Aries female
Asc. Sagittarius
Sun: Aries
Moon: Scorpion
Mercure: Aries
Venus: Taurus
Mars: Aries
Jupiter: Sagittarius
Saturn: Scorpion
Uran: Sagittarius
Neptun: Sagittarius
Pluto: Libra
Cancer male
Asc. Virgo
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Merkur: Cancer
Venusz: Leo
Mars: Gemini
Jupiter: Libra
Saturn: Libra
Uran: Scorpion
Neptun: Sagittarius
Pluto: Libra
We broke up 6 months ago. We met 3 times after breaking up. Every time was great, but did not change anything. He still keeps distance, but when I text him, he always responses. There was a family issue in mid of december last year, at that time he called me every day asking how I was doing (he told me he was worried about me). Since NYE we did not have any contact.
In the last 2 months he never liked any of my posts or comments. Previously he was a freak in terms of FB activity.
I am wondering of there is any compatibility...
Signed Up:
Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
there is. my mom is an aries and i m a cancer. we get along like a house of comedy!!! shes more like a friend then a mother. v funny and v charming and v mentally strong! strange i havent known any other arian females..i should have them more in my life! :p
Posted by krebbsmann
there is. my mom is an aries and i m a cancer. we get along like a house of comedy!!! shes more like a friend then a mother. v funny and v charming and v mentally strong! strange i havent known any other arian females..i should have them more in my life! :p
aww krebbsmann, this is very sweet, makes up my day 
There is compatibility between the two. Unfortunately I am no good at figuring out the chart stuff but I am an Aries engaged to a Cancer male so it can work.
Signed Up:
Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
y u an arian too??? well then come on board!!! :p I'm an Aries dating a cancer man. In the beginning it was magical. He went from calling, leaving voicemails and texts all day/everyday to him just calling every few days. He rarely responds when I contact him now (he used to ALWAYS answer). I'm in the same boat and trying to figure this one out. He has told me that he's an only child so he's used to being home alone all the time since he was a little boy, and that he sometimes has days where he doesn't want to communicate with anyone. I've been trying to accept that for the past month, but I just feel like I'm now being taken for granted. I've met his mom and we've had dinner a couple times. He told me to not take the lack of communication as him ignoring me because he's with another girl or as if he doesn't like me anymore because he said that he'd let me know when he wasn't feeling anything anymore. He also told me he wanted to take it slow with me. (yet he's already introduced me to his mom and told me in the beginning that he knows he will marry me one day and wants me to be the mother of his kids?)
We met on a dating site and I see that he still logs in everyday and that he "replies frequently". Even though I login, I haven't responded to anyone. Its hard for me to believe him when I see that, but for some reason my heart won't let me let go. I drive myself crazy about this all the time. He's told me a few times that he thinks I'm the type of girl that would give up easily which scares him. (which I have done bc of my pride) He's told me I need to be more sensitive to his needs, I listened and def worked on it. Being an Aries, I don't usually take this kind of crap but I can't get off this rollercoaster. What to do?
I forgot to add that he said that if he didn't have feelings for me, there would be no way that he would have brought me around his mom and that as long as I remain the independent girl he met, "big papa will always be around." He also said he doesn't like pressure and wants to take things slow. I have not seen him for 3 weeks since that talk. I went on vacation and came back last friday. I called him one of the nights and he told me to send him the funny video I took. I said, "Hold on let me call you right back, phone is acting up". I called back twice right away, no answer. I text him the video, no response. I text him "Have a great day" a couple days later, and he finally responded & said he had enjoyed the video (why couldn't he say that the night I sent it?) He was calling me/texting me the day I was going home and wanted to know my flight info so that he can call me while I was at the airport. He never called nor did I hear from him all weekend (ignored my text). Monday night he finally called and was saying "Babe this, babe that, remember that one time when we did this, it was so fun" etc and what really got me, "I can't stop watching that video. I've seen it like 12-15 times". Then tuesday he ignored my text. He flaked out our wed tradition last night (go to nba bball game) I know he doesn't have money rt now, so i suggested just watching at his house & I'd get us take out. He said "Tonight isn't going to work for me". I was crushed. My heart keeps telling me to hang on and be patient. He has told me a few times that he thinks I am the type to easily give up and run and that it scares him. Been dealing with the inconsistency for a month now. IDK how much longer I can hang on. I'm frustrated that I can't let go so I cry because I know the real me wouldn't be caught dead in this situation. I feel like we're strangers now & am wondering where my backbone went. What is really messing with my head is what the hell he's messaging these chicks online? Does he take them out on dates? Ugh!!! Help pleaseeeee
well, I don't know what I could advice you since "my" cancer does not send any message - expect when I had that trouble in my family (there was a serious accident) at that time he called and texted me every day.
