I dated a cancer around 10 months, she turns around and ends it quite out of the blue she keeps changing the reason from - 'I don't have feelings for you anymore' to 'I just don't want to be in a relationship' then a few weeks later admits she still does have feelings.
we see eachother everyday at college - we have the same friends and nothing much has changed within a month of us being split she still treats me as if we are a couple, I have recently put up boundaries to stop us both especially her since she is very clingy. I was thinking going no contact since I can't stand 'just being friends' and we cant act like friends round one another.
I do love her and I know she still has feelings for me. we never had a friendship to begin with which may not have helped I'm to curious to if cancers return back in the future?
our relationship was great - I'm a taurus btw little to no arguments we got on great. any advice what I can do here? I am trying to move on it's just receiving mixed signals is confusing. she still has me as her background on her phone, refuses to take off the bracelets I gave her and small things - it sounds silly but what is the best way to get a cancer back?
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Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Move on, she won't come back to you. I know it's hard to accept for a fixed sign like Taurus but you have to.