Cancer Woman cheating on me! - Part 2

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by aniketsabarad on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 37 replies.
Please read the Cancer Woman cheating on me! post for the background of the story.

Recent Developments.

Hi guys, there have been some developments recently. As per my cousin who works at the same work place as her, told me that she seems to be happy with the other guy while she spends time with him. She also have been spending a lot of time and staying over at the guys place. Like everybody in the forum advised that I ignore her for a few days. I have started doing that since a couple of days. She called thrice when I was ignoring her. I did not pick but later I could not control myself and hence I picked up the call in the evening. We spoke and then I told her I was busy with work and stuff. I casually asked her if she wanted to meet after work and we could spend some time. She said she didn't wanna meet and I asked what was the reason, she got pissed and furious(also I think she is pretty much still pissed at me even after apologising) and told me that she doesn't feel like meeting me(probably she had plans to meet the other guy) and hence we got into an argument. Finally, i told her that lets give each other some space and hence she agreed. So she neither texted nor called the entire night as I suspect she was spending time with him at his place. The last morning, she texted saying that she was was missing me and she has been thinking about me last night. I was startled, I asked how, she told me that she had dream about me and she started missing me. To this I replied that I just need my time and space. She also told me that she wept at night and she punished herself it seems. I asked why didn't she call or text when she was missing and weeping. She told me that is how she punished herself by not calling or texting me(which I don't think is true as she was with the other guy). To this, I did not react much and just said okay. All of a sudden she started texting in a sweet and cute way. I didn't say anything and have been ignoring her since. But she is acting all cool about my ignoring and my cousin at her work place told me that she isn't bothered about me or my ignorance and she has been happy and spending quite a lot of time with the other guy. I made no contact for the entire day and night after that and neither did she. But she texted me this morning and again started telling me that she was missing me. I didn't know what to say. I just asked why and she started telling me that she is very sad and angry at me and she was pissed as shit at me because I never loved her. (This is what she thinks, that I never loved her). I just tried telling her otherwise and hence I tried telling her that how much I miss and love her and would make it up to her for all the wrong doings. Also apologised to her. She did not reply to my messages and hence I called her. When I called her, she told me that she was at work and she couldn't speak about it at work. I just hung up. She started texting again casually on an another topic. I did not reply much and
A bunch of Crab women told you to cut her off for 2 weeks, but you can't. Sorry buddy, that's weak.

You tell her to give it space and time yet every time she contacts you, you answer..... eventually. She is mirroring the fact that you are all talk and no action. She's got a back up but still has you for her emotional venting. She's not changing a thing.

You're doing the same thing you were doing before and getting the same result. You must like the rollercoaster so I'll leave you to it
Posted by shellshocker
A bunch of Crab women told you to cut her off for 2 weeks, but you can't. Sorry buddy, that's weak.

You tell her to give it space and time yet every time she contacts you, you answer..... eventually. She is mirroring the fact that you are all talk and no action. She's got a back up but still has you for her emotional venting. She's not changing a thing.

You're doing the same thing you were doing before and getting the same result. You must like the rollercoaster so I'll leave you to it

@shellshocker: by mirroring you mean she is trying to find out if I have really changed? And why would she mirror the action of I not speaking to her at all and cease all communication with her?And am I back up or the other guy? And I have been ignoring her as much as possible. But i feel that she will go and do reckless things with the other guy and leave me forever if I cease all communication with her. Please advise @shellshocker on how do I go about it?
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by shellshocker
A bunch of Crab women told you to cut her off for 2 weeks, but you can't. Sorry buddy, that's weak.

You tell her to give it space and time yet every time she contacts you, you answer..... eventually. She is mirroring the fact that you are all talk and no action. She's got a back up but still has you for her emotional venting. She's not changing a thing.

You're doing the same thing you were doing before and getting the same result. You must like the rollercoaster so I'll leave you to it

@shellshocker: by mirroring you mean she is trying to find out if I have really changed? And why would she mirror the action of I not speaking to her at all and cease all communication with her?And am I back up or the other guy? And I have been ignoring her as much as possible. But i feel that she will go and do reckless things with the other guy and leave me forever if I cease all communication with her. Please advise @shellshocker on how do I go about it?
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Also, she spends every evening with him after work because of which I think it does not matter to her and she hardly cares about I texting or calling her. I feel so hurt, she's changed so much. And that is why I'm a lil scared to cease all communication with her. But I have cut down the communication by a great margin. Please advise @shellshocker, I'm in great pain.
Posted by shellshocker
A bunch of Crab women told you to cut her off for 2 weeks, but you can't. Sorry buddy, that's weak.

