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Sep 15, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 477 · Topics: 17
Is it true that cancer males can be solely friends with females, without any intent of hooking up with them? They just genuinely care for and want to be there for their friends?
Side question: do Cancer men have a white knight complex?
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
Yes I have female friends that are just friends, no I'm not a white knight.
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
Funny I have more female friends than guy friends then I have lots of women that just know me. It is just the way it is not sure why it is I just attract women.
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Sep 15, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 477 · Topics: 17
Thanks guys. I do agree. I also wonder how often the female misconstrues that caring side of the cancer. Or do they just get it, friend vibe, case closed?
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Jan 19, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 873 · Topics: 41
i have one thing to say...
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Sep 15, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 477 · Topics: 17
Lmao thanks Redmann! Can always count on you for a laugh break.
But the question is, when do you know that they don't want to be just friends? My cancer friend asked me, after not seeing each other for 3 months, to go to the cinema, I asked him if it was a date or just as friends, he only asked the question back, so I told him I didn't know. He told me all kinds of bs about how only watching a movie isnt a date, its only a date when its like a full program with drinks and dinner etc. The next day he cancelled but he said he did want a revance. So I told him we dont have to meet up (things had gotten a bit awkward after I asked the date-question) but he insisted. So now we're going to have dinner and watch a movie next week (unless he cancels again). It sounds like a date to me? I dont dare to ask..
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Sep 15, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 477 · Topics: 17
To clarify, when I say I've been in this sitch before, don't mean with Cancer man. He is amazing and trustworthy and knows how to make me feel wanted and secure in his love for me. I've never questioned that. But something about a new woman sharing her relationship problems with a guy she recently met smells desperate. I'm just curious to see how this pans out lol.