I chat with a friend of his (he is also a fellow to me) the guy told me, that he was talking about me and my family troubles - well, if he still interested in me or caring why does he not contact me?
I am too proud - tried in the last 4 months to get him back - and now I gave up. But one thing I can't get out of my mind : he'll return, because we have a lot of things to make come true.
May I think this because I am still in love? He posted recently pics of a party - an he looked extremely unhappy - even if he is smiling on the pics.
I would say - try to take it slowly and you'll see if there is any improvement, or not. 
The more I over analyze, the worse I feel. I think it's good that you've let go. That's exactly what we should both be doing. If it's meant to be it's meant to be.
I feel a little better today. I finally am getting to the point where I can let go. I feel like such a fool being stuck in this stand still. I understand taking things slow, but not when I'm constantly being ignored. Its like his moods are so up and down that I don't know which side of him I'm going to get. I feel like such a fool for even trying to give him a chance & trying to be "patient". I feel like I'm the little doggy in the window waiting for my owner to come home (pathetic!) and that's just not me at all.
xoAriesxo, he told you a few times that he thinks you're the kind of girl who'd run away easily, and that scares him.
I see his behaviour as a typical Cancer "test" to see how much you can take and if you're strong and patient enough to stay by his side. No Cancer man I know would ever truly commit to a relationship unless he's 200% sure that it's for the long haul.
My Crab made me go through all kinds of tests (am still in that "phase" with him but he's opening up).
I'd just say that if you really care about him, you should give it more time. Cancer guys are not easy to get, but they're worth the trouble !
Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
xoariesxo - your man is a cheat. /endstory.
Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
@Agis - I hope you're exceptional in some way, because your dude is generally hard to please. I share 90% of his placements particularly Venus/Mars. He is fickle and loses interest fast, will easily switch you off and above all not feel concerned about talking to different women at the same time (this will not be cheating for him at all). He will seek intellectual stimulation wherever he can find it. If he can't find it with you, you will be for sex, someone else for his other needs. None of which will bother him in the traditional sense. Check if his Uranus is square Venus, if this is the case you cannot expect conventional love from him (I have this placement too). Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Posted by sugaries
My mind just doesn't understand...when things are going well, why not keep moving forward? I don't have a pause button.
He is Cardinal just like you and he will move. You as Aries move to bring something to life, this is your nature. As a Cancer he moves to build something so he needs plans in his head before he moves. You must show patience.His chart sais:
Rising Sign is in 16 Degrees Virgo
Rising Sign is in 16 Degrees Virgo
Moon is in 20 Degrees Sagittarius.
Mercury is in 01 Degrees Cancer.
Venus is in 17 Degrees Leo.
Mars is in 27 Degrees Gemini.
Jupiter is in 03 Degrees Libra.
Saturn is in 04 Degrees Libra.
Uranus is in 26 Degrees Scorpio.
Neptune is in 22 Degrees Sagittarius.
Pluto is in 21 Degrees Libra.
N. Node is in 01 Degrees Leo.
I don" know if it helps, this is his chart.
I've been to a short business trip to the counrty/city he lives. I did not tell him i'll be around - i fixed the appointment on wednesday - but i checked in to the city. I don't know if i was really wondering if he may lets me know he saw my post.
I am just tired of his games. We had a 7 month long-distance relationhsip. I moved in after 7 months and I just ran away.
I made my mistakes (first o all I did not communicate - just paced my stuff and left) but after i showed him my feelings- and I still love him- I am convinced there is anything he may cannot forgive. Its his stubborn and hurt style I cannot handle. Even if he broke my heart (or did I break my own?) i cannot be upset with him. I just hope and wish all the things the best for him, and pray him to be able to forgive and move on. Otherwise he gonna be upset for a while and keep himself unhappy.
I am pretty bad writer today
i moved in and after 4 weeks being there i ran away
first of all
just packed my stuff and left
Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Posted by sugaries
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by sugaries
My mind just doesn't understand...when things are going well, why not keep moving forward? I don't have a pause button.
He is Cardinal just like you and he will move. You as Aries move to bring something to life, this is your nature. As a Cancer he moves to build something so he needs plans in his head before he moves. You must show patience.
