cancer boys and aqua girls, I NEEEEEEED YOU!!!!!!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by loimelu on Thursday, July 23, 2009 and has 9 replies.
okay. i'm gonna try to make this short. 4 years ago i met this hot sweet smart fine as hell demon in the sack cancer boy. yada yada yada, we'd make love, we'd screw, we were just friends, we'd go for ages without talking to each other blah blah blah BUT whenever we hang out we have awesome fun, long talks, hot sex, lotsa spooning, the whole nine yards. he's sweet, like too sweet, like recording songs into my voicemail sweet but he's also mr. ghost, mr. i'm busy, mr. i'm stressed out (for 6 months out of the year, every year). once he confessed "i'm so horny but i don't want to have sex because then i'll just start being weird" and i was like WOO HOO, he know's he's a psycho, it's out in the open, we can be done with this...then i didn't hear from him for 3 months.
so basically, all my friends think i'm totally retarded. "you could do better" "he's just not that into you (THEY EVEN MADE A MOVIE ABOUT IT. ha)" "he's an idiot" "he's using you" "you're convenient"...but when he's with me, it doesn't feel that way. not even a little bit. when he's
so that's my dilemma. everyone is screaming "NO NO NO NO NO!" and i'm totally going along with it, i haven't called him and i don't intend to...i don't wanna be that idiot chick. but it feels really wrong. i want him around. i don't want to lose him. i know that i might, i know that but...i dunno. soooooo, i'm not just looking for random cancer advice, i know they're all totally insane (and that's not me being a hater, yes, i am an aqua girl BUT i also have a cancer moon so i know all about crazy. all about it.), i know he's gonna be oddly forgetful but remember random shit, i know he's gonna be moody and secretive, jealous, prone to depressive fits, obsessed with staying home; i know all these things not because i've read them somewhere but becuase that's just how he is. i like that stuff. but am i as retarded as my friends say i am? do i give up? and more importantly, for me at least, are there any aqua girls out there who've had similar situations with pyscho crab men and actually had it work out (or crab boys who played hard to get for half a decade? how did it end?) ? do all these stories end with a girl throwing her hand in the air and walking away? if you're out there, holler at me 'cause i'm working with a whole bunch of nothin right now...
Cancerz have issues..girls or boys honestly i do not like them
Im no cancer just born on the cusp(A July Leo)
Aquaz are fun they need Geminiz
" i'm working with a whole bunch of nothin right now..." there is your answer. I agree with tasha. forget it
This Aqua girl is will never date a cancer man...too much work
geeeeeeeee girls...u r being mean hey????
hey loimelu....
wish i could help but also working with a bunch of nothing...the difference with me is that he has only been back once and that was before we started "having somethin". now he has been gone for almost a month and strangely he asked me to forget about him and then he says he CAN NOT talk to me intead HE DOES NOT WANT TO talk to me...go figure...
all i think in your case, is that if he is all that and keeps coming back..maybe its not cause you are a retard?? maybe he does like you somehow and if he is as you say a ghost.... he might have his reasons...
my advice: if u like him around and u dont mind being the "retard" then dont change cause everyone tells you what you think its right for u and what u really what for you!!!
take care and good luck!!!
LOL... to be honest i don't see a relationship out of this, if any guy no matter what sign know a girl that give it up easily isn't girlfriend material. When he find the girl that actually not so sexually friendly with people, he may not even remember your name. I with your friends, he's using you.
Btw you seem to be dicknotize.
babe....i made an account just to reply to this...yes i am crazy too! i was in a relationship with a cancer guy, we knew each other 4 years..on and off...he was half white half tunisian and i am we were very different to begin with...we got together for real last yr...i told my family of him and i went through very tough times with my fam...i was unbelievably naive to think they would accept him...(i was only 19..he was 20)...still we tried to make it work...and he led me on until July last year...i would wait for his calls his texts but he dissapeared, yet he still kept me in the fuckin picture, he had another friend i knew he was close to but i gave him the benfit of the doubt...all the while having a VERY bad relationship with my family (and he knew...mofo didnt give a shit)....he broke up with me and he then moved on to that girl.he was close with..added her pic on facebook and rubbed it all in my face...after HE broke up with me....(btw the break up...he told me i was too immature, not ready for a relationship and i let him down even though i told my family)....and i was too nice to realise he was so manipulative....ummmm i went to uni in october i couldnt handle the guilt of him making me feel like i let him down, so i laid it out tell him how he was too arrogant and if he was real, he would have been unconditional, we ended up gettin back together (i couldnt help his charm and i really cared about him despite his manipulating ways) a week after we get back together, he tells me he was with that other girl whos pic he put up and he got with her 3 weeks after he broke up with me (so he cheated on her..and technically, me)...the whole year i was on edge and didnt feel right about the relationship, he was VERY secretive and also never EVEr showed his emotions. I like a guy who has problems so i can feel like im helping him, its a rewarding feeling, i met a friend at uni who i could speak to on such an intellectual level and we had EVERYTHING in common (funnily enough he was a libra!) and he ended up liking me and he tried it...i told my man and he didnt ever show it but he got jealous and couldnt handle the jealousy. All the while i had blocked my family out because i resented them SO much for being so impatient with me about him (they told me if i wanted to be with him to pretty much fuck off) i felt like i had NO intuition got the better of me, i found out he had been with tht girl even before i told
my family...he cheated on me with her...and then that other guy i was so close to...he thought we had kissed and done other shit since we were both drunk in his room blah blah (i was VERY faithful may i say..i never once done ANYTHIN with my libra friend even drunk...i knew what i was doin) but my bf got so jealous he went over to another girls house and 'kissed' her..he hasnt admitted he done anythin more...but i know he did. He cheated on me even when i was with him at uni...and i tried to do everything for him i tried to be there for him as much as possible and i felt like he sucked the fuckin life out of me. He told me how ungrateful i was and that i was pushing him away cos i didnt trust him (wtf did he expect me to do)...btw when i found out he cheated on me when i told my family...i broke up with him. Hes a fuckin heartless bastard...and he didnt even admit anything until he realised how serious i was otherwise he would tell me how paranoid i am and insecure. It ended with me slapping him =D...i did grab his shirt cos he still needed to tell me the rest of his side but he pushed me...he wasnt a good guy AT ALL..and he seemed fuckin HARMLESS when i first met him and even uptil i found out...he was the sweetest fuckin person...tryna show me how i was his number one....i obviously wasnt and he fucked me over so badly. I hope he gets what he deserves. I will NEVER fall for another manipulative fucker like him. Please dont fall for this guy, ur gonna get burnt. and on a real were aquarians, we LOVE our space...those cancers will get jealous of how many friends we have and that were so distant they get so insecure. Its SOOOO difficult to make it work, if u think its worth it go for it, but my real advice is allow that mother fucker....let him run after you (forever..and dont EVER give in!)