I have been going out with this Cancer woman for over a month. When are having fun together, and have a lot of things to talk about. We live far away from each other, so meeting up every day is not possible.This is where the problem is, or may be there is no problem.She texts multiple times a day, while she can just call. Is she trying to keep distance or it's just her personal nature to text more? She knows I hate to text, but still we end up having a text conversation on a topic. Remember it has been a month and we have been close more than a few times..
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Aug 15, 2017Comments: 776 · Posts: 1847 · Topics: 2
Yes we are confusing but I think the texting is her nature. If you don't like it then just call her, sometimes phone calls are awkward for some people it's not crab problem it's a human one.
I'm a chatterbox so I don't have that issue can talk about anything and everything
I'm a Pisces man, and the woman is cancer.
We have good chemistry. When we are together, it's very warm to have her around. And since we live far away, I like to spend weekends with her. Ideally, per my thought, when you like someone and are in a new relationship, you'd like to spend more time with the person. So this Cancer lady wants and to spend Friday's evenings, and may be Saturday afternoons. After that she wants to head back, I do understand the need for down time, but I hope somehow I'm not forcing her to spend time with me. Plus, do Cancers really take a long time to commit? Cause once I mentioned commitment in a different context, she just freaked out.
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Jan 05, 2016Comments: 4 · Posts: 1709 · Topics: 21
She's a crab yo! It doesn't matter if you don't like texting; she does so she's going to do it anyway!
In all seriousness though, have you let her know that you appreciate and respond better to phone calls rather than text messages?
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
Totally normal for a cancer to text a lot... some times easier to express somethings then say it. They are also empathic so feeling a persons vioce and be over whelming at times. It is a cancer moon today and tomorrow if she is emotional.
Also the retrograde is going on with Mercury so if you address it I would wait till after September to address it... or you may really hurt her feelings.
So how do you really know she is really in to it. Well she does text me and has long texting conversations. Recently, she mentioned that she is trying to make 'space' for me. I don't really know what that means, but I guess it's a good thing so I did not question it. I feel that caring streak, but sometimes it's very reserved and her responses are very curt. Isn't this being active-passive? I'm not insecure, but how does one person go back and forth.
Actually, I did tell her about texting, but then that didn't stop her from texting me. Her response was that she can do a lot of things while texting. And I'm like, when you talk or txt, just talk or text...dont keep doing other stuff. Like when you sit, you sit. When you stand, you stand. Above all don't wobble.
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Dec 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 14
I hate texting as a cancer and my Pisces was obsessed with texting
Mostly I hate texting anything to do with feelings
She will come around though I'd be cautious of the indifference that isn't our nature when really into someone
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Dec 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 14
Cancer and Pisces isn't ideal from experience long term but the connection is next level