Posted by virgo29I think this is the same with Cancer women... LIKE ME!
Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man
This how u date a cancer man
All you have to do is let HIM date YOU. Period. Let him plan & lead. The most you do is just show up, be sweet & be beautiful. Do nothing else! Don't chase him, stalk him, initiate too many calls/texts/emails. Know that YOU are the PRIZE. Don't lose YOURSELF when dating these men.
Posted by virgo29HAHA this makes them sound like gigantic babies who can't fucking handle life.
Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man
This how u date a cancer man
All you have to do is let HIM date YOU. Period. Let him plan & lead. The most you do is just show up, be sweet & be beautiful. Do nothing else! Don't chase him, stalk him, initiate too many calls/texts/emails. Know that YOU are the PRIZE. Don't lose YOURSELF when dating these men.
How to act with cancer man:
Once he's won your time, u can really start to shine. When u two are around each other give him the time of his life. Focus on being unforgettable. Make him smile & feel relaxed. Be fun and sweet but not too mushy or emotional (don't turn him into your therapist) Just Be Yourself ! Try to SHOW HIM how u feel about him rather than telling him you cant breathe without him. Show him your feelings with out words. If you & him are just starting out, break the ice by touching him first. While you two are talking, touch his shoulder or knee. Let him know you are interested with your gestures. If you are bold like me, give him a girly kiss on the cheek! Or throw your arms around him. This will help if you're a really gorgeous girl, he won't feel too scared of u. The key is to be friendly with a little innocent flirting. If u are shy, be girly & smile a lot. Always laugh at his jokes & look feminine. Shy girls are very hot too.
How to speak to a cancer man:
Speak with tenderness. Don't say one critical thing about him. Don't be all forceful with him. If he doesn't do something u want, don't complain about it...just do it your darn self and get over it. Always choose your words carefully. Let him see that u are a safe haven or shelter to go to. When the world says he's crabby, moody, blah blah....u think he's absolutely awesome just the way he is!
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeWhy does he sound like a baby. That's an immature cancer.. I used to be like this. But I've matured into a less sensitive cancer.
"How to speak to a cancer man:
Speak with tenderness. Don't say one critical thing about him. Don't be all forceful with him. If he doesn't do something u want, don't complain about it...just do it your darn self and get over it. Always choose your words carefully. Let him see that u are a safe haven or shelter to go to. When the world says he's crabby, moody, blah blah....u think he's absolutely awesome just the way he is! "
Posted by ChrisIsKodakActually I have never been the one any cancer boys have cheated on, I've just known several cancer boys who have admitted to me, to cheating and lying to their GF. I just recently had a convo with one who explained to me how, even if he was completely in love with a girl, he was sure he would still cheat, because he wants to, but would be furious if that girl cheated on him.Posted by Shellyd238Not bitter at all I see.Posted by virgo29HAHA this makes them sound like gigantic babies who can't fucking handle life.
Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man
This how u date a cancer man
All you have to do is let HIM date YOU. Period. Let him plan & lead. The most you do is just show up, be sweet & be beautiful. Do nothing else! Don't chase him, stalk him, initiate too many calls/texts/emails. Know that YOU are the PRIZE. Don't lose YOURSELF when dating these men.
How to act with cancer man:
Once he's won your time, u can really start to shine. When u two are around each other give him the time of his life. Focus on being unforgettable. Make him smile & feel relaxed. Be fun and sweet but not too mushy or emotional (don't turn him into your therapist) Just Be Yourself ! Try to SHOW HIM how u feel about him rather than telling him you cant breathe without him. Show him your feelings with out words. If you & him are just starting out, break the ice by touching him first. While you two are talking, touch his shoulder or knee. Let him know you are interested with your gestures. If you are bold like me, give him a girly kiss on the cheek! Or throw your arms around him. This will help if you're a really gorgeous girl, he won't feel too scared of u. The key is to be friendly with a little innocent flirting. If u are shy, be girly & smile a lot. Always laugh at his jokes & look feminine. Shy girls are very hot too.
How to speak to a cancer man:
Speak with tenderness. Don't say one critical thing about him. Don't be all forceful with him. If he doesn't do something u want, don't complain about it...just do it your darn self and get over it. Always choose your words carefully. Let him see that u are a safe haven or shelter to go to. When the world says he's crabby, moody, blah blah....u think he's absolutely awesome just the way he is!
Also I can say with 100% accuracy that some of them like pushing buttons just to make you mad. they like you when you're mad. they like the fire.
the bottom line is that cancer boys are the reason the term "have your cake, and eat it too" exists. they aren't fare, they want everything exactly the way they want it, and only when they want it, and your feelings and opinions do. not. matter. at. all.
