Cancer men and Loyalty

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Diora_Capri on Sunday, April 12, 2009 and has 24 replies.

how loyal are cancer men with their women? How can we tell if they only want you and only you? lol any special signs?
I believe that it depends on how comitted the relationship is. If it's equally serious, Cancers tend to be very loyal. Almost to a fault.
Posted by sucha_d0ll
I believe that it depends on how comitted the relationship is. If it's equally serious, Cancers tend to be very loyal. Almost to a fault.

Lol really? do tell
Oh! So you chose the Cancer Diora? Cool Big Grin
Well being a cancerian man myself I would say that depending on how fast the relationship goes will definitely determine if he will be loyal or not. If you move too fast or make it easy for him, than in his eyes the ultimate prize was just way too simple to achieve; and thus go look for a better challenge else where. But if you draw it out with the cancer than he'll become more interested in trying to win your affection, thus him being loyal to you.
It may sound a little bad but some cancer men look at a relationship as a sport to see how long it can take for the one they're after to cave.
So I agree with how lou says all cancer men are different. I myself require equal reciprocation like what doll was getting at to be serious in a relationship and be loyal to the end!
So if you want the cancer to be loyal got to be will to TAKE and GIVE as well.

Yes cappysweetie, he's yummiest of em all =)
Oh you lot, he keeps professing his loyalty time and time fact he did so again last was weird i mean, does he need constant reassurance? It amazes me that as confident as he comes (and i suspect as most cancer men do), underneath all that exterior, he still is this sensitive cancer man...he said, im not oging to break you heart, not planning to; more likely you'll be the one to break my heart..
which boosted my ego but at the same time..reminded me how I became the cap with so many xs...

out of topic..out of topic....

anyway, smiles24, i thought we were going too fast for my cappy pace, and he thought its alright and he likes having to fgure me out - that i dont give in too easily to him - so i think you are right in that sense.
It's good and natural for him to be interested and fascinated in you diora; after all capricorns are the natural opposites of us cancers.
So we like to see how the other side lives, if that makes sense at all lol.
Posted by Smiles24
It's good and natural for him to be interested and fascinated in you diora; after all capricorns are the natural opposites of us cancers.
So we like to see how the other side lives, if that makes sense at all lol.

It makes sense to me lol. Honestly, I think I will end up with a cancer guy. It just seems to be the direction I will go into. I will end up with a cancer guy ... whether I like it or not, I'm sure he won't care LOL!
Yes cappysweetie, he's yummiest of em all =)
I am happy for you Diora Big Grin Cancer men are awesome once they put things in perpective. Yes, they are really cool and loving too. Not just caring, but loving. Yes, they are sensitive, but once you get past that, its fine Big Grin
Interesting. I think at the end IF a guy is interested, whether you wait or give it up sooner than later IF a guy wants you he will be with you. I've heard so many times from guys that a guy will measure up a girl the second he meets her. He knows whether this girl will be his just for sex, a gf to try, or a wife. One of my coworkers told me, and I've met these girls, both of whom slept with the guy on the 1st date, and second one within a week. Both Cancer guys both now married to them.
What do you think Cancer boys? How do you know a Cancer guy wants you or just sex.
Posted by wineaux
i can answer that...and that's just having been with one. they will never share with you. they will never let you penetrate that shell. they will never show that childish coy sparkle they have when they're around the one they have feelings for. they will never catch you off guard and say the sweetest thing that will have your heart in a puddle. you won't wake up in their arms while they're staring at you. you won't get to see them fall asleep with that saccharine smile they have because you are next to them. you won't get to feel them breathe in the same rhythm as you. they will never tell you they feel safe when they are with you. they will flirt and always be in control...because that's what they do when their feelings aren't below the surface.

hm wineaux, I usually agree with everything you have to say about cancers but here I'll kind of disagree, at least with my experience. mine's really shy and i'm still just getting to know him (he's FINALLY coming home from 2,000 miles away after his father passed away last week) but even though i hardly know him, he's already done some of this stuff.
first off, everytime i'm in the mood to "hook up" (not sex though) he's always the one who wants to take it slow and wait. one time i called him a tease and when he left he said "goodnight my vixen" like WHO says that nowadays?? it was so weird but like so cute/sexy at the same time haha!
also, I've woken up the next morning wrapped in his arms, he's fallen asleep on the couch with his arms around me while watching movies (snoring away REALLY LOUDLY.. haha) he said he missed me while he's been gone these two weeks, and he was the one who asked if i wanted to "pursue something" my second night after moving to his town-to which i replied "maybe". so...don't think they're all so stuffed in their shells.. mine's super shy but he's still managed to come out of it numerous times :-)
How long did you wait? Well this guy like wants it with me every time we're together. BUT he has taken me out. He has told me he likes me, ... is that just a "talk " to get laid? I find him to be so confident on the outside but SO insecure or shy when we get close. Haven't had sex yet. It's been a month. How do I find out?
Posted by pr_princess
How long did you wait? Well this guy like wants it with me every time we're together. BUT he has taken me out. He has told me he likes me, ... is that just a "talk " to get laid? I find him to be so confident on the outside but SO insecure or shy when we get close. Haven't had sex yet. It's been a month. How do I find out?