You tell her to give it space and time yet every time she contacts you, you answer..... eventually. She is mirroring the fact that you are all talk and no action. She's got a back up but still has you for her emotional venting. She's not changing a thing.

You're doing the same thing you were doing before and getting the same result. You must like the rollercoaster so I'll leave you to it

Yes. I tell that to my man.. he is a talker not a doer.

gosh Cancer men cannot really understand. They don't stop whining, complaining .. so annoying. They don't move. They just talk.LaughingLaughing
@BlackMamba : If the sex is that good with an Aries, then wouldn't that be a good enough reason to Marry him? Also the guy is well settled and earns a lot more than me. And as per the Indian culture, he is in a good stage to marry her, their age difference is 4 years and he is in the perfect marrying age and so is she. And he is also in a state to take responsibility.
Posted by aniketsabarad
@BlackMamba : If the sex is that good with an Aries, then wouldn't that be a good enough reason to Marry him? Also the guy is well settled and earns a lot more than me. And as per the Indian culture, he is in a good stage to marry her, their age difference is 4 years and he is in the perfect marrying age and so is she. And he is also in a state to take responsibility.

@BlackMamba : you mean let her go and get over her?
You honestly seem more interested in the guy than her. You're getting your cousin to spy on her and report back? All these details about what she's doing at night and with who.

You've gone full creeper

Please stop begging for advice and guidance. It's not attractive Sad
Posted by shellshocker
You honestly seem more interested in the guy than her. You're getting your cousin to spy on her and report back? All these details about what she's doing at night and with who.

You've gone full creeper

Please stop begging for advice and guidance. It's not attractive Sad

Yes, I agree that I have asked my cousin to keep an eye on her but definitely not at night or after office hours. It's only my suspicion that she is spending the nights at his place. I'm sorry if it's bothering. But I really liked this girl and thought she could be the one, I had also informed my family about her and how we might end up together. So it feels real bad when she is doing all this. And thank you for all your help and it is much appreciated.
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by shellshocker
You honestly seem more interested in the guy than her. You're getting your cousin to spy on her and report back? All these details about what she's doing at night and with who.

You've gone full creeper

Please stop begging for advice and guidance. It's not attractive Sad

Don't be mean
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His focus is no longer on his girl but the competition of the other male. He has mentioned the guy at her work in every single post.

If he is begging for forgiveness and continues to apologize to her while she refuses to see him and is spending time with another man, She's probably using his behaviour to ween herself off of him.

That's the nicest way I can think to say it

Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by shellshocker
You honestly seem more interested in the guy than her. You're getting your cousin to spy on her and report back? All these details about what she's doing at night and with who.

You've gone full creeper

Please stop begging for advice and guidance. It's not attractive Sad

It's only my suspicion that she is spending the nights at his place.
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If it's only your suspicion, why are you mentioning it like it's fact?
Posted by shellshocker
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by shellshocker
You honestly seem more interested in the guy than her. You're getting your cousin to spy on her and report back? All these details about what she's doing at night and with who.

You've gone full creeper

Please stop begging for advice and guidance. It's not attractive Sad

Don't be mean

His focus is no longer on his girl but the competition of the other male. He has mentioned the guy at her work in every single post.

If he is begging for forgiveness and continues to apologize to her while she refuses to see him and is spending time with another man, She's probably using his behaviour to ween herself off of him.

That's the nicest way I can think to say it

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By ween herself off to him mean that my behaviour is only making her drift away from me and go towards him? And it's not a competition, trust me, I was placing all the information on the table. Apart from that it's nothing.
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by shellshocker
You honestly seem more interested in the guy than her. You're getting your cousin to spy on her and report back? All these details about what she's doing at night and with who.

You've gone full creeper

Please stop begging for advice and guidance. It's not attractive Sad

Yes, I agree that I have asked my cousin to keep an eye on her but definitely not at night or after office hours. It's only my suspicion that she is spending the nights at his place. I'm sorry if it's bothering. But I really liked this girl and thought she could be the one, I had also informed my family about her and how we might end up together. So it feels real bad when she is doing all this. And thank you for all your help and it is much appreciated.
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Crying soo sad to hear from you. my cancer man behave like this. While I was on my extreme mood of fighting with him. He was humble and kept apologising. So I always ended picking him up at his lowest low. And continue my relationship for the sake of his feelings. Crying Crying

If it's only your suspicion, why are you mentioning it like it's fact?

