b-vocal. unsolicited advice.

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by vgurl on Friday, September 22, 2006 and has 12 replies.

you are the person you choose to be. so choose to be the person who fulfills and brings to life the values you hold most dearly by focusing on what is truly meaningful, you will cause much real value and richness to spring forth from the life you live.
instead of jumping into conclusions and living life with judgment, give the benefit of the doubt. battling with the mind drains you, so why not let the person speak for themselves. you are the one who create your own monster. there is always something good with every person you meet.
go beyond merely appearing to be happy, and dive into the authentic joy of making a positive difference. give the best that you have to life, and you'll find each day to be even more fulfilling than the last.
being vocal doesn't mean ending up with nobody. for all great love involves great risks. if your love is stingy don't expect to receive a love that is full. someone who forgives little and keep a record or wrongs will only love little. love can never be calibrated for the true deeper meaning of it is endless.
live your life through unsolicited advice. your call.

awesome advice
i'm not sure if it's an advice. just want to share my thoughts. smile
disappointment is the child of expectation. How about just letting them show you who they are by their actions instead of making them into someone based on an impression and then being "disapointed" when they don't live up to something that YOU created?
Vanessa126...this sounds alot like Neptune is working overtime for you. Based on your age, it is possible that Neptune is conjunct your ascendant (Neptune was in 2 degrees capricorn around your birth).
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant: You're a dreamer who only wants to see the best in others. The truth is, you can perceive the highest potential in others even if they don't live up to it.
It could also be some hard aspect to Neptune to one of your planets. A shot in the dark maybe, but when you say people fool you "every time," well, it's probably not everyone else that is tricking you. You may, in fact, be fooling yourself...every time.
Also, if you do have Neptune Conjunction Ascendant...you probably are one Gorgeous Aquarian!
vanessa126, don't be too hard on yourself. relationships takes two and this is where compromise should begin. stay precious and never lose your faith on love just because of a heartbreak.
charge it to experience vanessa, it's better to be fooled than being the one who's trying to deceive people. in that way you knew you've been complete 'coz you knew you were able to love even if you were hurt. smile
i just noticed that almost half of the people here are suffering from unrequited love -- not knowing where they really stand in someone's life. all i can say is that, there won't be a victim if we don't allow ourselves to be a victim especially from our hurts, expectations and pains. nobody will be a gold digger if you don't want your gold to be digged. nobody will be uncomfortable if you make yourself uncomfortable.
it actually helps when you think that the person one is trying to love is NOT READY at all-- to give them the love that they need. love is not suppose to be hard and impossible to give because you don't need to impress other people, money is not either an issue neither age because love truly conquers everything. if you are ready to take a risk on love and you think and feel that the person is not ready to risk everything then that love is not worth giving at all. we can never ask someone to commit to us not unless they are ready.
i believe in that saying and somehow it made me realize that it's real, when i found my partner who made the love that i felt real. i didn't have to worry that i would lose him the next day, not even when i say hard words, make difficult decisions and i know that we will be together for our rest of our lives for conversation.
sometimes but not all times, these feelings can fool us but it can also sustain us. it can only be unreal depending on the person to whom it is given.
i think it's still better to be good though, the glory will be yours you may not be able to see it from now, but in time you will know; than be the one trying to use people to help them improve themselves.
remember the golden rule? don't do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you. smile

Great advice, VGurl. If everyone thought this way, we'd be fine...
Wonderful advice and powerful words. Amazingly though...some people are just not that deep. I tell my therapist that all the time. Just because I am a thinker and meditate. I normally don't attract those types. Well I do but I never realize it unitl after we are done with one another.
More men need to think harder and meditate. It seems like us women have it together (well most of us Winking )
You know it, Karima!! smile