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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
I'm so happy for you. And also so glad that twins don't run in my family so I don't have to give birth to two at once. I think I'd much prefer one at a time.
Oh and Haffo shut up. They weren't planing to have a baby it just happened and I'm pretty sure everyone would rather raise their kids in a nice stable family with two parents but it can't always happen can it.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1857 · Topics: 45 did it kid! you did it! and the aquarian cuties are here....congrats. - you've made my day with those pics....and your account of the birth...well, it brings back memories:-)
As for Haffo, there are times to talk and times to be silent! Your silence would now be deeply appreciated by me and 99.9% of people on this board - if you can't say anything nice.....then just zip it!!!!:-) .... ooooh and as for we're gonna lose your respect...well, I think I for one, can just about get through my day without your "respect"!
This post is all about Cancerlady and happy speak, happy's not about YOU and your negative remarks....believe it or believe it not!!
Once again CL - you look terrific and so do the babes:-)
Alana x
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
"And you think that's right?"
no, that would be wrong! however, this is certainly not the case here!!!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Beautiful photos.. thanks for sharing it with us..
You know? you are lucky lady to have those angels? and they are lucky angels to have you as mother..
Congrats lady? and I wish you all the best happiness and luck..
And never mind this local hooligan. Called haffool?
He is a fool you know?
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
HAHAHAHA, a 'haffooligan' you mean!? LOL
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Mar 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2804 · Topics: 142
Oh yeah...did I mention
I went from 218lbs to 170 in one week! Only about 10 more lbs to lose! No post-pregnancy fatness for me...
Eating healthy and excercising when you are pregnant pays of big time...
Oh and my boobs....WOW! Can you say D? I am considering implants...cruel evil trick God plays on small breasted women. Give them to you then take them away LOL
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Sep 26, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 20
2 sharks swimming in opposite directions:
Beautiful,beautiful the tough guy in me is close to tears. Good job CL.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
They are very lovely C-Lady, as you are. You're going to be a wonderful mommy. Thanks for sharing your joy with us.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
They are very lovely C-Lady, as you are. You're going to be a wonderful mommy. Thanks for sharing your joy with us.
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
wtf, they kicked out haffo's posts!? i feel a bit restricted now! (by dxp!)
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Mar 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2804 · Topics: 142
Just goes to show you...
DON'T F with the DXP GODS!
They will strike you down!!!!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
They look just like you, C-Lady. It's uncanny, the resemblance. Are you sure that there was a man involved in thier making? Well, we know what the two ladies are going to look like 20 years from now. Hot, just like their momma !!!!
I'm fine Tiamat. Been gone for a while, trying to get myself together. Don't know if I got anywhere different, but, I tried. The grandbaby is doing great. He's growing so fast - almost 9 months old now. Seeing how precious C-Lady's angels are - I want to have one too. I guess all us girls are thinking the same thing. Our instincts kicking in and wanting little ones of our own.
How have you been?
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Apr 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 53
Yayyy congrats Cancermamaduece and da dxp has censored an unecessary remark from haffo can u say male menopause lol anyways your 2 angels will give u joy blessins of the most high
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Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
happy giving birth CL (if that was ever a joyous moment)
my friend is such a dumbass, it took him 10 minutes to figure out you had twins.
anyway i wasnt here to read haffos comments but whatever it was probably sounded stupid.
anyway congrats and give them lots of play dough and lego, well not now i mean when their older.
you have twice as much poop and youll go poor on their birthdays unless you can make then share a gift like buy a playstation 5 and buy ONE game. save money that way.
they have eachother for company though. all i did was fall off the bed and crack my head open.
anyway good luck witht he twin terrors especially when they turn into teenagers. imagine that. you did didnt you now your all scared when they turn 13.
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Mar 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2804 · Topics: 142
LOL Thanks for the advice Tia and Ill...
DAEMON! I MISSED YOU! Where you been?
P-Angel...Actually Miesha looks alot like her dad. She has his nose and makes the same face when she is irritated. It is funny, I just laugh at her! Kioni looks alot like me when I was a baby. I was looking at my baby pics the other day, I was a big-headed baby! LOL
Big congratulation from down under CL!!
Now the real fun begins....
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Mar 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2804 · Topics: 142
I think baby talk is stupid anyway...I never got the point of it. Goo goo, gaga, DUMB!
I might as well have them watch Teletubbies if I want them to be blithering idiots! Since I learned to read at four, I am doing things my mother did like repeating the alphabet to them at least once a day. When they get a bit older, I will start reading to them. Can't hurt!
The only thing is that I TOTALLY SUCK at math and am only okay at sciences...which is important also. I guess I'll figure that out as we go...