Well, I'm still a virgin, and we're not "officially" dating yet.. long story-met on a cruise in February, lived 3 hrs away.. visited twice between then and June, I decided to move there to find a better job because the economy sucks where I live.. so I just moved there June 5th and then he had to fly 2,000 miles away 5 days later because his dad died and he won't be back til tomorrow SO we really haven't done that much. I don't plan on having sex with him for A LONG time, considering I dated my last ex for a year and a half and we didn't do it. I figured since I'm 22 and I've waited this long I might as well make it very special, I at least want to be in love and I'm still getting to know this guy.
His friend told me that his last gf was a virgin and he didn't know it and they had sex and he took her virginity and was planning on breaking up with her before that so he was really upset because he didn't realize he took her virginity and didn't want to look like an ass by breaking up with her after. He's almost 25 and only slept with 2 girls though, so I don't think he's just holding out because he wants to get laid.
His friend (a girl) and I joke that he's EXACTLY like edward cullen because well.. he is. Quiet, protective, broading, and the willpower of a freaking priest, I swear to god. sometimes I just want to jump him and he is so....gentlemanly. haha
@wineaux ahhh that makes more sense.. i get it now. i was about to say jeez, that sounds like the worst relationship ever! lol
Posted by wineaux
i can answer that...and that's just having been with one. they will never share with you. they will never let you penetrate that shell. they will never show that childish coy sparkle they have when they're around the one they have feelings for. they will never catch you off guard and say the sweetest thing that will have your heart in a puddle. you won't wake up in their arms while they're staring at you. you won't get to see them fall asleep with that saccharine smile they have because you are next to them. you won't get to feel them breathe in the same rhythm as you. they will never tell you they feel safe when they are with you. they will flirt and always be in control...because that's what they do when their feelings aren't below the surface.

very interesting post as usual wineaux.. Winking
U are really knowledgeable and I learned a lot from you smile
"they will never let u penetrate that shell"------------> SO TRUE
My Cancer 2011 ex was not good with sweet words ..LOL but we had special moments, yes we did. But indeed..his guards were always up.
We have a problem with being loyal in a relationship even though we want loyalty because we feel we always gotta have a backup plan so we can always have female energy around. It for out emotional well being because we take breakups with ones with care about the absolute worst emotionally of any sign.
The reason for this is we derive alot of powerful energy that we thrive on from females. We can be masculine men, but need reassurance from females in order to truly shine.
A Cancer man's worst nightmare is not having a woman out there that admires him. It has nothing to do with being vain. We just feel out of sync if there isn't a female energy source being given to us.
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by HighTide

We have a problem with being loyal in a relationship even though we want loyalty because we feel we always gotta have a backup plan so we can always have female energy around. It for out emotional well being because we take breakups with ones with care about the absolute worst emotionally of any sign.

The reason for this is we derive alot of powerful energy that we thrive on from females. We can be masculine men, but need reassurance from females in order to truly shine.

A Cancer man's worst nightmare is not having a woman out there that admires him. It has nothing to do with being vain. We just feel out of sync if there isn't a female energy source being given to us.


user mentality
click to expand
One of my cancer guy friend thrives on what high tide said. All the women he’s been with write an ode about him on social media. But he also dates batshit crazy, so I’m not surprised that they start writing long winded poetry and ode to him in a short span of time. 🙄
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by HighTide

We have a problem with being loyal in a relationship even though we want loyalty because we feel we always gotta have a backup plan so we can always have female energy around. It for out emotional well being because we take breakups with ones with care about the absolute worst emotionally of any sign.

The reason for this is we derive alot of powerful energy that we thrive on from females. We can be masculine men, but need reassurance from females in order to truly shine.

