Cancer's Expression

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Kodak on Friday, September 23, 2016 and has 3 replies.

I just want to share what I have observed being and sharing with other Cancers. The biggest thing that leads to a Cancer's fulfillment of life, is their expression. How they express themselves. Some cancers are vocally expressive, some are physically expressive, artistically expressive, the list goes on. But I've noticed, if there isn't a consist link to expressing their inner most feelings, sharing their true shards of essence, they fall into bad habits of expression. Negative habits like lust, gluttony, slander or whining (active expression) or sulkiness or depression (passive expression). It seems if us crabs don't really share, express in our heart of hearts what we yearn, what we feel, wither right or wrong, we fall off the deep end. It's only through realizing proper expression in a healthy manner to we learn to accept the nature and bits and pieces that make up the multitude of personalities that can take up one shell. And while some may fall out into destructive expressions or actions, all in all, healthy expression of creativity heals in a blink of an eye. And sometimes, the greatest technique to ever heal a crab from it's our destitute cycle of pain, is Love. Love of art, love of connection, love of self, love of having the opportunity to know you get another day at this thing called Life. What ever that version of love you subscribe to, value it with all your might.

We are big kids who want to share with the world, but in order to share, we must learn to give. And ask what is it that we want to give? And how will I give?


Happy to be back on the Crabby board. =D

All the best.

We must giiiive.

I try to remind myself.. and I think I do give a lot to people close to me. But i can get very wrapped up in myself. Its unhealthy. What has made you post this? What has recently happened?