cancer men and sag women

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by kym1209 on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 and has 6 replies.
i'm a sag woman. i get along great with cancers. in fact, most of my best friends are cancers, but i've never been intimate with a cancer male. we're not boyfriend or girlfriend because he's moving at the end of the year, but he tells me plenty of times that he's been the most himself around me than anyone he's ever met and that i'm perfect for him. he had a really big thing for a girl before me (scorpio), and he says he still has feelings for her but not relationship feelings. i know he talks to his ex-girlfriends and stuff and since we're not together, it shouldn't bother me. considering, though, that he does tell me all these things he "loves" about me and what not, i'm just wondering, would he just say those things to keep me around until the end of the year when he moves or when cancer males do express what they love about you mean they are developing more feelings? i have deep feelings for him, but i know that he doesn't want a relationship so i don't really take what he says too seriously since it was all his decision to not be serious to begin with.
I'm a Sag women and dated a cancer man many years ago. It was a very destructive relationship for me. I felt like I could never trust him (but we were young) and I was right. Go with your instincts because they are usually right on the mark. Good Luck
what kinds of problems did you have with the cancer man you dated? (if you don't mind me asking)
I was 15 when we met and we were together for 7 1/2 years. (Very Young, I know) He accused me of cheating on him many times, when all along he was the one cheating. He had a bad temper and was violent. (I haven't been with anyone violent since or will I ever again) He had a way of convincing me to feel guilty for talking with other people. (I know, I was gullable and niave.) He would accuse me of cheating on him if I was talking with a guy and if I wanted to hang out with my female friends he would accuse me of looking for guys to screw. It was a no win situation. He needed to know where I was at all times and what I was doing. I like my freedom and space but I put up with it because we had two children and I wanted to make things work for them but it didn't. I don't miss him one bit. I just wish he could of been a real father to my children. (He disappeared) My children are 15 and 18 now and haven't seen their father for at least 11 years. That was my experience. On a good note, he could be very affectionate and was great in bed. He loved to clean and cook too.
i'm sorry to hear that.
the cancer i'm hanging out with doesn't cling to me. my father was a cancer, though, and he was pretty fact, the guy i'm hanging out with and my dad have the same birthdays. if he was at all jealous or anything, he never shows me that side. he usually doesn't try to make me feel guilty for anything either. i just wish i knew his true intentions.
I guess just take it slow and wait and see how he interacts with you and the people around you. The only way I guess you might know is if your patient and observe him and your relationship over some time and hopefully you will get your answers. Good luck