cancer men - ugh!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by sunniegrrl on Friday, April 7, 2006 and has 7 replies.
ok ok ok, i know i come to you guys a little more often then i should for advice on my guy, but being leo i got so used to all the lovely attention he gave me in the first three months, and now that the honeymoon is over and he's gotten quite comfy with me, i miss all the attention and have a hard time not taking it personally.
can you guys tell me please, is it a cancer trait that i'm the one initiating everything? phone calls, dates, everything. he's always happy to hear from me and will always say yes when i ask him if he wants to do something, but i thought cancers will smother their SO's with attention?
cancer dudes are the most confusing ever.
You just said it right there "but being leo i got so used to all the lovely attention he gave me"
A typical Leo you sound like, it becomes hard work after a while keeping a Leo happy with constant attention, quite tiresome.
yeah just like my bf whenever I demand his attention and complain he would always making sure to reassure me that I'm his girl haha what a cancer babe
'try acting distant for a while, that will keep him alert.'
- This works for me as well
Im a cancer man and if you act distant with me it wont work, why would that work? a female recently has acted distant with me, now il make no effort at all to contact her, so that wont work in this situation at least.
Okay, well ... let me asked you this ... you being a cancer man (I know all people are different but still) why do they do things to make a woman angry or make a woman want to became distant. Anytime you refuse to communicate will annoy anyone. People can only be so understanding.
true true its a both way thing in a relationship. You can't really blame the women if they act distant it was only cause the cancerian men are sometimes so hard to understand. But trust me, once you have their heart and they are not shy to open up. Just need to be extra patient with them, that's all. Good luck to all women with cancerian guys smilekeep it up. They are really worth the try hehe gotta love them!!!

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