Been feeling down lately

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Wanderlustcancerian24 on Saturday, August 19, 2017 and has 3 replies.
I don't know if I'm the only one who gets this way when I feel down, but I just tune the whole world out. I could stay inside my home and watch tv or sleep until the pain goes away, or until I'm ready to be social again. I hate that I give people the power to control my emotions but I'm 25 and not too sure how to fix this problem. Met a libra who clearly isn't into me, but my hopeful self still sees that maybe he'll just come around, I've told him how I felt and cared after an altercation we had and never received a response, but instead of responding he's just been viewing my snaps and that's been bothering me, but I'm just not good at all the mind games and it makes me feel stupid I told him how I felt in the first place. It had been two weeks since I last told him I cared for him for the first time and so last night I thought I would message a picture of myself (nothing sexual, just a cute pic) and he messaged back a picture that we once took together two weeks ago, so I messaged him a video we took of us kissing, which is all the relationship which was short lived ever led to. He didn't respond so then I asked if he could FaceTime and he said he just got out of work, so I responded with so is that a yes... and he said no I'm out right now. So I proceeded to ask him if he would just come over so we could talk because I want to see him, and we don't need to go to my apartment or anything. He asked if I was drunk and I responded with no, why? That's when I got no response. The only conversation we've had in 2 weeks and I feel stupid. I'm and out of sight out of mind person, so when I feel that someone is continually hurting me I block them or delete them from everything. I feel if he cared things would be different but I don't understand why I'm living off hope that maybe he'll come around and things will be be different or maybe he's just not ready to express how he feels. So if it were y'all, would you delete him from everything? And How to do I get to the root of why I feel down? I know it's a lot deeper than just this but I'm tired of feeling this way. I just want to find my happiness within... sorry for the rant but I feel I don't have anyone to talk to about this or get advice. Can someone please help or is anyone able to relate to a situation like this?
I'll keep it simple as a Mars in Cancer with Water dominance in my chart [ I'm a crying li'l girl inside.]

Just cut it. You're attached to a guy that's not into you, and that's all you really have to say. The fact that you kept sending snaps and generally attempting contact with someone that split with you after a short period of time in which you only kissed is NOT GOOD.

You're cruisin' for a bruisin' here, girl.

Seriously, respect yourself. BLOCK HIM, first and foremost. Out of sight IS TRULY out of mind. You deserve none of this shit behavior he's given you, so pick yourself up and get going WITHOUT HIM.

Take a fancy bath, or a nice walk with a book that's intrigued you. Go do something POSITIVE.
Posted by Wanderlustcancerian24
I don't know if I'm the only one who gets this way when I feel down, but I just tune the whole world out. I could stay inside my home and watch tv or sleep until the pain goes away, or until I'm ready to be social again. I hate that I give people the power to control my emotions but I'm 25 and not too sure how to fix this problem. Met a libra who clearly isn't into me, but my hopeful self still sees that maybe he'll just come around, I've told him how I felt and cared after an altercation we had and never received a response, but instead of responding he's just been viewing my snaps and that's been bothering me, but I'm just not good at all the mind games and it makes me feel stupid I told him how I felt in the first place. It had been two weeks since I last told him I cared for him for the first time and so last night I thought I would message a picture of myself (nothing sexual, just a cute pic) and he messaged back a picture that we once took together two weeks ago, so I messaged him a video we took of us kissing, which is all the relationship which was short lived ever led to. He didn't respond so then I asked if he could FaceTime and he said he just got out of work, so I responded with so is that a yes... and he said no I'm out right now. So I proceeded to ask him if he would just come over so we could talk because I want to see him, and we don't need to go to my apartment or anything. He asked if I was drunk and I responded with no, why? That's when I got no response. The only conversation we've had in 2 weeks and I feel stupid. I'm and out of sight out of mind person, so when I feel that someone is continually hurting me I block them or delete them from everything. I feel if he cared things would be different but I don't understand why I'm living off hope that maybe he'll come around and things will be be different or maybe he's just not ready to express how he feels. So if it were y'all, would you delete him from everything? And How to do I get to the root of why I feel down? I know it's a lot deeper than just this but I'm tired of feeling this way. I just want to find my happiness within... sorry for the rant but I feel I don't have anyone to talk to about this or get advice. Can someone please help or is anyone able to relate to a situation like this?
Try occupying your mind with excercise, sometimes the higher powers are giving us a sign and our hearts are to wrapped up in wanting something that we ignore the sign. Maybe now isn't the time. I find once the root is there you can't remove it so easily like the root of a tree; only way to remove it is through destruction and that is not a path you should consider following. I had an experience where I couldn't let go and delete the person because I wanted things to workout so badly that I was willing to let myself be treated so roughly in hopes of them staying with me, eventually I did let go but it took some tearful days to get it in my head. With libras I find that things always seem good at the beginning but they like playing mind games on and off relationships a ceaseless game of chase.

Just remember never settle for less because there is always someone out there ready to worship the very ground you walk on if you'll just be patient! I'll pray for you though.

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