As a Cancer, do you tend to take things personally? How do you deal with it?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Rainbow87 on Friday, August 30, 2019 and has 16 replies.
I've noticed that when people joke about something I have a hard time laughing. I often take things personally and I change my mood immediately. I become silent and angry with that person.

People can't stand my sudden mood swings and I would like to get better at this. Does this happen to any of you?

How can I control my emotions and not get offended easily?
So....they're not "joking about something", they're joking about YOU?.?. 🤔

THAT makes a big difference.

As long as I don’t take the person personally, I’m all good. Which Idgaf what they have to say,

I usually joke around with sarcasm or dark humor
Posted by Echo

As long as I don’t take the person personally, I’m all good. Which Idgaf what they have to say,

I usually joke around with sarcasm or dark humor

Same.. I'm the first one to laugh at myself or continue the roasting. If it's shade I sense then I'm giving it back and I'll keep it going too 🤣

Honestly tho OP I like my mood swings.. it lets ppl know not to fux with me 😌 but if you want to improve on this "superpower 💪🏿" then idk.. count to ten and tell yourself to snap out of it if you know you're being sensitive.
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Phantom_Dangus
Posted by emeraldgem

*mental note* - Don't joke with Cancer.

Thinking to myself that this is probably how I end up mysteriously pissing off my Cancer coworker.

If I didn't intend to hurt a Cancer and they stomp away like retards to sulk, I just shrug and ignore it until they come back normal lol.
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Lmao really?? Your last email to me was entirely passive aggressive and you definitely sulked. I see you taking offence to countless unimportant shit and taking everything personally on these boards almost daily.

When it’s not at all necessary.

No shade.
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Sjess
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Phantom_Dangus
Posted by emeraldgem

*mental note* - Don't joke with Cancer.

Thinking to myself that this is probably how I end up mysteriously pissing off my Cancer coworker.

If I didn't intend to hurt a Cancer and they stomp away like retards to sulk, I just shrug and ignore it until they come back normal lol.

Lmao really?? Your last email to me was entirely passive aggressive and you definitely sulked. I see you taking offence to countless unimportant shit and taking everything personally on these boards almost daily.

When it’s not at all necessary.

No shade.

It used to be much worse. No shade my ass, don't be cunty lol.
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No no actually no shade. I’m just saying exactly what I see. With no shade. Just the actual facts.
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Sjess
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Sjess
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Phantom_Dangus
Posted by emeraldgem

*mental note* - Don't joke with Cancer.

Thinking to myself that this is probably how I end up mysteriously pissing off my Cancer coworker.

If I didn't intend to hurt a Cancer and they stomp away like retards to sulk, I just shrug and ignore it until they come back normal lol.

Lmao really?? Your last email to me was entirely passive aggressive and you definitely sulked. I see you taking offence to countless unimportant shit and taking everything personally on these boards almost daily.

When it’s not at all necessary.

No shade.

It used to be much worse. No shade my ass, don't be cunty lol.

No no actually no shade. I’m just saying exactly what I see. With no shade. Just the actual facts.

"Facts" lol. Well you see shit wrong. I didn't and don't "sulk" over this shit, I just don't like you and didn't want you to email me.
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LMAO after you emailed me like crazy at first and then posted on here how you hate emailing people and they don’t answer you, and commented in my post about it. And after you comment on my comments just yesterday and like my posts??? Jesus. Now I’m convinced you aren’t just sensitive. You’re totally batchit!

No wonder you got kicked off of eharmony...Loco in the coco...

Byeeeeeee 😂
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I actually don’t take much personally. If someone is acting crazy or being rude, I just see it as a reflection of themselves and it has nothing to do with me! But I will tell you that any sign of batchitness or toxic personalities, I will legit cut them out immediately. Simply because life is too short to have that negative vibe all up in your grill. If someone is acting a certain way like that, it’s way easier and healthier to cut them loose, than to sit there giving them your undeserved attention, cause those types are leeches and will legit try to drag you down with their miserable asz 😂😂

Basically- just see it as “they are the people with a problem not you and you don’t need it”

But also- if you are too sensitive and get offended easily at the smallest thing when there is no need to, then maybe it’s something in you like an insecurity you could work on.

Posted by Yodi
Posted by Echo

As long as I don’t take the person personally, I’m all good. Which Idgaf what they have to say,

I usually joke around with sarcasm or dark humor

Same.. I'm the first one to laugh at myself or continue the roasting. If it's shade I sense then I'm giving it back and I'll keep it going too 🤣

Honestly tho OP I like my mood swings.. it lets ppl know not to fux with me 😌 but if you want to improve on this "superpower 💪🏿" then idk.. count to ten and tell yourself to snap out of it if you know you're being sensitive.
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If that knows me in a personal level and I shown my vulnerable side to them before. I can’t snap out of being sensitive when they joke around about something that’s important to me
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Sjess
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Sjess
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Sjess
Posted by Erinelda
Posted by Phantom_Dangus
Posted by emeraldgem

*mental note* - Don't joke with Cancer.