Oh, I am. I'm a zen master over here. You would be so proud of me sensei IC
I asked him where he would be tonight. He said "Hanging out with M and J"....yeah, you know what happened the last time I inquired about his whereabouts.
click to expand
May the force be with you! The results are clearly improving 
Posted by agis
I am pretty bad writer today
i moved in and after 4 weeks being there i ran away
first of all
just packed my stuff and left
I mean today I was on a short business trip ...
@VirgoShowGirl, How long have you been dating your cancer/how long have you been waiting? I've been dating mine for 2.5 months.
@Sugaries, mine freaks out/gets insecure if I'm texting when I'm around him. We one time yelled at me and it was only my brother! I never gave him a reason to think there are other guys. When I came back from my trip he was like "So were you group texting your friends all week? (i said yes) I know you took plenty of pictures, how come you didn't send me any?"
This guy is so on and off it drives me nuts. And yes, when things are going great he has to stop it. I don't have a pause button either. He has told me to "go with the flow" pushing pause all the time is not considered a flow. You never know when he's going to press that button so it's hard to keep up. And you're right about taking lessons learned from it all, I've learned to be more sensitive and to be more patient. (bc oh boy patience is something I def need to work on)
@incandescentcancer That's what I've been trying to tell myself the past couple of days. The more pissed off I am the easier it is for me to walk away is. I have already built my wall right back up. I told myself that if he tries to contact me, I'll either a. ignore him or b. be short & "too busy" to see him if he tries. Not sure which way to go yet. @agis, why would a a girl with a chart like yours would waste time in a long distance relationship?
you must be cooler than coolness. his moon conjuncts neptune and squares his rising. Emotional problems and psychological disorder due to lack of parental love in childhood or weak father figure in persona. complicated stuff.
Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Posted by OvS
his moon conjuncts neptune and squares his rising. Emotional problems and psychological disorder due to lack of parental love in childhood or weak father figure in persona. complicated stuff.
Good point, that's exactly where my chart differs from his, my moon and ascendant are different. I think the moon conj Neptune is pretty negative from a psychological stability point of view.Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
Posted by agis
In the last 2 months he never liked any of my posts or comments. Previously he was a freak in terms of FB activity.
He's probably becoming a better person and needs you to wait. 
Thank you so much @xxnightbynight. He is 28. And yes, he does need a lot of mothering. It seems like I can never do anything right. Either I'm not doing enough, or I'm doing too much the next minute, or I'm the most wonderful, sweetest person the next. He's also a mama's boy. She is at his beck and call. How did you and your cancer end up? Did he ever come around? I wonder if he is actually taking these girls he chats with on the dating site on dates or if he just responds to them because he likes the attention?
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by OvS
his moon conjuncts neptune and squares his rising. Emotional problems and psychological disorder due to lack of parental love in childhood or weak father figure in persona. complicated stuff.
Good point, that's exactly where my chart differs from his, my moon and ascendant are different. I think the moon conj Neptune is pretty negative from a psychological stability point of view.
click to expand
not at all, I don't find neptune conjunct moon a bad thing. The square between moon and rising is shitty. neptune is adding a little fog to that.Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Posted by OvS
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by OvS
his moon conjuncts neptune and squares his rising. Emotional problems and psychological disorder due to lack of parental love in childhood or weak father figure in persona. complicated stuff.
Good point, that's exactly where my chart differs from his, my moon and ascendant are different. I think the moon conj Neptune is pretty negative from a psychological stability point of view.
not at all, I don't find neptune conjunct moon a bad thing. The square between moon and rising is shitty. neptune is adding a little fog to that.
click to expand
Considering the strong involvement the moon has with the inner self and the illusory fogy nature of Neptune, I always figured that this placement could lead to issues. But I see your perspective, it could also stabilize the illusions. Cheers for the astro knowledge though, very useful.Posted by incandescentcancer
@Agis - I hope you're exceptional in some way, because your dude is generally hard to please. I share 90% of his placements particularly Venus/Mars. He is fickle and loses interest fast, will easily switch you off and above all not feel concerned about talking to different women at the same time (this will not be cheating for him at all). He will seek intellectual stimulation wherever he can find it. If he can't find it with you, you will be for sex, someone else for his other needs. None of which will bother him in the traditional sense. Check if his Uranus is square Venus, if this is the case you cannot expect conventional love from him (I have this placement too).
Well, I dunno if I am special - he told me several times that I am exactly that kind of girl he is looking for (I wont list the things he said - but covered all the most important areas)
We didn't have any contact since 31st Deceber 2012. Now I am ignoring him all the way I can - especially FB. When his friends text me or drop me a message on FB I never mention his name 
Posted by sugaries
@xoaries, my cancer doesnt like when people are on their phone either. He thinks its disrespectful. He doesn't like when his own sister does it.