I still considering it as a suspicion because I don't know it for sure, but that is how it seems like. And I might come out as more creepy to you because I had checked one of her c4edot card transactions on the day she refused to meet me. And transaction was made in the locality where the guy stays. I'm sorry for doing all this but even when we were together she used to spy on me as well by logging into my fb accounts.
To be honest you should moved on.. (like I said commented on your previous post) and don't let old sentiments not hold you back doing so... but you listened to ppl here and went for the silent treatment and even that you couldn't do... and now she got an backup and exercises emotional healing/venting on you as a emotional revenge.. .and your playing the part...
You did her wrong and now you regret it.. I know it stings... but just accept and appreciate the times you had together.. and learn from this.. never to make the same mistakes..
Heal your self... and develop your crab shell from this and boost emotional balance as lessons learned..(sense emotional insecurity issues from you a mile away)... don't blame her for your mistakes... take it like a man... even if it hurts... deal with it..

And next time never... ever! take a woman for granted... specially not a wonderful sensitive crab goddess.
Posted by signofthecrab
To be honest you should moved on.. (like I said commented on your previous post) and don't let old sentiments not hold you back doing so... but you listened to ppl here and went for the silent treatment and even that you couldn't do... and now she got an backup and exercises emotional healing/venting on you as a emotional revenge.. .and your playing the part...
You did her wrong and now you regret it.. I know it stings... but just accept and appreciate the times you had together.. and learn from this.. never to make the same mistakes..
Heal your self... and develop your crab shell from this and boost emotional balance as lessons learned..(sense emotional insecurity issues from you a mile away)... don't blame her for your mistakes... take it like a man... even if it hurts... deal with it..

And next time never... ever! take a woman for granted... specially not a wonderful sensitive crab goddess.

Yes, I have agreed to my mistakes and I'm regretting those. I have never blamed her for my mistakes. I have always agreed that those were my mistakes alone and I'm man enough to take the blame of the relationship and willing to make it work no matter what it takes. But its not completely fair on my part if she goes to someone else when I could not shower her the emotional care(because I had lot going on in my life as well). She could've talked about how she felt and what was she going through. I would've understood and would've worked on myself but instead she choose someone else over me who was giving her some attention(there will always be some guy waiting for that opportunity) which is not really right when you're already with someone. And I have learned the lesson and I just need one opportunity to prove myself to her.

And if even I continue with the silent treatment now, would you think she would come back at least to talk and have a closure?
Hey guys, there has been some development, like everybody asked me, I went no contact with her since last evening after what I explained in this post at the top. She called me this evening, I did not pick her call. She called twice and pinged me on fb. I kept quiet for sometime and later replied to her on fb that I tried calling her twice but was her phone was not reachable(actually I did not call her and just made that up). Do I continue the same thing?

@shellshocker: So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@BlackMamba : If the sex is that good with an Aries, then wouldn't that be a good enough reason to Marry him? Also the guy is well settled and earns a lot more than me. And as per the Indian culture, he is in a good stage to marry her, their age difference is 4 years and he is in the perfect marrying age and so is she. And he is also in a state to take responsibility.

Crabs don't marry for money you know better than that.

Anyways back off. It'll help you release this energy. Get new activities
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Agreed... Back off and stay busy.
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@BlackMamba : If the sex is that good with an Aries, then wouldn't that be a good enough reason to Marry him? Also the guy is well settled and earns a lot more than me. And as per the Indian culture, he is in a good stage to marry her, their age difference is 4 years and he is in the perfect marrying age and so is she. And he is also in a state to take responsibility.

Crabs don't marry for money you know better than that.

Anyways back off. It'll help you release this energy. Get new activities

Agreed... Back off and stay busy.
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She has been calling and texting me a lot. Don't know what to do. She called and texted me again. I have not been picking up her calls or replying to her texts. Any suggestions?
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Hey guys, there has been some development, like everybody asked me, I went no contact with her since last evening after what I explained in this post at the top. She called me this evening, I did not pick her call. She called twice and pinged me on fb. I kept quiet for sometime and later replied to her on fb that I tried calling her twice but was her phone was not reachable(actually I did not call her and just made that up). Do I continue the same thing?

