yes, I am not judging him by his sign, but I like this zodiac stuff. So what can you tell me?
Also, are Cancer men very slow / cautious at dating relationship? We talk on the phone for hours for about 3 weeks now, but have not met yet. I am the one who is initiates meeting. I had to cancle date once and he cancelled it another time.
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1223 · Topics: 12
Yes, we usually like to wait and not jump so fast into a relationship, i have a female friend that is an Aries and LOUD LOL and we get along great, i think it's a good combo, but just take your time with him. Btw are you guys busy a lot too??
Thanks The-Dream, No I am not too busy to meet for at least 2 hours - we still have not met. we are just talking on the phone and texting. he contacted me on a dating site.
But i am a little surprised that he does not have 2 hours to meet... however, he usually calls me at night and we talk.
I am getting a little impatience - want to meet already
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Aug 30, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 357 · Topics: 19
How do you beat it into an Aries girl's head that you can't take a direct approach with a Cancer?
Arian:"what is indirect?"
Omg! I have been working on this for years, yet I think I scared another Cancer away by being very frank and forward. I asked him out was all I did. I know most cancers can hear me coming from a mile away and instinctively steer clear of me. I've even found some who are trembling with their eyes shut hoping that they are invisible long enough for me to pass without noticing. Haha I can be off the wall sometimes, even lose grasp of the ability to reel my self in at times, but at the end of the day I know who I want to come home to. Cancers have me wrapped around their fingers, and I love it!
How do I approach a cancer? I know two male cancers who have spoken to me about pursuing a more serious relationship, so I know it's not impossible.
Any advice would be appreciated. I'm trying to read all I can thru these forums and other sites about cancers and the cancer/aries match. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed. Oh, my moon and rising signs are both in scorpio, I hope that plays in my favor.
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Oct 24, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 276 · Topics: 49
Actually this is a horrible match . Never try this . Moon and rising sign in scorpio will not work for you . Statistics say Aries and cancer are least likely to marry each other .
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
Don't listen to lovelibra. Just bitter and lonely and miserable. Doesnt wanna see anyone else happy.
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Jun 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 223 · Topics: 19
I think it makes a difference what his moon is. My husband is a cancer sun/taurus moon and the thrill of the chase is how I got him. I played hard to get, like the Cancer I am, and he wouldn't stop til I was his. They don't like directness, they want to pursue on their own terms. That's what I know from my own experience.
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
I Dont like easy men, I Like a man that makes me chase. Maybe thats another thing that turns me on about Aries men. Seems i end up being shy and they chase me, than i start to chase them. In the end, you get the result. What pisses a cancer off most, act like your too busy for them. Be sincere about it though but at least act like you dont have time to talk and make it out to be like "Awwwwww i wanted to talk to you so bad and i miss you but i have to go do......[fill in the blank] Its time to make him chase you now that he knows you want him.
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
I Didnt finish, i meant what pisses us off is ignoring us.. To get us act like your too busy for them. Be sincere about it though but at least act like you dont have time to talk and make it out to be like "Awwwwww i wanted to talk to you so bad and i miss you but i have to go do......[fill in the blank] Its time to make him chase you now that he knows you want him.
Hate when i type too damn fast. Sorry! lol
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Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
hm. i dunno. all the aries i know are so brash, blunt, direct, and often loud that they usually deter any cancer i know. my aries friends can often exhaust me after a while and i'm a leo!
i don't apply too much weight to zodiacal signs though. especially if your chart is all over the place like mine is. i seem to be most compatible with earth and water as both friends and lovers. i would feel awfully caged if i limited myself to only get close to signs i'm "supposed" to be compatible with.
as far as i know, cancers like to take their time getting to know you so get nice and friendly. they do fall in love, or infatuated is more like it, easily but they are very cautious. they are usually aware of how carried away they can get and will typically remain guarded until they can figure out if you're a sure bet or not. the older they are the more guarded they can be. the more times they've gotten their heart broken, the harder it is to get through the shell.
being a fire sign i understand impatience. however, every aries i know practically defines the word. it is very important not to push cancers. they seem to prefer to control the pace. let them know you're interested but keep yourself entertained with your own life so you're not driving yourself crazy wondering just how long the cancer is going to take. be expressive. they need to trust you and be reassured that you have staying power.
whatever to any of this though. if it doesn't flow naturally then who cares? not saying that it should be completely effortless but the connection should be.