Cancer man gets hurt too easily?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by roxylexy10 on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and has 26 replies.
I know there is a lot more to a person and they way they act than astrology and their signs.. i get it..
BUT. I have noticed a lot of people talk about Cancer men being confusing.. and I am SO confused.

as always. We've been on and off for many many years and we've had our problems but do care about each other and hope we can work things out slowly/one day. However, he always will contact me first when he kind of wants to start talking again

Last week, he texted me first time in a long time, we talked for about 2 days and it was great. I really missed him and it was nice to communicate with him.
then.. he said something about this shirt he was wearing (inside joke) and how he's wearing the one I like. I said something playful back, then he responded only a one word answer and I was busy so I figured I wouldn't respond.
I didn't text him for 2 days and he didn't text me either, which he usually does so I figured he was upset over me not carrying on the convo.
Anyway, i texted him after the weekend was over joking around about something and he responded extremely short and then didn't respond to my next text and haven't heard from him since.

I mean, he was all about talking to me and I was really thinking we would start talking more again, and now he does this.. and the only thing that happened was me not responding to his text. How can they get upset about something so trivial? Im pretty positive thats what it is.. so now he's sulking and won't talk to me. What goes on with you cancer men ?
LOL! So mean, CC, but true.
He txts you when he's bored. Your a convenient distraction for him.
I didn't post this to get comments from strangers who know absolutely nothing about my relationship. I am talking from a general standpoint from people who have had these experiences with a certain astrological sign.
You know nothing about me not being "the one" and it's kinda sad for you to lurk these forums and make snide remarks about people's lives that you know nothing about.
In relation to your post, they are very fragile and the littlest thing upsets them, which you most probably not know about, especially since they don't vocalize their butthurt.
Well I tried to talk to him, and he gave me the cold shoulder. So he's not really letting me talk to him again unless I continue to text him which I'm not going to do if he doesn't want to talk.
Posted by aquarius09
In relation to your post, they are very fragile and the littlest thing upsets them, which you most probably not know about, especially since they don't vocalize their butthurt.

Yes. I realize this.. as a moon in Aqua it's hard for me to really understand how fragile they are, but he's always been like that and I should know better, but we won't get anywhere if he continues to sulk.
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by aquarius09
In relation to your post, they are very fragile and the littlest thing upsets them, which you most probably not know about, especially since they don't vocalize their butthurt.

Yes. I realize this.. as a moon in Aqua it's hard for me to really understand how fragile they are, but he's always been like that and I should know better, but we won't get anywhere if he continues to sulk.
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What's his moon? Aqua moon isn't getting anywhere with cancer anything unless cancer is air dominated.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by aquarius09
In relation to your post, they are very fragile and the littlest thing upsets them, which you most probably not know about, especially since they don't vocalize their butthurt.

Yes. I realize this.. as a moon in Aqua it's hard for me to really understand how fragile they are, but he's always been like that and I should know better, but we won't get anywhere if he continues to sulk.

What's his moon? Aqua moon isn't getting anywhere with cancer anything unless cancer is air dominated.
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No he is Gemini moon, so he's also air. He's on the cusp of Taurus moon though, not sure if that has any affect but he's got a lot of Gemini in him too which adds to the confusion.
My brother in law is a cancer with Gemini moon and although I think he's a greatttttttttt guy, I think he has terrible judgment when it comes to the women he picks. He's pretty short sighted and gets blinded by women easily.
Posted by aquarius09
My brother in law is a cancer with Gemini moon and although I think he's a greatttttttttt guy, I think he has terrible judgment when it comes to the women he picks. He's pretty short sighted and gets blinded by women easily.

I can attest to that. We've both dated others and gone our separate ways and the women he has chosen to date are really in my opinion...terrible taste.
He ends up breaking up with them and not interested in them anymore. The only serious relationship he's been in has been with me, but we were young and we had many fights and both agreed it would be better to move on because we couldn't make it work.
I couldn't fall for any of the other guys I dated either, because i wasn't over him. Eventually we'd break up with them and start talking/seeing each other again.
That;s why I get upset now because I just want to talk peacefully and without drama, but now he has withdrawn again so one step forward, two steps back.
I hate texting ðŸ˜'
Posted by SensitiveBlues

Yeah, no. I just can't stand cancer men anymore to save them. They make me feel manly and I'm not a man. We have a textbook cancer dude that I work with and he's made me Realize that cancer and air is a bad mix. That guy married an Aquarius and I don't know how that happened.
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by aquarius09
My brother in law is a cancer with Gemini moon and although I think he's a greatttttttttt guy, I think he has terrible judgment when it comes to the women he picks. He's pretty short sighted and gets blinded by women easily.