A Cancer man's worst nightmare is not having a woman out there that admires him. It has nothing to do with being vain. We just feel out of sync if there isn't a female energy source being given to us.


user mentality
One of my cancer guy friend thrives on what high tide said. All the women he’s been with write an ode about him on social media. But he also dates batshit crazy, so I’m not surprised that they start writing long winded poetry and ode to him in a short span of time. 🙄

Being admired is one thing using a person's time and energy to validate your existence another
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Yes, this Cancer dude does have existential crisis as well. Also, being “admired” in a short span of time is not considered admiration either. It’s more infatuation.
*I wanted to have both of them just as they were, both of them - I didn't know much about women did I?*

~ Ernest hemmingsay on his wife and mistress. His wife left him.


Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by HighTide

We have a problem with being loyal in a relationship even though we want loyalty because we feel we always gotta have a backup plan so we can always have female energy around. It for out emotional well being because we take breakups with ones with care about the absolute worst emotionally of any sign.

The reason for this is we derive alot of powerful energy that we thrive on from females. We can be masculine men, but need reassurance from females in order to truly shine.

A Cancer man's worst nightmare is not having a woman out there that admires him. It has nothing to do with being vain. We just feel out of sync if there isn't a female energy source being given to us.


user mentality
One of my cancer guy friend thrives on what high tide said. All the women he’s been with write an ode about him on social media. But he also dates batshit crazy, so I’m not surprised that they start writing long winded poetry and ode to him in a short span of time. 🙄

Being admired is one thing using a person's time and energy to validate your existence another
Yes, this Cancer dude does have existential crisis as well. Also, being “admired” in a short span of time is not considered admiration either. It’s more infatuation.
So he never falls for them?

Sounds like a player
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But aren’t Cancer men players? LMaO. They are the nice guys who aren’t decent. LOL.

All my Cancer guy friends, relatives, coworkers are undercover cheating hoes. Sooner or later they get caught. I had high hopes that one old Cancer friend would prove this wrong, but alas, he failed me as well. I recently found out through my bro that he’s cheating on his wife.
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by HighTide

We have a problem with being loyal in a relationship even though we want loyalty because we feel we always gotta have a backup plan so we can always have female energy around. It for out emotional well being because we take breakups with ones with care about the absolute worst emotionally of any sign.

The reason for this is we derive alot of powerful energy that we thrive on from females. We can be masculine men, but need reassurance from females in order to truly shine.

A Cancer man's worst nightmare is not having a woman out there that admires him. It has nothing to do with being vain. We just feel out of sync if there isn't a female energy source being given to us.


user mentality
One of my cancer guy friend thrives on what high tide said. All the women he’s been with write an ode about him on social media. But he also dates batshit crazy, so I’m not surprised that they start writing long winded poetry and ode to him in a short span of time. 🙄

Being admired is one thing using a person's time and energy to validate your existence another
Yes, this Cancer dude does have existential crisis as well. Also, being “admired” in a short span of time is not considered admiration either. It’s more infatuation.
So he never falls for them?

Sounds like a player
But aren’t Cancer men players? LMaO. They are the nice guys who aren’t decent. LOL.

All my Cancer guy friends, relatives, coworkers are undercover cheating hoes. Sooner or later they get caught. I had high hopes that one old Cancer friend would prove this wrong, but alas, he failed me as well. I recently found out through my bro that he’s cheating on his wife.
Thats too bad. I know some decent ones, but they're east African.

I guess since it's easy for them to engage women they easily get corrupted, but most of them i don't even hear anything about

The right guy will only deal with one woman out of respect for her and himself

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I suppose upbringing/nurture plays a huge role. The old Cancer friend who recently disappointed me by cheating on his wife is Kenyan indian. He was very attractive back in the days and had his supply and demand. He was a good guy. I guess the Taurus he married isn’t fulfilling him. When we were friends, he and I bonded over our love for wanting kids. I’m surprised that he has no kids after being with his girl for 15 yrs.
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by MyStarsShine

*I wanted to have both of them just as they were, both of them - I didn't know much about women did I?*

~ Ernest hemmingsay on his wife and mistress. His wife left him.


Artists are asinine and broken

normal crabs are generally loyal
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I've known lots of crab women who are extremely loyal, too much so at times, but have only known three or four crab men, they've all cheated...
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by MyStarsShine

*I wanted to have both of them just as they were, both of them - I didn't know much about women did I?*

~ Ernest hemmingsay on his wife and mistress. His wife left him.


Artists are asinine and broken

normal crabs are generally loyal
I've known lots of crab women who are extremely loyal, too much so at times, but have only known three or four crab men, they've all cheated...
Thats terrible and very sad
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Yes it is

One of them left his woman and little boy, he moved to another country and married another woman and his son from his first rship died and he never got over leaving him...I was at the funeral and have never seen anyone so broken. his ex was a crab too

Heartbreaking 😥