Sure, go head and kowtow to them if you can stomach it, hopefully you'll find one that wont cheat or lie to to expand
Posted by SeraphlightLMAO I hate you (joking)Posted by SeraphlightThat convo should have gone on for ten more mins. canoodling!Posted by AquariusJan25
This is exactly what I'm doing, turned into an option to the Cancer female I was talking to. Few days ago she hit me with a "I love you" text in which I responded with "I love you more" since then nothing. I'm out living my life while she's out talking/dating whoever she's talking to now..I can't be bothered.![]()
OMG she should have given you a 'no i love you more' to expand
Posted by AquariusJan25Cancers love the attention. If they aren't getting it somewhere else, they seek others. Not very fair.Posted by SeraphlightLMAO I hate you (joking)Posted by SeraphlightThat convo should have gone on for ten more mins. canoodling!Posted by AquariusJan25
This is exactly what I'm doing, turned into an option to the Cancer female I was talking to. Few days ago she hit me with a "I love you" text in which I responded with "I love you more" since then nothing. I'm out living my life while she's out talking/dating whoever she's talking to now..I can't be bothered.![]()
OMG she should have given you a 'no i love you more' ..
No but seriously it's something that always happens. Like I explained we're both going about our lives differently but yet she will send these random "i love you" text, telling me special I am to her only to receive another message from her a week or two down the line..which will be another random "I love you" text to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeSo, basically kiss his ass. Don't stand up for yourself, and walk on eggshells so he doesn't fall apart? The fuck? Nah.
"How to speak to a cancer man:
Speak with tenderness. Don't say one critical thing about him. Don't be all forceful with him. If he doesn't do something u want, don't complain about it...just do it your darn self and get over it. Always choose your words carefully. Let him see that u are a safe haven or shelter to go to. When the world says he's crabby, moody, blah blah....u think he's absolutely awesome just the way he is! "
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeAquarius woman are the most authentic pretty little ladies you will meet. Keep that in mind
"Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man"
be yourself, we like authentic motherfukers
Posted by MissGemmisame experience here , but cancer menPosted by AquariusJan25Same here. I get a text every one or two weeks. I miss u, thinking of you, am I going to see you ever again. It sucks. I just get along and respond like automatic piolot, but I'm over it to be honest. At first I thought it was serious and real, now I feel as if she just checks her contactlist and then randomly sends people texts for the attention she might get of people. There's no meaning to the texts she sends, because when I send back, she will respond one or two days later. Whatever...Posted by SeraphlightLMAO I hate you (joking)Posted by SeraphlightThat convo should have gone on for ten more mins. canoodling!Posted by AquariusJan25
This is exactly what I'm doing, turned into an option to the Cancer female I was talking to. Few days ago she hit me with a "I love you" text in which I responded with "I love you more" since then nothing. I'm out living my life while she's out talking/dating whoever she's talking to now..I can't be bothered.![]()
OMG she should have given you a 'no i love you more' ..
No but seriously it's something that always happens. Like I explained we're both going about our lives differently but yet she will send these random "i love you" text, telling me special I am to her only to receive another message from her a week or two down the line..which will be another random "I love you" text LMAO.
click to expand
Posted by ChrisIsKodakI think all men can cheat and lie, except Taurus men will be honest and keep the relationship open until ready to commit.Posted by Shellyd238Not bitter at all I see.Posted by virgo29HAHA this makes them sound like gigantic babies who can't fucking handle life.
Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man
This how u date a cancer man
All you have to do is let HIM date YOU. Period. Let him plan & lead. The most you do is just show up, be sweet & be beautiful. Do nothing else! Don't chase him, stalk him, initiate too many calls/texts/emails. Know that YOU are the PRIZE. Don't lose YOURSELF when dating these men.
How to act with cancer man:
Once he's won your time, u can really start to shine. When u two are around each other give him the time of his life. Focus on being unforgettable. Make him smile & feel relaxed. Be fun and sweet but not too mushy or emotional (don't turn him into your therapist) Just Be Yourself ! Try to SHOW HIM how u feel about him rather than telling him you cant breathe without him. Show him your feelings with out words. If you & him are just starting out, break the ice by touching him first. While you two are talking, touch his shoulder or knee. Let him know you are interested with your gestures. If you are bold like me, give him a girly kiss on the cheek! Or throw your arms around him. This will help if you're a really gorgeous girl, he won't feel too scared of u. The key is to be friendly with a little innocent flirting. If u are shy, be girly & smile a lot. Always laugh at his jokes & look feminine. Shy girls are very hot too.
How to speak to a cancer man:
Speak with tenderness. Don't say one critical thing about him. Don't be all forceful with him. If he doesn't do something u want, don't complain about it...just do it your darn self and get over it. Always choose your words carefully. Let him see that u are a safe haven or shelter to go to. When the world says he's crabby, moody, blah blah....u think he's absolutely awesome just the way he is!
Also I can say with 100% accuracy that some of them like pushing buttons just to make you mad. they like you when you're mad. they like the fire.
the bottom line is that cancer boys are the reason the term "have your cake, and eat it too" exists. they aren't fare, they want everything exactly the way they want it, and only when they want it, and your feelings and opinions do. not. matter. at. all.
Sure, go head and kowtow to them if you can stomach it, hopefully you'll find one that wont cheat or lie to to expand