ok ok ok, i know i come to you guys a little more often then i should for advice on my guy, but being leo i got so used to all the lovely attention he gave me in the first three months, and now that the honeymoon is over and he's gotten quite comfy with me, i miss all the attention and have a hard time not taking it personally.
can you guys tell me please, is it a cancer trait that i'm the one initiating everything? phone calls, dates, everything. he's always happy to hear from me and will always say yes when i ask him if he wants to do something, but i thought cancers will smother their SO's with attention?
cancer dudes are the most confusing ever.
You just said it right there "but being leo i got so used to all the lovely attention he gave me"
A typical Leo you sound like, it becomes hard work after a while keeping a Leo happy with constant attention, quite tiresome.
yeah just like my bf whenever I demand his attention and complain he would always making sure to reassure me that I'm his girl haha what a cancer babe
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
'try acting distant for a while, that will keep him alert.'
- This works for me as well
Im a cancer man and if you act distant with me it wont work, why would that work? a female recently has acted distant with me, now il make no effort at all to contact her, so that wont work in this situation at least.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Okay, well ... let me asked you this ... you being a cancer man (I know all people are different but still) why do they do things to make a woman angry or make a woman want to became distant. Anytime you refuse to communicate will annoy anyone. People can only be so understanding.