Cancer Female/Sagittarius Male?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Sillyputty on Thursday, July 6, 2006 and has 13 replies.
Any Cancer female date a Sagittarius male? What was your experience and can it work? I've been reading up on the Sag. sign and compatibility with Cancer, and its scaring me...
well i'm a sagittarius female with a cancer male (hanging out for about 9 months). it is possible for it to work but it really depends on your sag's patience and how much he really does like you. sagittarians are very impatient and to my understanding, cancers require plenty of patience. it's very difficult to work on because cancers are also quite secretive with their emotions and sagittarians are pretty open about things so you pretty much know where you stand with them. it's taken about a few months for me and my cancer to get on the same page with things.
Sillyputty, you are going to get hurt BADLY, worst than a cancer male being with a saggi girl.He loves his independance, and how is in public, and at parties, will hurt you, cause he wil be flirting with all the girls he knows, and isn't EXACTLY the stay at home, and cuddle type.he will cheat on you, in a heart beat and won't feel hurt about it.
What you've been reading is all very accurate.I'm not at home right now, but If your interested You can msg me in my inbox, and I'll send you site links when I reach home, that explain in detail how the relationship with a Female Cancer and Male Saggi will play out.Alright ? , Later
i know a lot of sagi guys. they can be promiscuous at times, but they're really just trying to find the perfect match. they do like their independence and can be flirty, but i've known a lot of sagittarian men that have stayed pretty faithful in serious relationships. it's really just going to take time for you guys to understand each other. any guy from any sign can cheat on any girl. i'm sorry if that happened to you Evo Fish...or if you saw that happen. if you know his birthdate, though, then you should do a birthchart and see where his venus is. that should help you understand what he's like in relationships a little bit better.
oh and just so you know...katie holmes (sag) and tom cruise (cancer) are an example of a cancer/sag relationship smile
Yeah, a twisted example. I'm sorry but Katie will hang onto Tom's every word. It's soooo ridiculous how she's like his doll.
and it's kind of creepy...haha
I've known this sagi-male for two years now and he fell in love with me. I really like him and I'm really attracted by him! Unfortunately, I love someone else.
He's a sagittarius "pur sang" (15 dec.) but he's one of the sweetest and caring men I've come across in my life smile He really made an effort for me and he was patient as only an angel can be! He's a good listener, he's reassuring, he's social, giving, funny caring, in one word perfect for a cancer-lady! He needs his freedom of course, but everyone can use some space from time to time, don't they?
There is one thing that can cause some trouble.. He's "to the point" and she's withdrawn. BUT!! I soon got to trust him and he wasn't criticising me so I opened up very quickly (problem solved!).
So if there weren't "that other person", I'm SURE I'd have the time of my life with him, without too much troubles!! So if you really care for each other, just go for it!
SAGITTARIUS; HAVE PATIENCE!! (but if he's really in love that shouldn't be a problem)
CANCER; DO NOT SUFFICATE THE MAN!! (if she's in love.. that COULD be a problem Winking )
On a positive note, I do like Sags (or sag influenced people) very much....they're so full of life and optimistic. It's good for a cancer.
Its good to here some good things about Sags since us Cancers aren't supposed to mix well with them. I just met him and so far hes showing obvious signs of a Sag - very talkative, friendly, athletic and way into sports, always on the go.
OH, Tom and Kate - thats a wierd one but then again, hes rich Tongue!
that's a saaaaaag!! Big Grin They are just too adorable (that twinkle in their eyes smile) !
ok i'm a cancer female and for a month i messed around wit a sag guy - he jus wanted sex n so did i but then i started gettin attached - i told him i wanted more n he didn't - now that i think bout it i realised our personalities jus don't complement each other-
i'm homey compared to him - don't get me wrong i love havin fun but compared to him he's ALOT more social, doesn't respect my beliefs or feelings, may say harsh things n doesn't realise it bother me and usually doesn't really care- he's a really good cuddler tho- i found this sag was too selfish for my liking - didn't care to compromise only saw things his way- i ended up jus lettin it be what it was -jus sex- it was fun while it lasted
nowadays he keeps callin me and it's annoying me cus i've so moved on - i met wit him the other day to see if there was any attraction - i jus kept lookin at the time cus i wanted to leave - i kept thinking "oh my goodness i'm wastin so much time here when i cud be doing something better right now" lol - well that's my experience - he's jus annoyin to me now -wish he'd get the message n stop callin - that's another thing sags atleast this one can't seem to read ppl well - when will he get the msg? lol
I have to add my 2cents smile I have been friends with a Sagi boy for like 3 years. While I've always had an attraction to him, I never really thought about him like that. That is until about a year ago and we have gotten REALLY CLOSE. So close that now I am in a sort of love triangle between him and a SCORPIO that recently has been trying to get my attention. Sag doesn't like it and is starting to show his jealousy!
What I have noticed in being friends with him, is that we are not THAT different! He (as I) puts on a good front for everyone to see. We both hide our real feelings behind a mask of jokes and silliness. I may be more moody (since he is always happy!) but, for some reason he has come to realize my moods don't last long and he knows to make me laugh when I'm feeling down. He is romantic and sweet when he wants to be and will only show it to the right girl. He is VERY FLIRTY, but then so aren't I. Whenever we are together all we do is laugh and have a good time. He is definitely good for this cancer girl! I say GIVE IT TIME. If he realizes that your the one, he may be the best thing that ever happened to you. With him, you will always know where you stand since Sagis are very honest. They love to laugh and have fun. They are very social, so they can bring you out of your shell. Deep down, they are sensitive but will never show that side of themselves until they really trust you.