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Apr 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 39
Hey guys,
So I just wanted to share with you all that I am not the least interested in cancer men. Here is one reason why...... I matched with a guy and we exchanged numbers THAT day. He is blowing my phone up and that night asks to call me. I told him I was going to sleep and it wasn't a good time. The next day he calls me (mind you, I haven't even met this guy before) lol. I answer and he is telling me all about myself. Like things that he knows that I didn't put on the dating app. Like he looked me up or something -___-. Then after telling me all of that he told me he was a cancer and he loves to talk on the phone and that's how we would be communicating because he hates texting. I told him ummmmm NO. I am a cancer too and while I like talking on the phone, I prefer to get to know someone through texting first then maybe have a casual conversation on the phone. He was so quick to be like ok well I got to go back to work now but I am going to facetime you in a bit. Well, he called me later and I didn't answer and he texted me and I was super short with him. He texted me today and I haven't even responded... maybe he will get the picture without me actually having to express that I am not interested at all. ha. He was intense. I am a cancer and don't even act like that. I am very aware that it has to do with your full natal chart and not just your sun sign but I just thought I would share that.