Cancer / Libra matches

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by sucha_d0ll on Monday, March 23, 2009 and has 9 replies.
For those of you who have had the pleasure of experiencing this torrid love affair; I thought it would be funny to share two ironically funny Cancer female and Libra male celebrity couples....
* Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
* Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora

Catastrophy? Yes. One thing is true though... these couples LOVED eachother to pieces and they were SO on-again, off-again. (esp Tommy and Pam) Infact me and my Lib call eachother Tom/Pam to break the ice when things get a little tense. It always makes us giggle...
Oh I don't know. I think it could totally work, if the other planets are kind and compatible. My ascendant is Capricorn, and makes me a little more serious or grounded than the average Libra, and I melt around Cancers. I totally can't explain it. I lose reason, sense, and accountability and it's not only because I am a woman... I will say how they ebb and fade drives me to distraction, but it probably keeps me more focused on my intent. I am so attracted to them, that I would have them as friends, if not lovers.
Hahaha oh dear. I'm a libra gal in love with a cancer boy. The attraction is very strong (both cardinal signs) but I totally don't understand his ways at all. He can be very distant and in his own world one minute totally attentive and present the next. I like consistancy so it really gets to me.
I also have a close Libra friend who is engaged to her Cancer beau and they are very much in love but encountered difficulties early on because he was 24 and she was 18 which some people saw as too big an age difference.
Despite all the stuff you find about these signs being incompatible, I think they blend together quite nicely despite the difficulties. Cancer will often have some Gemini planets and Libra will often have some Scorpio planets which will make them more compatible. And their ruling planets (Venus and the Moon) blend very romantically together.

Another famous pairing for you: Italian President Berlusconi and his (estranged) wife Veronica Lario. Oh dear....

I am a long time observer of astro couples. My conclusions (in no way I claim that I am right, just my observations):
Libra women and Cancer man can have some of the most beautiful relationships out there. I know of quite a few, very loving, committed and have lasted (still lasting) a long time. Actually, I quite like this combo.
Libra man - Cancer woman: they are attracted to each other a lot, just like the above. But the relationship is very, very difficult. With Sagittarius, probably one of more difficult for a Cancer woman.
There is lots of love with this pairing, even passion, they are both gentle and loving people, but it is Libra woman and Cancer man that often thrive and survive, while the opposite is very difficult.
P.S. (Why this Forum does not have Edit function, grrrhhh)
Forgot to add, I am Cancer woman married to a Libra, lol. We speak totally different languages (figuratively speaking), misunderstandings gallore!!!
Posted by lubenica
P.S. (Why this Forum does not have Edit function, grrrhhh)
Forgot to add, I am Cancer woman married to a Libra, lol. We speak totally different languages (figuratively speaking), misunderstandings gallore!!!

So being that you're married (for how long?); was it harder in the beginning and eventually got easier? Or has it been a stuggle the entire time?
Me and my Libra guy have a bit of misunderstandings... mostly on the communication side of things. He often misunderstands what I am trying to convey. But being a Cancer; I usually end up letting him wear the pants. Just because it's easier than trying to run the show.
We have been married for 7 years, together for 9.
It was the easiest at the beginning (when the passion was running hot) and now, after a few years together.
The worst was in the middle, between years 2-5, when we realized that we don't communicate very well. Exactly what you said: he misunderstands what I try to convey and vice versa (taking some things as if I am attacking/blaming him when it is not my intention).
But it got easier lately, as we agreed that we were different and that we should not react automatically to what we percive as the slight, but try to clarify what was really meant before overreacting or getting upset over something that was said. We had a heart to heart talk about how we perceive things and what upsets us and now we conciuosly understand where the other is coming from, while before we used to react without thinking about it. Astrology did help enormously in this respect as we are two different cattle of fish.
I guess it helps that I find Libras I dealt with to be very reasonable people. What I mean is, they really WANT TO make things work and talk things out and they are not a stranger to compromise. This is something I always loved about my Libra, he does not hold grudges or sulk unnecessarily for ages. He generally wants to understand and work out the issues. I guess their innate need for harmony comes into play here.
So it did get easier, it was the middle period of adjustment that was the hardest. Now, I really like that he is different from me, it balances me out and helps me learn different way of relating/reacting (more measured, Libra way!), which I think is benefitial to me as a Cancer, which can get a bit too subjective and overemotional.
Posted by lubenica
We have been married for 7 years, together for 9.
It was the easiest at the beginning (when the passion was running hot) and now, after a few years together.
The worst was in the middle, between years 2-5, when we realized that we don't communicate very well. Exactly what you said: he misunderstands what I try to convey and vice versa (taking some things as if I am attacking/blaming him when it is not my intention).
Now, I really like that he is different from me, it balances me out and helps me learn different way of relating/reacting (more measured, Libra way!), which I think is benefitial to me as a Cancer, which can get a bit too subjective and overemotional.

So you have this too hmm? This hit right on the head with me here. He tends to always take the defensive when I mention something that opposes what he's said. I won't even be placing any 'blame' on him (or anyone) but he always takes that 'well it's not my fault that...' etc etc.
I sorta look back at him like... 'um what? I was just making a comment'.
Ugh.... I care about him so much. I just know that this is going to be an uphill battle when it comes to communication. We are supppppper hot for eachother; and think that the other person is wonderful. But we definetly need to have that talk. I can feel it coming.
As far as subjective and emotional... I know exactly what you mean. I try my hardest to not take what he says to the heart. He's never hurtful to me; but sometimes I can feel that super sensitivity creep in, and I'm done for.
So far the hardest part for me right now is HIDING my feelings when I am being over emotional. You know, when there isn't any reason to be hurt, it's just your typical Cancer sensitivity. He seems to pick up on it instantly, before I can even give the expression.
They say Cancers wear their emotions on their sleeve. I think it's true.
Oh Libras...*sigh*
my McDreamy is a libra:

(His bday is 10/19/85) smile
Yeah...he'll always have a place in my heart...he truly is my inspiration...
*ahem* but anyways, Libras are indecisive and don't like to take risks...which is why I still believe till this day, that the reason why we couldn't get together was because he didn't want to take the risk (I was going back to America within a couple months time), so he didn't want to risk anything...
Yeah, it truly would've been nice to see what it's like to date a libra though...