I think Aries trust and cancer trust is very different. Aries will trust until given a reason not to. You have to earn a cancers trust.
I guess it's the point. I still trust him, even if I don't know how he spends his time - I just can imagine what he may does. Until end of August I knew always everything... 
He told me once - "I love you - but I don't trust you, and I can't be with somebody I don't trust. If you will ask me in the future, if I want to be with you, you can be sure, I will say yes, but not now."
I thinks its something I won't ask in the next 5-10 years... 
Posted by OvS
@agis, why would a a girl with a chart like yours would waste time in a long distance relationship?
you must be cooler than coolness.
Because I love him? 
Posted by mr.crabby
Posted by agis
In the last 2 months he never liked any of my posts or comments. Previously he was a freak in terms of FB activity.
He's probably becoming a better person and needs you to wait. 
click to expand
As an Aries I am very bad at waiting. I lost this battle...I occupy myself with other things, e.g. I'm learning language, reading a lot, try to spend time with my friends.Posted by OvS
his moon conjuncts neptune and squares his rising. Emotional problems and psychological disorder due to lack of parental love in childhood or weak father figure in persona. complicated stuff.
You'r absolutely right, he is overcomplicated - but if he trusts and loves-he is the cutiest guy I've ever met. 
Posted by sugaries
I think Aries trust and cancer trust is very different. Aries will trust until given a reason not to. You have to earn a cancers trust.
It's frustrating because I know I am a very trustworthy person. How does someone win their trust?
Signed Up:
Nov 29, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 316 · Topics: 16
I have dated a couple of Cancer men and they were pretty straight forward about how they felt and where they saw the relationship going. Just be careful, this sounds like a lot of unnecessary drama and life is too short for that.
Posted by OvS
what why?
PS-why can't I upload a pic??? Tried several times - no success.the pic is too big. Shrink it under 50 kilo and it will work.
why do you love him?
Posted by OvS
the pic is too big. Shrink it under 50 kilo and it will work.
why do you love him?
He is intelligent, has a great sense of humor, ambitious, is charming, funny, outgoing....he knows what he wants, and he also knows how to achieve. that's why.
What is personally tough for me, is his sensitiveness. I can barely deal with that.So he is the ideal woman. LOL
But I don't think he knows what he wants, or at least you're not what he wants. I'm sorry to put it this way but if someone is really into you...
Posted by xxnightbynight
ovs - even when I'm really into someone... no matter how long I like them... my fear of rejection is so intense it literally ties me down and I sabotage myself. I'm a slave to my own fears and freedoms... I run away from the one very thing I want the most.
In turn, that is also what I attract into my life.
So with that being said... is it not fair to say there are MANY others like that as well? -
I suppose the thing to do here is continue to work on yourself... once you continue to do that things fall into place a lot better. That's what i'm realizing at least.
even after you've been together a few months?Posted by xxnightbynight
I suppose the thing to do here is continue to work on yourself... once you continue to do that things fall into place a lot better. That's what i'm realizing at least.
I think you are right - I cannot change his mind, its his decision not to be with me.
But I can have fun, improve my personality, change my points of view and enjoy life as it is.

Honestly, I know, I crewed it up. I know, I made a mistake - but I really don't understand how does he manage to hang on his disappointment and how can he tell me, he doesn't trust? How does he not trust? I did not cheat n him, I was only scared and ran away. But I regretted it, and I told him that long way ago.
Anyway, I try to forget him though I still love him. Only him.
Posted by Sneaky
Why did you leave after moving in with him ?
At that time I had a completely different point of view. I had such expectations that he should have been god to fulfill them. I wasn't sure of myself.... when I decided to move in with him, I had to quit my job, leave the country I was raised, and my family & friends too. It was too much and I wasn't ready for such a commitment. I had to rely myself on him...and I didn't like it. I was afraid, he is going to hurt me, and I made myself disappointed when he did not act as I expected.
It was my fault, I admit. The second mistake beside having my expectations, that I did not tell him something. No communication, I just packed my stuff when he was on a business trip and I left. We still had contact later on, almost on daily basis. We met one more time in august, when he confessed, how much ha loves and misses me. I did not realize it was the point I could redo everything. But I was waiting him telling me, I have to stay. But he didn't. Weeks later our last date (after moving out) we had a conversation when he told me, we can get back, but only very slowly - and it made me upset and we had a terrible fight. I told him unconsidered things.
But since we broke up, I changed a lot, and I like myself better now, as I did before. I told him this too, I am grateful for meeting him and I am happy he taught me how to be patience for instance.Posted by Sneaky
do you think he's seeing anyone else ? or, do you think he's still interested in a relationship with you ?