Thinking to myself that this is probably how I end up mysteriously pissing off my Cancer coworker.

If I didn't intend to hurt a Cancer and they stomp away like retards to sulk, I just shrug and ignore it until they come back normal lol.

Lmao really?? Your last email to me was entirely passive aggressive and you definitely sulked. I see you taking offence to countless unimportant shit and taking everything personally on these boards almost daily.

When it’s not at all necessary.

No shade.

It used to be much worse. No shade my ass, don't be cunty lol.

No no actually no shade. I’m just saying exactly what I see. With no shade. Just the actual facts.

"Facts" lol. Well you see shit wrong. I didn't and don't "sulk" over this shit, I just don't like you and didn't want you to email me.

LMAO after you emailed me like crazy at first and then posted on here how you hate emailing people and they don’t answer you, and commented in my post about it. And after you comment on my comments just yesterday and like my posts??? Jesus. Now I’m convinced you aren’t just sensitive. You’re totally batchit!

No wonder you got kicked off of eharmony...Loco in the coco...

Byeeeeeee 😂

Yeah yeah, we're all nuts. Everybody's nuts. Remember the day you were racist because you were "in a bad mood". Get the hell out of here my MY petty "crimes".

Are you like the new Lethal Fantasia with the behind the scenes PM game?

I wish I was that interesting lol But naw, she exaggerated her ass off because she is mad I don't like her.

Things said to me in private, stay in private because I have class.

When I first joined I emailed her once, just once to test my PMs to see if they work. She said she didn't get it but to try again. So I emailed her one more time with a question to test our Pm's. She ignored it, so I told her politely that I don't like to be told to message someone and just to be ignored DUH. Who the fuck does? It was standing in the way of my testing!

Then last week she started emailing me about a couple people, I tried to comfort her some but I only talked about stuff I said in public already and NO MORE. I didn't know if I could trust her so I told her a really silly story about myself to see how big her mouth was (my Scorpio mom taught me that one) and she spilled it the first chance she could. Gross.

Sometimes I go with wanting to fuck sex dolls lol, that one is always funny.

I think she had a picnic on top of a mountain in Texas at one point.

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Ohhh is that who that is?? The one that was being swept off her feet by the millionaire guy? 😂
Posted by Echo
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Echo

As long as I don’t take the person personally, I’m all good. Which Idgaf what they have to say,

I usually joke around with sarcasm or dark humor

Same.. I'm the first one to laugh at myself or continue the roasting. If it's shade I sense then I'm giving it back and I'll keep it going too 🤣

Honestly tho OP I like my mood swings.. it lets ppl know not to fux with me 😌 but if you want to improve on this "superpower 💪🏿" then idk.. count to ten and tell yourself to snap out of it if you know you're being sensitive.

If that knows me in a personal level and I shown my vulnerable side to them before. I can’t snap out of being sensitive when they joke around about something that’s important to me
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Yess.. I feel you.. That's when it's time to ice them until you're ready.
Posted by emeraldgem


Depends on the subject/thing for me.
Posted by Arielle83


I only take things personally when ppl make it a point to TRY and annoy me or go after me.

I mind my bunsiness unless attacked.

Then I’m like wtf, so I throw it back.

I’ve learned A LOT of ppl like REACTIONS.

So I’ve learned to avoid them or just stop talking.

Like on dxp, ppl get all personal when they don’t accept that your opinion could be different. I say my point and ignore them going on.

In my personal life, my bf is a shit stirrer. At first he is funny, and then he can get annoying.

I get tired and tell him he’s not funny and then he leaves me alone.

I do my thing, and then I have this 47 yr old puppy dog eyes at me looking for attention.

I’m not dealing with being annoyed.

I think cancers just easily get annoyed.

Not upset. you scratch his belly or give him treats?👩🏻‍🍳
I'm a female cancer sun capricorn moon. Maybe this isnt good advice for the average person but it's been working for me. Just stop caring. stop giving a feck. remind yourself that no one's opinion only has the power that YOU give it. I personally think this can be hard advice to follow however as it's really about your overall attitude rather than an in the moment thing. Perhaps if there is a specific person who is doing this tell yourself long before you see them again that you have decided to stop caring about what "blank" thinks and that your'e just gonna be yourself and youre gonna do and say exactly what you want regardless of what "blank" has to say about it. That's what i do when i need a reminder that i'm boss and a specific person is trying to get in the way of that.