Are Cancer males really into looks?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by stardust on Monday, April 28, 2008 and has 26 replies.
I recently dated two Cancer males, and they would both compliment me on my looks. They were very possessive too. They wouldn't want me to wear anything too sexy, or talk or even look at other guys.
I tried the relationships but I found they were too introverted, and controlling.
I'm a Leo girl
of course we are into looks and you have to remember we are very insecure hence the not wearing sexy things or looking at other fellas. we also like to hang in the background and not bring to much attention to ourselves and having once been married to a leo i know you all are the opposite.
i think cancer dudes are more comfortable with average looking woman who don't get the attention. i would venture to say some prefer below-average or fat woman to minimize the chances of getting burned.
fire. it's a dangerous thing.
I won't ever date someone who doesn't look good. It's just not fair to me or the girl. No woman would want to hear or even suspect their partner thinking "I love you do death but you are damn ugly" and I don't think it works that way at all. But then again what I think is good looking might not always be the consensus on what good looking is supposed to be.
I don't even mind if the consensus differs from my opinion. If I really dig a girl, then I'm not deterred by a friend telling me that she is just "ok" looking.
I have no problem with someone getting a lot of attention from others just as long as she makes me feel like I matter. That is what probably is most important and is the inner connection. But without a physical connection there is just no chance.
Looks and personality. And a great connection. Tho First is LOOKS! Gotta catch my eye and make me speak in rhymes. for example. What beauty standing before my eye's how I would love to embrace her and ask if You could be mine. If only for a minute or two would be fine. Well something like that. Tho not out loud LOL. that's what I'm thinking in my head. Then for some reason I start to rhyme automatically when start speaking normally to other people. btw I use this at an advantage when playing my guitar. Yea I kinda rap. But its funny rap nothing serious about it. But I make people laugh when I start that's what I like about it. Grrr there I go again.. But yea LOOKS is very Important to me and also there personality and connection they just got to have it.
i have to agree with scorpion rising... i am a female cancer and ive always gone after the average looking guys or atleast what i think is average. people tell me that my fiance and i look funny together and that he is so ugly next to me so it makes me think that people want me to find a man that is equally attractive. i dont want my relationship to be stereotyped by our looks either. and there is the fact that i wouldnt wanna lose my man to some1 prettier than me or have to fight much competition.. i know people on here think that brent is ugly but believe me, there are other girls that like him and hes a pisces so you can imagine my insecurities i get when he gets the wondering eye. i do have to say tho, i have never had much trouble keeping other girls off of him.
some cancer men like bellies too believe it or not.. some like the motherly look.
wow i can def relate to you! i am also a leo girl and my ex of 2 yrs is a cancer. he was ALWAYS sooo possesive. he would get a little aggitated every time i wore a short skirt or shorts or anything. he would even get really uncomfortable when his friends would check me out. it really didnt bother me. it was actually really comforting that he cared. i dunno. it def has its up and downs. he was the most jealous person i have ever met, esp towards me having male co-workers. i work at a bmw dealership with a lot of rich male customers coming in, and he ABSOLUTELY hated it!!! it drove him insane. he would flip out if i was working and it would take me a while to reply to his texts if i was in the middle of a sale. it was overwhelming at times but not too bad...
"i know people on here think that brent is ugly but believe me, there are other girls that like him and hes a pisces so you can imagine my insecurities i get when he gets the wondering eye."
They don't think that Brent is ugly because that would be subjective. He is ugly - an objective statement.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. I think a relationship comprising a really attractive man and a really attractive woman is a tough one because the egos tend to clash. Not only that, looks are not as important to women as they are to men.
What is more important to women are the two things you've mentioned in your post. First, he is a provider who can offer you security. Second, other chicks like him, which makes him more attractive to you.
If he was jobless and no other woman liked him, I doubt you would either.... because let's face it, the dude is ugly.
I give him props though. I thought he'd be whipped, but that seems to be not the case.
"i know people on here think that brent is ugly"
Eh...why would you care what other people think? Especially strangers on the Internet? I haven't noticed anyone around here posting pics of sig others that look like Antonio Banderas or Halle Barry... Tongue
Hot men are usually one of two things - gay or complete egotistical assholes. No thanks. A man who spends more time in the bathroom than me would soon be out the dizzoor.
Stardust - LOVE YOUR AVATAR! That show rules!
well, i think we ALL have to be attracted to our lover. it's one of the ways we seek out someone over all other people. fortunately, we all like something a little different. so there's someone for everyone. "liking someone's look" can encompass a huge range of "looks." my cancer guy likes voluptuous, very womanly women. larger breasts, a bit of a belly, bigger ass. big smile and sparkly eyes. playful and fuller figured.
my cancer guy is a bit possessive, but it comes out as super lovey dovey in public. like, when he feels the need to stake his claim, i'm suddenly wearing him, draped over me like a pretty sweater! he kind of gets off on other guys digging me, as long as i don't get all hoe like and flirty. they can look and he feels proud. but i'd better be eyes on him. i'm the type that is into fidelity tho, so no worries. i'm friendly, but i don't mess around with trying to make him jealous. he gets there without any help from me! he likes seeing my cleavage tho. it's funny, seeing him checking my boobs out from the corners of his eyes. as tho i weren't his wife! so i'll flirt mercilessly with him! i slay him like a dragon!!
My girl is a Gemini with Leo rising.. So shes jus a smokin hot b!tch (love to call her that, she hates it.. sorta lol)
I LOOOOOOVES teh perrty ladies., I find it so energizing to look at her, it makes my day really lol. Shes also very funny, caring, kind, loving and actually finds my sarcastic, bitter and Gritty ways appealing!!! Shes a server and makes TONS of cash of just her looks... I catch myself getting pretty bent at how friendly she is, but she sees it and constantly assures me she just loves her tips lol., But I don't really focus on the whole jealousy aspect very much, all my girlfriends have been very attractive though so I'm not bothered with too much insecurity anymore.
"i slay him like a dragon!!"
LOL!!! fuckin mint.,
I used to date a cancer man. He did like the "curvier" kind of women, big busts, hips, and lips. He also didn't hesitate to tell me what he preferred looks wise which seems now as almost a manipulative tactic and left myself pretty insecure about my looks. He was also extremely possessive. I wasn't allowed to have any male friends, talk to any males, not have any online profiles, talk to people on the internet, and he needed to know where I was at all times. He was always afraid I'd wander even though I never gave him a reason to be.
Posted by tuscan_sun
Tall Cancerian more men attracted to short, petite women.....true or false

