Aries Woman, Constantly attracted to Cancer Men, Why?

This topic was created in the Aries and Cancer Compatibility forum by Akelly47 on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 8 replies.
I dont know what it is, I will meet a guy, and deeply like him right away,
just to later find out that he is a Cancer! Its almost like i can tell immediately it has happened to me so
many times.

Unfortunately, every relationship i have had with Cancer men has never worked out, and there
were always serious issues in the relationship.

But, i have seriously been with about 5 Cancer men, and though those relationships fail,
i keep meeting them unintentionally, and they attract
me immediately (love or lust at first sight)
without even knowing their sign until later.

What is it about these men that keep attracting me?
Is there something about being an Aries, (or any fire sign)
that is deeply attracted to Cancers?
What are your other placements? such as Rising/Moon/Mars/Venus.

Also the placement of your Jupiter has a big role to play in the type of men you're attracted to.
A very fiery Aries and a watery Cancer are not going to work, but other combinations do work. I have dated Aries women and it's a good fit after the initial adjustment. Since both of them are Cardinal, they do actually want to do things that move them ahead. Aries' impulse and Cancer's natural caution actually blends well.
Rising sign is Virgo, Moon in Gemini, Mars in Cancer, Venus in Gemini, and Jupiter in Leo, but close to Cancer.

I think the part about being a conversationalist brought up an interesting thought. That is initially how i end up bonding with them before i even realize they are Cancers. Then again, conversation is how alot of people initially bond, so i dont really know.

Thanks for the feedback so far smile
Posted by Akelly47
Rising sign is Virgo, Moon in Gemini, Mars in Cancer, Venus in Gemini, and Jupiter in Leo, but close to Cancer.

I think the part about being a conversationalist brought up an interesting thought. That is initially how i end up bonding with them before i even realize they are Cancers. Then again, conversation is how alot of people initially bond, so i dont really know.

Thanks for the feedback so far smile

Your Mars is in Cancer, Mars represents what sort of lover you expect your man to be. That answers most of the puzzle here, cancer men naturally bring to you what you seek.

Jupiter the other important planet in deciding what sort of a man you attract is in your 12th house. The 12th also has strong connotations to the intimacy aspects of life (8th represents sex alone, 12th is broader) - since Jupiter is there, intimate relationships are your thing. Cancer men most probably indicate to you that they can provide you with a higher level of intimacy and hence the attraction.

Conversations with Cancers is the best thing, they talk a lot. The more they talk the more they are getting to know you and also feel secure that you like them.

The guys you like probably have Venus in airy or fiery signs and hence the attraction to your Venus in Gemini.
Posted by Arielle83
Aries men are always after me. Wtf.

But I'm Aries rising.

Maybe you go for the ones with that placement as well.

Yes, that's likely the case. Your basic personality draws them in.

that information is very helpful. thank you very much smile
Posted by Akelly47

that information is very helpful. thank you very much smile

No worries, ultimately go with your heart. If you like someone, you like 'em. Water and fire signs actually do work, both just need to get used to the different styles. Two cardinal signs like Aries and Cancer definitely do work, you don't have to fear it too much.