Signed Up: Nov 08, 2011 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1 · Topics: 1
Cancers how did you decide your college major. due to being extremely indecisive, I can not decide on a college major. How did you decide and was able to stick with it.
Signed Up: Jun 10, 2010 Comments: 0 · Posts: 223 · Topics: 19
Posted by Shell84 Cancers how did you decide your college major. due to being extremely indecisive, I can not decide on a college major. How did you decide and was able to stick with it.
I made the decision how most Cancer's probably make their career decisions, based on money lol. I chose IT as a profession because it pays well first and foremost...throughout school I changed my mind several times of what I'd eventually end up doing in IT but I ended up in Healthcare IT, specifically software administration. It allows me to be somewhat creative in my job and also gives me something cut and dry to do so I can head home when the day is over without much worry and collect my nice paycheck every 2 weeks lol. I've been doing it 6 years now and I'm glad I made the decisions I did.