Cancer man and aries woman-she recently broke up with a scorpio dude.

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by ReddmannScorch on Monday, April 8, 2019 and has 5 replies.
That my dear friends in the caption literally messes up an aries woman. I was hesitant at first but she let me know certain things that went on in her life. I told her i want her,I remembered her birthday. gave her cake and flowers(roses by the way). But her emotions are still raw with the ex and she keep looking at other guys.( Aries are flirts and do have an ego.) She is more open with me. She talks about loyalty and trust, But she contradicts herself., she missing the d as well. However i think imma disappear.One she never mentions to anyone that I got the roses,nor the cake. She thanks me personally, she grabs my ass,she always boobing me. but as i said young aries women 22 got really messed up with dat scorp dude and her mum died last year. So if she really into me she know where to find me. But as of now nah.
You got roses and a cake for sloppy seconds. Thank you for realizing why I'm winning with women.
Sounds like you moved in on her way too soon.
Posted by sweetpea2977

Sounds like you moved in on her way too soon.
May have but I keeping my distance. 3 months maybe too soon to have made a move. But Aries are more action oriented rather than fluff talk.
You gotta do what you gotta do.