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Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
i have been seeing this cancer guy for about 4 months. we only see each other about once a week because of our schedules and i am trying to determine what he wants from me (i am a pisces by the way and have never dated a cancer b4) when i see him he gives me little things like cd's that he has burned for me or writes me poetry but he never pays for my dinner or lunch when we go out. are we just freinds with benefits is what i am wondering. we slept together for the first time about a week ago and it was wonderful. we talk to each other just about everyday on the phone and i tell him i miss him. he says he was thinking of me but he won't say he misses me. and when i say i miss him he finds a way to cut our conversation and we hang up within a few minutes but he still wants to meet for dinner this week. this is weird. i dont; know where i stand.
please cancer men help me or women familiar with this! i am not sure what to feel so i feel like i want to clam up soon.
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Apr 29, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 10
Do you feel like he's not as serious about you because he won't pay for your dinner or lunch? I don't know if I would go as far as basing whether or not he is serious about you because he won't pay for lunch or dinner for you. Now if he was making you fit the bill for you both, umm big no no. You might need to see if you can have a talk with him regarding where you two are headed and where you stand right now. If you know you don't want to be labled as the "friends with benefits" then let him know this. If you need something more, let him know. Don't keep yourself in limbo and on pins and needles with your emotions- not good for us Pisces. The Cancer I'm with would do those same sweet gestures- burn CDs for me, only I wrote the poetry to him, lol.
Also too you have to understand with them they take their time when it comes to getting serious because I went through a period with my Cancer where I would tell him I loved him but he wouldn't say it back and it drove me nuts, BUT he was still coming to see me and calling me and showing interest in growing our love. We were a good 4 or 5 months, maybe even longer, before he finally started saying it back to me.
If you know for a fact that he is not seeing anyone else the same way he is seeing you,then you can start to feel more confident in where you two are headed becaues this is a good sign. Don't torture yourself by getting into something where it's "open" you know him not just seeing you exclusively . I can't stand these kind of things and for us Pisces we just can't deal with these kind of arrangements. Either someone is into us or they are not.
Sinder just communicate with him and try to be patient with a Cancer- if he building something with you in a genuine way, from his heart, no games, it will be worth it if it turns into something lasting.
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Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
thank you for your input. this is giving me more a direction. i will see him wed for dinner and i don't want to pressure him but i do want to know where i stand. any tactful way to do this is appreciated. also, i just found out he may be moving to another state for a job that he is being offered right now. this is not 100 percent but it is on the table. i don;t want to get hurt. i have never felt for a man like i do for this man.
to antibling-are you a cancer male? how do you know about cancers being tight?
"Canceras are tight ers with money though"
are we? i don't think so. i always am more than happy to pick up the check with anyone... friends, family, females...
however, i don't like to be taken advantage of.
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Jun 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 153 · Topics: 16
There is this Cancer man who I think has an affair going on with a married woman. I can sense it, because whenever she sees me talking to him, she listens to everything. I love him but he doesn't know it. I believe he senses it, but doesn't reveal anything. Yes, we flirt often. I am curious though, does he love this married woman who has a child or is he with her for sex? She gets jealous whenever she sees us talking. Not to toot my own horn, but I am very sexy! Any insight? Thanks guys!