Cancer mad at Leo Male

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by softshell_crab on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 and has 6 replies.
My Leo and I were supposed to have a date yesterday. Every time we get ready to go out or any other event where we will be together, drama always happens in HIS world that prevents us from going. He does not even bother to call me and let me know the date is cancelled. I call him (a few days later after no contact) and that?s when I find out what happened. The first couple of times I gave him the benefit of doubt but yesterday I got fed up.
When I spoke with him that morning he assured me that we would be going out and to call him later. When 6:30 p.m. came around and I noticed no call from him (surprise), I called him?.no answer. Becoming agitated, I called him every half hour until 9 p.m and all I got was VOICEMAIL. (I was livid, calling like this is not something I normally do)
At 9 I was so upset I went to a friends house in tears. I called him once more and left a message on his voicemail calling him a B***h. My friends? husband and his friends, thought it would be funny to do the same. So now my jerk boyfriend had 12 voicemail messages of nothing but thugs calling him a B***h and several other colorful metaphors. Low and Behold!!! I get a call from him around midnight asking me if I had some guys leave messages on his voicemail. I told him why the messages were left. I told him how I stand by him as his woman and help him but he can?t give me the same in return. He won?t even pick up a phone to cancel a date. He said to me that he was MAD BEYOND WORDS and HOW COULD I DO THAT TO HIM, HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO ME. He said he would call me back when he gets over his anger. His reason for not calling earlier was his cell phone was roaming!
This guy pursued me for two years. When we became a couple, he told me he loved me, couldn?t wait to get to see me and on the one outing we had together, could not stop touching me. Three months later, he stopped telling me he loved me. We stopped having sex (he said he was too stressed and referred to sex as a chore. We?ve since started again but for me the ?damage? is done). He won?t come to my house because it is too far. A distance of 12 miles from his house to mine by highway. He has a car.
On the other hand, two days ago I met with his parents, and now he?s talking of us going to family dinners and other family functions, etc.WTF!!
Whew! Thanks for letting me Vent! After writing this out I can now see the writing on the wall but any input would be appreciated.
Leos like drama , and well they always start with that family thing, he just wanna show u off. Sex a chore? It is forbiddeeeeennn,lol.
he is cheating on you...the signs are all there...
Sex is a chore? Is your Leo in the closet? Sex is never a chore unless your not attracted to that person. What is he stressed about?
"Sex a chore? It is forbiddeeeeennn,lol."
Daemon (by the way you must be a techie!) Thanks for the laugh. As it turns out he is from a very religious family. Both parents are ministers and have their own church so their is some sort of psychological warfare going on within him.
Moonchild8 - He swears that he is not cheating, I suspected that he was but I don't know and cannot prove it.
Dylann - I suspected the same but because for reasons that I do not want to go into here, I know he is not. He is very stressed. Without going into detail about it, his stress is financial, family and law based.
Me a techieeeee??dammn u good ,i'm a jack of all trades. But I LOVVVEEE my sex,do it right do it good ,sex her like u should my neck, my back suck her puzzy don't do crack.