Cancer 2012 rebirth?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by HighTide on Thursday, November 29, 2012 and has 11 replies.
For some reason 2012 has been alot better in terms of my emotional development and security compared to the last few years. As a Cancer I have been notorious for hanging on to the past, stemming even like 15-20 years back. 2012 was a breakthrough for me as I am 29 now and lived almost my entire 20's in some weird dreamworld where I idealized romance and tried to rationalize my childhood, who I was and what everything that happened meant.
From 2009-2011 I was stuck in this vortex of trying to reconnect with people I knew in the past and getting way to sentimental about stuff no one really cared about anymore. I eventually came to the conclusion that..

-You can't relive the past and there is no way you can change it(You can rationalize it but most likely you made the best decision you could at the time and there was nothing that could have changed who you were meant to be at that time)
-The people you cared about can be always be important but they will never feel as deeply about things in the past like you can. Best to accept what they are doing and who they are today. Don't get caught up wanting the good old days as you can create those now if u can learn to live "in the now".
-Meeting new people and getting out of the routine of the same old people can help alot. It can give you alot of new ideas about how life can be meaningful today instead of how you wanted it to be based on the past.
I think if Cancers learn to think this way we can be less depressed overall. We have a set of ideals that prevent us from
Also I found this an interesting tidbit that I think is interesting for Cancers
Saturn has been weighing heavily on your family and home sector over the past few years, bringing plenty of challenges your way. On one hand, this has been an incredibly grounding time filled with enough reality checks to put you firmly in touch with truth. It's also revealed the importance of your roots, although it may have brought a wake of suffering, either through loss of relatives or a major strain on family relations. Take heart, dear Cancer -- all is about to lighten up as Saturn moves out of a difficult aspect to your stars. When this cosmic taskmaster moves into your love and creativity sector in November, you'll get serious about making more time for romance and self-expression. This also means you'll be disciplined about your passions instead of throwing your precious energy around willy-nilly!
What I've learned as a young Cancer to now... i am the only one that can fulfill my emotional needs. I used to dream I had this amazing bond with my family and friends. Only to be continually disappointed by their actions and left scratching my head wondering
"why do they not feel the same way about me? Why do they not give to me, the way I give to them." It was a complete dreamworld filled with expectations.
I realized that I will always go through transformation with friends and family... once I accept the people in my life for who they are and not what I wish they would be. I am a natural giver... this is what I do and I can't change that. So when I feel that a relationship has become too one sided, and the other(s) can not/ does not feel compelled to give back what I NEED as a person.. I can let go or re-position that person/relationship in my life.
Being able to accept people/ or not accept people for who they are... I can not stand when people try to put conditions on me. I think this is big for Cancers. We have a lot of expectations but wow do we balk when people try to tell us what to do! Very hypocritical. So.. I'll let you be you... but you best step off and let me be me.
I've just reached this stage with a group of friends I've had for about 4 years. Not long in Cancer years but I'm changing and they are not liking it. Getting guilt trips and comments on how I'm not "giving" to them the way I used to. I am not obligated to them for anything...and visa/versa.
Definitely a re-positioning going on but I am more emotionally stable when it comes to outer-world influences than ever before. My inner struggles... well
omg!finally i meet my true fellow cancerian i can sympathise and relate with. are u a male or female? anyways...i do totally agree with you about this year! its been relatively relaxing as compared to the last. but i still sometimes wonder lately if i will ever get over the whole love relationship emotional baggage in my life..whether i could get back to being happy from the inside again..whther i could let go of the past finally and make peace with it. i m doing okay but sometimes yes there are those guilt nice to read your post! you are amazing! i will surely love to stay in contact with you...maybe you could heal me a 100% by your advice...
Posted by HighTide
For some reason 2012 has been alot better in terms of my emotional development and security compared to the last few years. As a Cancer I have been notorious for hanging on to the past, stemming even like 15-20 years back. 2012 was a breakthrough for me as I am 29 now and lived almost my entire 20's in some weird dreamworld where I idealized romance and tried to rationalize my childhood, who I was and what everything that happened meant.

yes yes yes.
I just turned thirty and that shit is gone now. The past is the past and ive left it there, I took only the parts that make me the amazing person I am today and scrapped the rest.
Romance? it's nice, I might like it sometime but no longer feel I *need* it and letsface it..we never did. So happy I know it now.
Posted by HighTide

From 2009-2011 I was stuck in this vortex of trying to reconnect with people I knew in the past and getting way to sentimental about stuff no one really cared about anymore.

was there too.