I can attest to that. We've both dated others and gone our separate ways and the women he has chosen to date are really in my opinion...terrible taste.
He ends up breaking up with them and not interested in them anymore. The only serious relationship he's been in has been with me, but we were young and we had many fights and both agreed it would be better to move on because we couldn't make it work.
I couldn't fall for any of the other guys I dated either, because i wasn't over him. Eventually we'd break up with them and start talking/seeing each other again.
That;s why I get upset now because I just want to talk peacefully and without drama, but now he has withdrawn again so one step forward, two steps back.
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Uhh, you're just as messed up as he is. Basically, what I get from everything you wrote is that you're guilty of the exact thing that you're criticizing him over. He is randomly dating the way you are without either of you getting over each other. What's your sun sign?
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by aquarius09
My brother in law is a cancer with Gemini moon and although I think he's a greatttttttttt guy, I think he has terrible judgment when it comes to the women he picks. He's pretty short sighted and gets blinded by women easily.

I can attest to that. We've both dated others and gone our separate ways and the women he has chosen to date are really in my opinion...terrible taste.
He ends up breaking up with them and not interested in them anymore. The only serious relationship he's been in has been with me, but we were young and we had many fights and both agreed it would be better to move on because we couldn't make it work.
I couldn't fall for any of the other guys I dated either, because i wasn't over him. Eventually we'd break up with them and start talking/seeing each other again.
That;s why I get upset now because I just want to talk peacefully and without drama, but now he has withdrawn again so one step forward, two steps back.

Uhh, you're just as messed up as he is. Basically, what I get from everything you wrote is that you're guilty of the exact thing that you're criticizing him over. He is randomly dating the way you are without either of you getting over each other. What's your sun sign?
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Yeah, I know that. We are both equally at fault. I never said it was all his fault, It's just when it comes to communication he's hard to grasp.
I'm not criticizing him for dating someone else.. I actually reached out to him and told him I was happy for him, but then he broke up with her and came back to me. i'm only complaining about the game playing. i'm over that. we've done that endlessly and i just want to talk without all that but it seems like he's still playing.
I'm a taurus
Cancer sucking communication, what else is new? LOL. I didn't know Taurus, their ideal match struggles with their communication style as well. Anyways, if it didn't work the first couple times, it isn't going to work. He's immature and you're his safety blanket. Time to let him go.
Posted by SensitiveBlues
If you're gonna treat a crab like some option be prepared for the cold war


I really have to agree with this. They see through your being distant as a decision to play tit for tat when they feel they have a real reason they may be agitated and may need reassurance from you.

Posted by lovinglibra
I hate texting ���'

I'm starting to feel the same way seriously.
Posted by happyface1
Posted by SensitiveBlues
If you're gonna treat a crab like some option be prepared for the cold war


I really have to agree with this. They see through your being distant as a decision to play tit for tat when they feel they have a real reason they may be agitated and may need reassurance from you.

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Well it's a dumb game, because it makes the other person want to do the exact same thing back, so both end up not talking to each other and it goes absolutely nowhere.
I can feel the entire mood change when they get like this, even through text. One day they're playful, childlike and fun and then literally within hours its like death
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by happyface1
Posted by SensitiveBlues
If you're gonna treat a crab like some option be prepared for the cold war


I really have to agree with this. They see through your being distant as a decision to play tit for tat when they feel they have a real reason they may be agitated and may need reassurance from you.

Well it's a dumb game, because it makes the other person want to do the exact same thing back, so both end up not talking to each other and it goes absolutely nowhere.
I can feel the entire mood change when they get like this, even through text. One day they're playful, childlike and fun and then literally within hours its like death
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I'm not saying you have to deal with it or play into it.

But you felt he was hurt or agitated by something honestly and you CHOSE to go into silent mode.

It's a difference between someone playing games on purpose than someone who's actually a little extra sensitive when it comes to certain people.