@shellshocker: So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're a fuking idiot. why would you respond and then lie in your response.

the point of NC is for you to heal dimwit and move on.

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I really want her back in my life, at least I want her to come back for the closure at least so that we could talk and clear out things.
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Hey guys, there has been some development, like everybody asked me, I went no contact with her since last evening after what I explained in this post at the top. She called me this evening, I did not pick her call. She called twice and pinged me on fb. I kept quiet for sometime and later replied to her on fb that I tried calling her twice but was her phone was not reachable(actually I did not call her and just made that up). Do I continue the same thing?

@shellshocker: So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're a fuking idiot. why would you respond and then lie in your response.

the point of NC is for you to heal dimwit and move on.

I really want her back in my life, at least I want her to come back for the closure at least so that we could talk and clear out things.

ok talk and do your're so needy...
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Why can't I wait for her to come back? Don't you think that she would give me a chance and we could work this thing out? I really want to get back with her! Sad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Hey guys, there has been some development, like everybody asked me, I went no contact with her since last evening after what I explained in this post at the top. She called me this evening, I did not pick her call. She called twice and pinged me on fb. I kept quiet for sometime and later replied to her on fb that I tried calling her twice but was her phone was not reachable(actually I did not call her and just made that up). Do I continue the same thing?

@shellshocker: So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're a fuking idiot. why would you respond and then lie in your response.

the point of NC is for you to heal dimwit and move on.

I really want her back in my life, at least I want her to come back for the closure at least so that we could talk and clear out things.

ok talk and do your're so needy...
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I find that level of desperation and neediness a turn off if my feelings are not at the same level. You can't get a relationship worth anything back with pity.

It's a lack of self control, something Cancers have to learn the hard way I guess.

@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?
Posted by shellshocker
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
Hey guys, there has been some development, like everybody asked me, I went no contact with her since last evening after what I explained in this post at the top. She called me this evening, I did not pick her call. She called twice and pinged me on fb. I kept quiet for sometime and later replied to her on fb that I tried calling her twice but was her phone was not reachable(actually I did not call her and just made that up). Do I continue the same thing?

@shellshocker: So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're a fuking idiot. why would you respond and then lie in your response.

the point of NC is for you to heal dimwit and move on.

I really want her back in my life, at least I want her to come back for the closure at least so that we could talk and clear out things.

ok talk and do your're so needy...

I find that level of desperation and neediness a turn off if my feelings are not at the same level. You can't get a relationship worth anything back with pity.

It's a lack of self control, something Cancers have to learn the hard way I guess.

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And I have gained that self control. I haven't been picking her calls or replying to her texts. She has called a number of times now but I have managed not to answer them and have gained some control over my mind.
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're not together, you don't have to explain yourself to her. do you dude.

plus why would you want to be with someone whose lying to you anyways. i'd be like you got a dude your'e fuking why you calling me!

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Yeah I know, but what happened to the 2 weeks no contact thing which many of the cancerian women asked me to do? I thought I was still doing that and hence I have been asking what do I tell her when she asks why I have been avoiding her? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?
I am revoking your Crab status. Please leave your shell and claws on the way out.
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're not together, you don't have to explain yourself to her. do you dude.

plus why would you want to be with someone whose lying to you anyways. i'd be like you got a dude your'e fuking why you calling me!

Yeah I know, but what happened to the 2 weeks no contact thing which many of the cancerian women asked me to do? I thought I was still doing that and hence I have been asking what do I tell her when she asks why I have been avoiding her? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?
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the moment you reply her, the whole 2 weeks thing have to start from scratch, since you obviously have replied regardless how long or how many time it took you to reply, you did reply, when we said 2 weeks, meaning zero contact, no response, no replies, DISAPPEAR!
Posted by pip_spud
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're not together, you don't have to explain yourself to her. do you dude.

plus why would you want to be with someone whose lying to you anyways. i'd be like you got a dude your'e fuking why you calling me!

