Cancer Women - Signs You Love Someone

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by ossoss on Monday, July 25, 2016 and has 3 replies.
So I wanted to ask Cancer women here , what signs or how do you act or feel when you have a crush or in love with someone ? I've noticed a few from the Cancer woman I really like but not sure what to make out of them :

- I've noticed she's told all of her close friends about me , we're not dating or anything , but when I ever I get to meet one of her close family members or friends , they always say we've heard a lot about you and they seem very warm and friendly as well , does cancer women usually talk to their friends when they're in love with someone ? we were once in an event and her sweet mother came over to greet me (didn't even know she's her mother at the time).

- I once bought her a really nice necklace along with a really nice card stating how very dear and special she is to me (it was subtle since we have a very respectful friendship at the moment ) , I noticed she was wearing the necklace the couple of times we met after , she told me its beautiful and that I'm so kind and generous , also I've noticed she did put a bit more makeup than usual the day we met after giving her that surprise gift.

- Its hard to describe , but sometimes she just has that amazing smile allover her face , a little bit shy look when our eyes meet.

- She always gives me a warm hug and a kiss on a cheek whenever we meet or say our goodbyes , she does that with other very close friends , but sometimes I feel she's trying to get a bit touchy one way or the other.

Does cancer women become a bit shy and reserved when they're around someone they like ? There was once when I got to meet her cousin and another old friend of hers , anyway we got to take a picture together (just me and her) later than night and I felt she was trying not to sure much affection to me around them.

Its very complicated though since I'm in my mid 30's and she's probably in her mid/late 40's , I have this insane struggle between my mind and heart , I know rationally it doesn't work but I just can't deny how much I love and care for her too.

What do u mean rationally it doesn't work?
Posted by Moonbutter
What do u mean rationally it doesn't work?
Apart from the age factor , there are a few other complications as well.