I have a pisces moon as well. If u can be his friend and "just that" for right now then be his friend. If u cant be only his friend for right now, then u might have to make some tough descions.
I don't think he's lying to you, just to get out of commitment with you or anything within those lines.
Security is a huge deal with Cancers and I would expect it to be more so with Taurus Moon. If he does not feel secure emotionally (and specifically financially in this case), he will not feel "qualified" enough to be in a relationship.
You should check what are his ambitions. If his idea of financial security and career stability is getting a promotion in his company/field.. you then assess how likely is that to happen in the near future and make a decision based on that information. If his idea of financial security and career stability is to become a billionaire, then I would advise you to run. You need to figure out how reasonable are his ambitions and how likely are they to happen.
Got a feeling this is one of those situations a female perspective is going to be better to you than mine.
Thank you Coldwater and BommyKnocker for your responses. I will take it for what it's worth and let him have his "space". He's looking to advance in his career at his current workplace. He's setting himself up for his future. (where I fall into that worries me, tbh, this is where i get "mixed signals") I've laid my feelings out on the table and have said everything I feel. What worries me is when I don't hear from him- his "shelling time" and how long it usually takes, for this is a new phenomenon for me. Right now, we are on a "time-out", sort of speak. Based on our last conversation, he feels bad actually for not being able to provide and meet my needs. I've given him support and have been there for him numerous times because I care about him deeply. But, I guess, I'll just let the chips fall where they may. Thanks again! :-)