He still cares (when there was an accident in my family he called me every day asking how I'm doing?) and I know he talks with his friends about me.
The last time we met (2 weeks before xmas) I gave him 2 framed pics he immediately put on the shelf in the living room (on 1 pic we're kissing- and I meant that more for the bedroom area) and as far as I know, he did not removed them.
I know, he still loves me, and I'm almost 100% sure, he does not see anybody. I doubt even if he had any girls since break up (we met 4 times in the last 4 months - since break up).
He loves me, but I also know, he doesn't want me. He told me, he doesn't want to be hurt. He is comparing myself with a girlfriend he had as "first" love at the age of 20. She left him, and after 9 or 10 months they got back together and she left him again.
As said, it's his decision and I have to accept.He also told me, he doesn't want a long-distance relationship anymore. I offered him to move back to that country he is living in, but he refused- what else could I do without being annoying or become a stalker? I sent him a postcard for Christmas, and other stuff he mentioned -he needs - and he said "thank you" a week later! Last week I finally got to the post and sent him a book I was telling him about. And he says no word. No FB, no SMS, no mail, nothing.
I was fighting for four months. I used all my holidays and spent a pretty high amount on the flight tickets - I was visiting the "city" he lives every month for a weekend. We met every time - it was great, he had fun, and he told me, he can't resist, even if he thought, he can. Nothing changed. Even after our last meeting when we spent almost the whole weekend together.
He is living 1200 KM as 2 countries apart. What could I do? I have my own limits...I do.
Posted by Sneaky
In all honesty, I think this is one of those situations that there is a solution for you to fix that relationship, but I can not in good conscious advice you to pursue it. It will be exhausting, no guarantees that it will work. It would be better for you to just walk away and start recovering. He's a grown man, he will take care of himself too. Life is too short to force happiness.
What's your solution? I am kinda sorta in the same situation. I'm just curious as to what may fix it...or please DM if you don't want to mention it on here.Update on my situation: So he finally called me a week later. Monday we made plans to hang out on Wednesday for our tradition I mentioned in a previous post. He told me he's been pretty down lately bc of money issues. In the middle of the night he woke up and moved to the couch. I asked him why he moved. He said "I'm drunk, tired and need sleep. I'm not used to sleeping with people" I was like "You never had a problem before sleeping with me". Everything that had led up this just became too much for me so I finally said "I'm done. So over this" and I went back to the bed. He quickly got up and came back to bed. He was freaking out and wanted to talk about what I mentioned. I told him how I felt. He didn't like that I was done with him. He said he understands my reasons that yes, he has been selfish. He says he can't give me the title because right now he's just lost in his own head and can't give me what I need/deserve. He wants to just care about himself right now and that it sucks because he does have strong feelings for me, otherwise he said he would have never introduced me to his family. He also said he doesn't like that I haven't introduced him to my family yet. We've only been dating since end of Oct. My parents come from a different culture. I've never introduced a man I have been dating to my father because it is a big deal. I know I'm almost 26, but I still get nervous. He thinks that I am ashamed of him even though I explained to him our cultural differences. Even though I have never felt so strongly for someone as I do with him, I told myself I wouldn't introduce him until he at least became my boyfriend. Anyways, I told him I am sick of crying myself to sleep wondering why he hasn't called in days and if he even likes me anymore. I got the answers I wanted. I wish I could be there for him when he's feeling down, but at the same time it is also beating me down and I'm trying to stay strong for myself.
After I left in tears, he text me that he feels horrible about everything and that he doesn't know how to fix it. That he enjoyed every minute we've spent together, that everything has always been 100% real, that I have the biggest and greatest spirits out of anybody he has ever known, but that he's sorry we don't see eye to eye. (he wanted to keep it like it has been: me being committed to him and have everything on his terms aka wait patiently by the phone until HE decides to call)
He said he doesn't want to burn bridges and he'd be happy to talk if I'd like to. When I cried at his house when we were talking about it, he held me tight and kept kissing me and wiped my tears. That actually made it harder. His embrace is the best feeling it the world.
This is so hard for me. I can't stop crying. I miss him already. I have no idea if I should respond to the text and if I did, what to say. I'm not sure I can be friends with him. It's too hard for me right now. I've never had such strong feelings for someone. Any suggestions on if I should respond or not and if so, what should I say?
PS sorry for the grammar mistakes. I'm a terrible story teller and I have so much going on in my head that I can't even think. Any help would be amazing. Thanks all