Posted by HighTide

Saturn has been weighing heavily on your family and home sector over the past few years, bringing plenty of challenges your way. On one hand, this has been an incredibly grounding time filled with enough reality checks to put you firmly in touch with truth. It's also revealed the importance of your roots, although it may have brought a wake of suffering, either through loss of relatives or a major strain on family relations. Take heart, dear Cancer -- all is about to lighten up as Saturn moves out of a difficult aspect to your stars. When this cosmic taskmaster moves into your love and creativity sector in November, you'll get serious about making more time for romance and self-expression. This also means you'll be disciplined about your passions instead of throwing your precious energy around willy-nilly!

click to expand

K youre freakin me out now.
-spine shiver-
I dunno about you but the last 5 years sucked super badly, and I'm actually thankful in hindsight because I have never evolved quite so quickly!
Good thread!

Great responses everyone, just wanted to throw in a few last things
-Most people(relatives,friends,etc) come back around eventually(The beauty of life is that sometimes people go into reset mode and are willing to let bygones be bygones and forgive, it just takes times and patience to see how the cycle of life works and I don't believe you fully grasp this until you have had experience with enough people and situations. In the meantime don't dwell on those people as they will be there again in their proper time and place where you can handle it in the way you should have to begin with and see that you got worked up over stuff that was petty and a waste of time and energy.Sometimes you will also realize that you severely overrated someone or a situation in the past and that its actually wasn't as fun or epic as it really was. When you are in a depression wanting to be around people again you can look at things with severe rose colored glasses hindering the present and future.
-Focusing on an ex lover not realizing it wasn't meant to be is a killer to Cancer personal growth. Since we like to find one person and cling to them it can hard for us to move on like we should even if we know they aren't the one for us. I think if you take a past relationships and look at them as like a college credit type thing you can see certain people are put into your life to either help you grow as a person, expose what you really need to work on inside or what you really can/can't handle in a day to day relationship. I think also when you learn to not take rejection personally you can see that everyone out there is really trying to find the person that is most compatible with them and that feelings are going to get hurt along the way as that is just part of the process. We Cancer's have probably hurt alot of people that we aren't attracted to for the longhaul so we can't have a double edge sword going if we are guilty of the same thing just because its now being done to us and that it sucks. I think we need to work on the former the most in order not to repeat destructive behavior patterns that can take us years to work through.
I just think the past is the worst place for a Cancer to live mentally as it is a very lonely place that isn't real anymore and just makes the present seem much worse than it actually can be. I still think its good to have time where you address it as our dreamworld can be fun if we are in a good mood. Don't let it rob you of your life thou
also for fun I like to listen to this song to remind me there is so much more life to live and more fun to be had
do you really think this, "bad luck" or whatever is over??
"Saturn has been weighing heavily on your family and home sector over the past few years, bringing plenty of challenges your way. On one hand, this has been an incredibly grounding time filled with enough reality checks to put you firmly in touch with truth. It's also revealed the importance of your roots, although it may have brought a wake of suffering, either through loss of relatives or a major strain on family relations. Take heart, dear Cancer -- all is about to lighten up as Saturn moves out of a difficult aspect to your stars. When this cosmic taskmaster moves into your love and creativity sector in November, you'll get serious about making more time for romance and self-expression. This also means you'll be disciplined about your passions instead of throwing your precious energy around willy-nilly!"
that part really spoke to me
in the last five years I had a parent die, a divorce, Had to walk away from a toxic best friend, and had to move away from a very close family member. I had to deal with the family house/estate while living on the other side of the country, and ended up being unable to salvage a lot of the belongings from the house.
I of course thought a LOT about "my roots" during all of this..
and November.. yeh I was a catalyst in ending what seemed to be a dead end romance..I was fine with the status quo until suddenly i just wanted more, and it ended.
I mean does your paragraph describe my reality or what???
could it the shit-storm over now??