i feel u, stardust. it happens to me with the cancer boys too! so, yeah, cancer males are really into looks. who isn't?
i think ppl who go off about how shallow it is for others to be interested in the looks of someone are really insecure about their own looks. for example, i encounter overweight women who are like this sometimes. they bitch and complain about how men go ga-ga over a really hot woman who is usually slender... or at least thinner then themselves. they project their feelings of poor body image onto the men and chastize them for it. sure, i think overall it is more important to find the beauty inside a person. yet we all have to have that initial physical attraction to want to pursue a person in order to discover that inner beauty. that's pretty much how our survival instincts work. when i try to explain this to them, and get them to see that the problem is themselves, i get a lotta crap. i'll be honest, i receive a good amount of male attention. i feel blessed that i have attractive parents, especially my mom, and that their genes were passed on to me. i also take pretty good care of myself. yes, i do like to look good and dress well for the most part. this isn't for anyone's approval or attention other than my own! i'm fairly active and i don't overeat most of the time. so because of this their typical response is along the lines of,"pft! well u just don't understand because ur pretty and skinny!" i am NOT skinny, mind u.
drives me nuts. what they fail to realize is that i wasn't always like this. i used to be very overweight for years. i'm 5'6" and there was a point in my life during my teenage years where i was around 200 lbs.! u think i got any play from the guys? hell no! i know exactly how it feels to be fat, unwanted, and have low self-esteem. it's just that i did something about it. i didn't even go on any diet. i simply got off of my ass and moved around. this increased my energy and stamina. it also caused me to eat smaller portions. i did it for me and no one else. my confidence sky-rocketed as well.
eh, sorry to go off on a tangent but it just irritates me to no end.
Posted by Claro de Luna
Posted by WinterBorn

