.... is so common that half the sexual active population has this? Really? Oh my .....
i hate to ask another job question but i would really appreciate some fellow aries advice. i have been a LPN for 18 y
Ladies and Gentlemen, I found this cute blog about Hermit Crabs. Yes, it is about real crabs, not crabs in human for
Bloody hell, okay here goes: It's Mr Taurus's birthday tomorrow and we've had an argument and are currently not commu
Are there any particular things i should do or not do? The Cancer in question is apparently quite outgoing, funny, q
It makes me sad to see so many people dislike geminis on here. I'm not really sure what kind of reputation proceeds us,
I have come to a realization that I pretty much hate Air Signs. Yes, Hate. Despite the fact my Sister and Aunt are Gemi
Hi everyone, it would be very nice if someone can help out. just met a british man recently and quite charming as
I am going to NYC in a couple of weeks. My first time to the big apple and rather excited!!! I am traveling to St. Au
What is the worst thing you have ever heard about a Capricorn friend, partner or that anyone has told you about one?