@CancerLeoDyno... Check out Saturn Return. You're at the Age..
Posted by shellshocker
@CancerLeoDyno... Check out Saturn Return. You're at the Age..

That certainly seems to explain a few things!
Like.. everything.
Like they wrote it after having read my secret journals n stuff...
I'm not bitter about any of it so it can only all be for the best!
Lessons learned dear Saturn, now kindly piss off won't you?

I think that Saturn liked staying in our home/family sector a little more than we were comfortable with because there were layers upon layers that needed to be addressed. He is very un-nerving at first but he gets you to see how things really are so that you are not obligated to be a slave to it anymore. He likes to say things like "Look, do you see people caring about this anymore, "why should you, why do you?". Saturn makes you see things for how they actually were all along in such a way that promotes slow internal self growth at the expense of tedious trial and error. He leaves you better off than you were, but the ride isn't fun whatsoever for a Cancer.
He is currently in our old pal the Scorpio's home/family sector for a while but he also is now in our romance sector as well so we have to face the truths on how we can find what we really want in a relationship while actually being realistic about it. Jupiter is involved in this too and gives us luck to have random meetings with people we normally wouldn't.
You and your breakup has to do with the influence of Pluto that is also involved in the relationship sector along with Pluto and Jupiter right now.
You can either be at the mercy of Pluto's provocation to change, or you can take matters into your own hands. It can be humbling to look soberly at the area of life in which you feel powerless, worked over, dissed by the Universe -- but by doing this, you can try to understand and alter your own reactions. You still might be brought to your knees, but while there you'll rest assured that Pluto's dark and punishing face is that of a tough, but loving teacher, leading you toward a more authentic experience of yourself.
My opinion is that Saturn will enjoy working with Pluto in the Cancer romance department going forward as it will force you to take control if you want to be happy with someone while keeping those realistic expectations.Having Jupiter there is nice as having his luck on your side can counteract the traditional Cancer shyness in meeting people.
2013 will be a good year as Jupiter will be even more involved giving even more randomness to life, also having Uranus there at certain points to give us a rebellious streak will give us the power not to feel obligated to people since we are sick of the past and all the burdens it brought to our lives for so long.We spend years with Saturn overcoming it and we don't wanna go back now. People will judge you more harshly during this time
Posted by HighTide
I think that Saturn liked staying in our home/family sector a little more than we were comfortable with because there were layers upon layers that needed to be addressed. He is very un-nerving at first but he gets you to see how things really are so that you are not obligated to be a slave to it anymore. He likes to say things like "Look, do you see people caring about this anymore, "why should you, why do you?". Saturn makes you see things for how they actually were all along in such a way that promotes slow internal self growth at the expense of tedious trial and error. He leaves you better off than you were, but the ride isn't fun whatsoever for a Cancer.

Yes I feel this -nod-
The amount of growth I achieved over the last 5 years of COMPLETE AND UTTER HELL has been amazing, I honestly would do it all over again because I see SPECIFICALLY how each and every -realllly- shitty thing that happened, directly influenced me to grow as a person, evolve as an emotional being etc. I am happier in life now than I have EVER been, and ever thought I could be.
True story.
My current relationship woes seem to be a test.. did I learn my lesson from the previous fuckups? I seem to have..rather than wasting 5 years torturing myself, I was willing to walk away after 6 months because it wasn't progressing where I wanted it to. In the past I'd have settled for whatever a man was willing to give. No way in HELL would I -ever- settle for less than what makes me feel respected.
funny thing though, before I was able to end things he just sorta disappeared so I dunno if its done or on hold or, going somewhere amazing haha. I guess thats part of the test.. learning to let go..learning to be ok regardless.
also, im leo moon and aquarias rising so I have -no- shyness meeting people smile
I do have a lot of hangups about sexual intimacy that need to be overcome but with everything in my life, I have no doubt I will fix it in time!