Yeah I know, but what happened to the 2 weeks no contact thing which many of the cancerian women asked me to do? I thought I was still doing that and hence I have been asking what do I tell her when she asks why I have been avoiding her? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

the moment you reply her, the whole 2 weeks thing have to start from scratch, since you obviously have replied regardless how long or how many time it took you to reply, you did reply, when we said 2 weeks, meaning zero contact, no response, no replies, DISAPPEAR!
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@pip_spud: I mean it would be too rude if I do that because she will constantly see me online and I will neither be picking her call nor replying to my messages. So I'm a lil apprehensive to do that. And what might happen if I disappear for 2 long weeks? What would she do? And how would she react to it? I'm not sure of all that. Could you please explain me the scenario. And as you had asked me to reduce the response time in whatsapp, I have been doing that, I have drastically reduced the response time and sometimes I cut short the conversation and sometimes I don't say anything. And I have not been picking her calls as well.
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by pip_spud
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're not together, you don't have to explain yourself to her. do you dude.

plus why would you want to be with someone whose lying to you anyways. i'd be like you got a dude your'e fuking why you calling me!

Yeah I know, but what happened to the 2 weeks no contact thing which many of the cancerian women asked me to do? I thought I was still doing that and hence I have been asking what do I tell her when she asks why I have been avoiding her? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

the moment you reply her, the whole 2 weeks thing have to start from scratch, since you obviously have replied regardless how long or how many time it took you to reply, you did reply, when we said 2 weeks, meaning zero contact, no response, no replies, DISAPPEAR!

@pip_spud: I mean it would be too rude if I do that because she will constantly see me online and I will neither be picking her call nor replying to my messages. So I'm a lil apprehensive to do that. And what might happen if I disappear for 2 long weeks? What would she do? And how would she react to it? I'm not sure of all that. Could you please explain me the scenario. And as you had asked me to reduce the response time in whatsapp, I have been doing that, I have drastically reduced the response time and sometimes I cut short the conversation and sometimes I don't say anything. And I have not been picking her calls as well.
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then stop asking for our advice, do what you wanna do, keep replying her and losing her, honestly, you sound so desperate and clingy, its a major turn off, cancers are clingy but dont like clingy people
Posted by pip_spud
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by pip_spud
Posted by aniketsabarad
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by aniketsabarad
@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

you're not together, you don't have to explain yourself to her. do you dude.

plus why would you want to be with someone whose lying to you anyways. i'd be like you got a dude your'e fuking why you calling me!

Yeah I know, but what happened to the 2 weeks no contact thing which many of the cancerian women asked me to do? I thought I was still doing that and hence I have been asking what do I tell her when she asks why I have been avoiding her? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

the moment you reply her, the whole 2 weeks thing have to start from scratch, since you obviously have replied regardless how long or how many time it took you to reply, you did reply, when we said 2 weeks, meaning zero contact, no response, no replies, DISAPPEAR!

@pip_spud: I mean it would be too rude if I do that because she will constantly see me online and I will neither be picking her call nor replying to my messages. So I'm a lil apprehensive to do that. And what might happen if I disappear for 2 long weeks? What would she do? And how would she react to it? I'm not sure of all that. Could you please explain me the scenario. And as you had asked me to reduce the response time in whatsapp, I have been doing that, I have drastically reduced the response time and sometimes I cut short the conversation and sometimes I don't say anything. And I have not been picking her calls as well.

then stop asking for our advice, do what you wanna do, keep replying her and losing her, honestly, you sound so desperate and clingy, its a major turn off, cancers are clingy but dont like clingy people
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@pip_spud: I'm sorry if I'm coming out like cl

Yeah I know, but what happened to the 2 weeks no contact thing which many of the cancerian women asked me to do? I thought I was still doing that and hence I have been asking what do I tell her when she asks why I have been avoiding her? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

the moment you reply her, the whole 2 weeks thing have to start from scratch, since you obviously have replied regardless how long or how many time it took you to reply, you did reply, when we said 2 weeks, meaning zero contact, no response, no replies, DISAPPEAR!

@pip_spud: I mean it would be too rude if I do that because she will constantly see me online and I will neither be picking her call nor replying to my messages. So I'm a lil apprehensive to do that. And what might happen if I disappear for 2 long weeks? What would she do? And how would she react to it? I'm not sure of all that. Could you please explain me the scenario. And as you had asked me to reduce the response time in whatsapp, I have been doing that, I have drastically reduced the response time and sometimes I cut short the conversation and sometimes I don't say anything. And I have not been picking her calls as well.

then stop asking for our advice, do what you wanna do, keep replying her and losing her, honestly, you sound so desperate and clingy, its a major turn off, cancers are clingy but dont like clingy people

@pip_spud: I'm sorry if I'm coming out like clingy and desperate. I just feel rude to avoid someone and hence had my concerns and that is why I was asking them to you. I will follow the no contact thing starting today. Today she called twice, i picked her call once and she spoke sweetly and also she was upset over her financial issues. And hence I had to be her support and had to text her back as she was feeling low and upset. But starting today, I will disappear and make no contact whatsoever. From today on, I will completely go no contact for 2 weeks. Kindly just let me know what do I tell her when she keeps texting and asking me why am I behaving like this and have been avoiding her? Please let me know about this. And I sincerely apologise that I didn't follow your advise properly.
Posted by Vixen2
Never mind...just be that guy that let's himself get played out.