He may need a little love or coddling at the moment. That's up to you to decide if you want to continue on with someone like this.
Posted by happyface1
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by happyface1
Posted by SensitiveBlues
If you're gonna treat a crab like some option be prepared for the cold war


I really have to agree with this. They see through your being distant as a decision to play tit for tat when they feel they have a real reason they may be agitated and may need reassurance from you.

Well it's a dumb game, because it makes the other person want to do the exact same thing back, so both end up not talking to each other and it goes absolutely nowhere.
I can feel the entire mood change when they get like this, even through text. One day they're playful, childlike and fun and then literally within hours its like death

I'm not saying you have to deal with it or play into it.

But you felt he was hurt or agitated by something honestly and you CHOSE to go into silent mode.

It's a difference between someone playing games on purpose than someone who's actually a little extra sensitive when it comes to certain people.

He may need a little love or coddling at the moment. That's up to you to decide if you want to continue on with someone like this.
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I'm much too stubborn and fearful myself to go chasing after him and texting him continuously, so I guess that's why our cycle continues.
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by happyface1
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by happyface1
Posted by SensitiveBlues
If you're gonna treat a crab like some option be prepared for the cold war


I really have to agree with this. They see through your being distant as a decision to play tit for tat when they feel they have a real reason they may be agitated and may need reassurance from you.

Well it's a dumb game, because it makes the other person want to do the exact same thing back, so both end up not talking to each other and it goes absolutely nowhere.
I can feel the entire mood change when they get like this, even through text. One day they're playful, childlike and fun and then literally within hours its like death

I'm not saying you have to deal with it or play into it.

But you felt he was hurt or agitated by something honestly and you CHOSE to go into silent mode.

It's a difference between someone playing games on purpose than someone who's actually a little extra sensitive when it comes to certain people.

He may need a little love or coddling at the moment. That's up to you to decide if you want to continue on with someone like this.

I'm much too stubborn and fearful myself to go chasing after him and texting him continuously, so I guess that's why our cycle continues.

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Was having the same communication crap with the cancer. Naven't tried this but I wish I would
Tell him what you wanna communcate. Also tell you'd take his 'silence' for disinterest and lack of investment which would hurt you so much that you'd have nothing to do that move on and give no crap about him any more.
Posted by TaurusDivine
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by happyface1
Posted by roxylexy10
Posted by happyface1
Posted by SensitiveBlues
If you're gonna treat a crab like some option be prepared for the cold war


I really have to agree with this. They see through your being distant as a decision to play tit for tat when they feel they have a real reason they may be agitated and may need reassurance from you.

Well it's a dumb game, because it makes the other person want to do the exact same thing back, so both end up not talking to each other and it goes absolutely nowhere.
I can feel the entire mood change when they get like this, even through text. One day they're playful, childlike and fun and then literally within hours its like death

I'm not saying you have to deal with it or play into it.

But you felt he was hurt or agitated by something honestly and you CHOSE to go into silent mode.

It's a difference between someone playing games on purpose than someone who's actually a little extra sensitive when it comes to certain people.

He may need a little love or coddling at the moment. That's up to you to decide if you want to continue on with someone like this.

I'm much too stubborn and fearful myself to go chasing after him and texting him continuously, so I guess that's why our cycle continues.

Was having the same communication crap with the cancer. Naven't tried this but I wish I would
Tell him what you wanna communcate. Also tell you'd take his 'silence' for disinterest and lack of investment which would hurt you so much that you'd have nothing to do that move on and give no crap about him any more.
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I don't know.. I always end up feeling pushy and desperate if I do that and then usually when he's in these silent moods he can be kind of blatantly rude.
Idk about men cancer and communication but dont assume all cancers communicate that way i personal dont know but the women communciate very well in my book and ive seen cancer couples work. It can work alot my bf are Aquarius so if anyone understand me its them. Dont get discouraged u get some bad signs qnd some good dont base eveyrhting on a sun and assume everyone is that way. Maybe try communciating with him more
So if a cancer man is really in to you he will always initiate. Some sort of contact? Mine is still silent AF just giving me Instagram likes at almost every post but won't text me.
@roxylexy10 let this man go. and don't even feel regret. be grateful for all those brilliant moments he gave you. it seems he can't give you moreor just not ready.

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