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Jan 06, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 421 · Topics: 41
I'm not stylish at all. I wear flip-flops, jeans, and t-shirts, and I always wear black. On the rare occasion I dress up I'll wear something black, tight, see-through or low-cut. We Cancers are known for our great racks, ya know.
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Nov 10, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1190 · Topics: 29
Cancer women I know are mostly girl next door/sporty athletic natural looking. But I think u gotta look at their rising and moon. My ex would dress like a true cancer but then her sag moon makes her fiery and fiesty so she wears a lot of things that people can only wear if they have fiery dominant presence. Tight fitted short stuff that's not too slutty but just right. Then she has a libra riding and it makes her dress very unique in a not fiery way but a lusty flower child that goes with the flow. Like a innocent slutty that makes her look less like a slut and more like a hipster or I don't know the word for this style. It's unpredictable just like her.
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Feb 22, 2014Comments: 17 · Posts: 245 · Topics: 1
Maybe it depends on the occassion too and the weather. I love shirts and sandals coz they're comfortable to wear when just going out for a stroll. During special occassions well instant morph sets in. =)