Confusing Cancer!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Brittfuzz on Sunday, December 9, 2012 and has 3 replies.
I dated a cancer around 10 months, she turns around and ends it quite out of the blue she keeps changing the reason from - 'I don't have feelings for you anymore' to 'I just don't want to be in a relationship' then a few weeks later admits she still does have feelings.
we see eachother everyday at college - we have the same friends and nothing much has changed within a month of us being split she still treats me as if we are a couple, I have recently put up boundaries to stop us both especially her since she is very clingy. I was thinking going no contact since I can't stand 'just being friends' and we cant act like friends round one another.
I do love her and I know she still has feelings for me. we never had a friendship to begin with which may not have helped I'm to curious to if cancers return back in the future?
our relationship was great - I'm a taurus btw little to no arguments we got on great. any advice what I can do here? I am trying to move on it's just receiving mixed signals is confusing. she still has me as her background on her phone, refuses to take off the bracelets I gave her and small things - it sounds silly but what is the best way to get a cancer back?
Move on, she won't come back to you. I know it's hard to accept for a fixed sign like Taurus but you have to.
My guess is she likes to have her old and new relatonships to overlap in the end/beginning so that she will always have someone to fall back on, cuz as you can see, we can be clingy. She likes the emotional security she gets with you, but in the future if there comes a new guy, until she she feels secure enough to detach from you is when she will do just that and transfer her attachment to the new guy. The whole process takes a while so in the meantime if you can handle it then whatever, but it seems you cannot (and quite frankly why be used as an emotional buffer anyways? youre better than that, Taurus!) ....Don't wait around. Cancers are very sentimental and always reverts to the past every now and then. You dont even have to worry about her forgetting about you bc she will not. Let yourself stay behind in her past so that she can look back and miss you. It's the best way to get around the Cancer emo-mind-f-ing. I'm guilty off all things I just wrote by the way. Sue me. Winking