@Vixen2: I'm finally realising what you're trying to say. I really appreciate your up front advise. I'm thinking about what you said and it is starting to make sense to me. Please unhide your comments.
Posted by BlackMamba
why doesn't she text the guy she's treetruking her financial problems?

dude get a grip...she's trying to friend zone you while she's getting treetrukED BY ANOTHER GUY

what a weak man you are.

Yes, I'm getting it, I'm trying to move on. Its taking a while for me. I don't know what is she up to. I'm not even 100% sure if she is treetrunking that guy. So I'm in a dilemma. I don't know what to do. I become weak when she calls or ping because I truly love her Sad
Posted by dontgetmewrong
Posted by aniketsabarad
@shellshocker: I have been on no contact thing with her since last evening. She called me some 5-6 times today. I have not received any of her calls. She has also left messages on my fb and whatsapp. I have not replied to those as well. So my question is what do I tell her if she asks me that why I have been behaving like this and avoiding her? And have not been answering her calls and texts? And also when and how will I know that she would want to talk about the break and she will come down knocking my door?

Tell her you've been avoiding her bc shes been spending time and possibly fucking some other dude while in the mean time calling you and harassing you. How are you supposed to take her seriously? .... gaaad you guys are drama.
click to expand

The calls that I hadn't picked was yesterday. Today I picked a call of hers and she was totally different. She did not harass me or anything. She was being sweet and cute, I was quiet, didn't talk much and after that she hung up. And I have already tried saying that she's spending time with someone else like 4-5 days ago, for that she got pissed and told me that she hasn't been spending time with anyone and she asked me how could I doubt her like that!
Posted by BlackMamba
anyone else like i don't give a fuk anymore about this thread?

its just too frustrating

can we just leave it alone please.

I'm sorry if it is frustrating, I'm stuck in a very complicated situation. Please try to understand. Please don't be rude. I understand that I'm not handling things well. Don't get frustrated and give up on me, my friend.
Stop your assumptions. You are so wrapped in your own pain that you actually have no idea what is going on with her. The only thing you see is... "I want her back. She is with another guy"

I think you have cheater mindset. If you did it... she must be doing it too. I really don't believe what you say anymore because you accuse her of things when you have no proof. You believe you are going no contact but talk to her everyday.

Tell her the truth. That you are confused and are having a hard time separating your fears from reality. You need the time to gain control over your emotions. If she wants to make this work, she should think about it away from you and you will agree to meet and talk about it in 2 weeks. Tell her, If it is going to end you need a clean break because you can't handle this in between thing you are doing now.

aniketsabarad, I'm cutting you off for 2 weeks and won't respond to anymore of your hysteria on the Cancer board.

Posted by shellshocker
Stop your assumptions. You are so wrapped in your own pain that you actually have no idea what is going on with her. The only thing you see is... "I want her back. She is with another guy"

I think you have cheater mindset. If you did it... she must be doing it too. I really don't believe what you say anymore because you accuse her of things when you have no proof. You believe you are going no contact but talk to her everyday.

Tell her the truth. That you are confused and are having a hard time separating your fears from reality. You need the time to gain control over your emotions. If she wants to make this work, she should think about it away from you and you will agree to meet and talk about it in 2 weeks. Tell her, If it is going to end you need a clean break because you can't handle this in between thing you are doing now.

aniketsabarad, I'm cutting you off for 2 weeks and won't respond to anymore of your hysteria on the Cancer board.

@shellshocker: I will work on the things that you suggested. I will buy my time and gain control over my emotions. Thank you very much, I appreciate for your time.

But in the forum, people are saying different things from what you said. They all are asking me to move on as she is treetrunking another guy, but you say that since its my mindset of the cheater that's is why I'm thinking on those lines. You also said that you wouldn't believe anything that I said anymore. And I did have some proofs, her phone records, her WhatsApp texts with one guy and once her roommate telling me that she is not at her room but my cancer girl told me that she was at her room.