I've been dating a cancer girl for 3 months and we only see each other about once a week. Recently she brought this up on her own and said she doesn't mind it this way since she has so much going on in her life. After getting to know her (slowly) and knowing her work schedule, I know she is not that busy. But to be fair I know her job is physically demanding.
Everything is moving so slow that I'm starting to run out of patience with her. It's sad because I really do like her. It's frustrating because when we're not seeing each other there is barely any communication on her end. When we do see each other there are instant fireworks every time. We have great mental/physical chemistry, and the physical chemistry seems to be escalating, albeit incredibly slow.
I don't know what to do. I was in a relationship with a cancer girl before and the roles were completely reversed. She was always texting and calling me and wanting to see me. Now I feel like I'm becoming that person with this girl and it's making me feel needy.
I do give her a lot of attention when we're together and part of me wonders if that's keeping her happy and independent, which I might be perceiving as unattached and indifferent. I really do not know...
Is it normal cancer behavior to stay so distant and patient when dating someone? It's been 3 MONTHS!
I'm an Aries male by the way
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Nov 21, 2013Comments: 22 · Posts: 11927 · Topics: 87
It seems like she likes you, or at least the chemistry, but isn't that into you. On some level she probably suspects it won't work out.
I know I'll see her again soon, so maybe I'll say something.
As much as I don't want to accept it, you might be right MoonArtist. I've never had issues like this in any of my past relationships. Usually things just work out. That's how it is when 2 people want each other.
She says some confusing things though... For example, she's asked me twice now whether I thought she was needy. I don't even know why she would ask me that. I know she knows she's not behaving needy, so it makes no sense to me why she would ask me.
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Nov 08, 2014Comments: 180 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 23
Sounds like how I was with my Leo when we first started dating
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
So are you going to have a little temper tantrum then a pout? I know what Aries are like I have two of them as friends male and female they both pout when things don't go their way. Pretty sure she has doubts about you she's trying to figure you out or she is seeing what you will do.
Cancer's can be instigators I know I can if we see we can get a reaction I will keep doing it to see how far I can push it.
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Sep 07, 2011Comments: 298 · Posts: 5049 · Topics: 48
Go somewhere fun. Have a blast. Jump her bones. You're welcome.