smile Fiery, lol yes. I have to give him most of the credit tho....he tried so hard putting up with the crap I gave him about his ex-wife. He still loved her, and was in touch with her almost daily,... and I was crazy jealous.
But yeah, I wouldn't have missed him for the world. smile
Cancers seem unusually extra fond of their exes, well, it just seems that way to me. I just couldn't understand why he couldn't move on. Actually I do understand, I just couldn't accept it.

Truthfully, anyone who has ever held a spacial place within me will always remain there to some extent but there it remains.....
I would never regularly keep in touch with an ex whilst with a new love, that would be very unfair, imo. Even male friends would have to go because, hmmm, it just wouldn't work out at all nor would I expect it to.
That sounds like a horrible situation to have been in.
I doubt i'd be able to give much (if anything) at all to someone unless I had their full attention (with regards to the rest of the female population and wotnot)..
click to expand

whoa whoa whoa... u would seriously drop ur male friends for some guy? that is so not fair to ur friends, male or not! do ur guy friends know this about u? if some guy, even a man u loved dearly, can not accept that u have friends of the opposite sex then u don't need him! that's a clear indication of how scary jealous he can be. i don't know where u got the idea that this is acceptable behavior. it should not be "expected" of u to let go of ur friends for the sake of love... cuz that really isn't love. that's a control freak who will probably end up never letting u outta the house. u have every right to choose who ur friends are regardless of their gender.
then again maybe u do find this acceptable because u are just as jealous? i'm not trying to insinuate anything necessarily but i'm just trying to go by what u wrote. i do understand not liking the idea of ur significant other keeping in regular/daily contact with their ex (unless they have a kid between them cuz that's inevitable). that's a fairly reasonable expectation. i personally don't care, and will remain buddies with my ex cuz that's how i roll, but i understand that there are many who won't go for it. staying true to myself helps weed out those who a
"what about the breasts? i read things about cancer men having a breast fetish"
I guess that's the reason I've always attracted cancer men Tongue.

"i think cancer dudes are more comfortable with average looking woman who don't get the attention. i would venture to say some prefer below-average or fat woman to minimize the chances of getting burned."
- I know a cancer man that admitted to doing that. He's extremely handsome, but prefers average and below average looking women. According to him, he wants the attention to be on him instead of the woman he dates.
if you cant beat em, join em. necro away....

anyways, oh yeah, looks, baby!


Posted by rabidtalker
if you cant beat em, join em. necro away....

anyways, oh yeah, looks, baby!


lol did you bump this one? Hahahha
Posted by Sea Siren
"i know people on here think that brent is ugly"
Eh...why would you care what other people think? Especially strangers on the Internet? I haven't noticed anyone around here posting pics of sig others that look like Antonio Banderas or Halle Barry... Tongue
Hot men are usually one of two things - gay or complete egotistical assholes. No thanks. A man who spends more time in the bathroom than me would soon be out the dizzoor.
Stardust - LOVE YOUR AVATAR! That show rules!
Lmao! What about men who are just hot!

Not AFTER coming out of the bathroom?

Just naturally hot and do nothing for it?

I know just too many!

for the record, i'm sure brent is not ugly.

That's how we are, you not about to be all extra, male friends is a no cause a man is a man and he will try somethin or there will be a awkward ass moment between you and him at some point so no. Don't let me catch you talkin to no "old friends".
From 8 years ago to 8 hours ago lol
Posted by rabidtalker
if you cant beat em, join em. necro away....

anyways, oh yeah, looks, baby!


every man is including cancer men

Posted by scorpion_rising
i think cancer dudes are more comfortable with average looking woman who don't get the attention. i would venture to say some prefer below-average or fat woman to minimize the chances of getting burned.
fire. it's a dangerous thing.

get the f outa here
