A few years ago I dated a cancer man seriously (I'm a Cap with Scorpio moon). He was ready for marriage before I was and he was given misinformation from a third party that I was ready too. This led him to go too fast.. In anycase, it didn't work out and he was crushed. I tried getting back together a few months later but he went into his shell. I still really miss him and think that we should get back together.
A friend of ours was going to suggest that we meet-up/try things again. What are my chances and what's the best way to approach this? It was really due to a misunderstanding... Is there anything I should do to help it work out? I think he had an aquarius moon.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I wouldn't the past is the past. He proably is living his life happily with a woman who wanted the same as him. A few years ago? I would consider us and what we had over.
Leave him be and let him live his life. I wouldn't allow a man who wasn't compatible with me back in my life. A few years later I am over you. Don't come back to me esp. If I am happy.
Thanks, I actually did move on, but a mutual friend suggested to look back into it as he's still single.
I think that people can grow from hurt. There is a possibility that he was able to learn from his hurt. The only way to see if there is chance is to seek the answer. Since it was a couple of years ago, he may have moved on since he was "crushed". Depending on the level of hurt, he may not open back up or you would have to put in lots of work and have patience with him as he will be slow to open IF he even considers another round with you. Best thing is communicating (I am contradicting myself here).
How long has it been?
It was about 2 years ago since we broke-up. When we met up again after the break-up he said that logically understood what happened, but emotionally not. He said maybe we'd try it again in the future, but not to hold out. :/
Signed Up:
Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
I'm kind of with Krobe about the past being in the past. I wouldn't ask him to try again. The most I would do is approach him about a friendship and then see where it goes.
Well that makes a lot of sense... seeking a friendship. What I am saying that if you want to know, ask or seek the answer or let it go. Asking to rekindle may be a bit much but if you want to know.. find out.