Decipher this crab code

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Cappedoff on Thursday, July 9, 2015 and has 8 replies.
So a little update, if it can even be called that. So the birthday card to my Cancer guy arrived. I sent the message inside: "Our birthdays are our visionary days. It's a unique day meant to celebrate glitter and gold no matter how old we get. So celebrate life, celebrate the joys, celebrate the miracles. May you have many more years of laughter and adventures" with it a song, something emotional yet not romantical something more suitable for a longtime friend. He sent me a message exactly on that day saying ... Thanks (insert my nickname). Now that I am (insert his age) things feel all better (tongue out emoticon ) big kiss. I didn't understand where this came from, as I didn't write anything in the card talking about feeling better, or least I don't think I did. I replied "Why does it feel better? (kiss on the cheek)" His reply: "Not sure. It just does. I feel good being myself. (kiss back)" Again very cryptic and vague so all I could reply was "It's good to feel good being yourself. Thank you for the kiss" So days pass then I got today "I'm not mad at you" .......... So again I don't know where this came from. I often wonder if he having a conversation with me or someone else. What to understand from this?
Posted by thinktoomuch
What??s your confusion? He says, he??s good and better by himself. And that he is not mad at you, which probably mean, that maybe sometime in the future, you can be friends.

But why not just ask him, if you are confused? The one to give you the clearest answers, is him.

My confusion is ... Is his feeling better referring to me/us or his life in general? And is this I'm not mad at you some way of him saying we can/should talk again or what? If it were another person, it would be clear ... all his actions from the time of the break-up ... but we're talking about a sensitive crab who felt rejected when I didn't reject him and felt I didn't trust him when actually I really did. Miscommunication from both sides. With this person, seems I can't communicate directly but indirectly, from the side. Which to me is like game playing. I'm not a mindgame player. I rather be straightforward about everything .. we are in relationship or we're not. We're friends or we're not. But it seems everytime I tried doing that with this person, he misunderstood me. So i just don't know how to understand this and how to communicate. Where the hell is the crab code language manual LOL
I want to reply but every time I was straight forward he mistook it as me trying to force reaction from him. Yes, I want reaction and reply but not trying to force. I always like to know where I stand with a person... I don't like being in limbo. And I don't like games either. So I'm trying to figure out a non evasive way to say I'm not mad either. Can we talk? Are we going to talk? I find it sad I have to walk on egg shells with him, just to no offend him and it has to be about if and when he wants... Where am I in all this? Thanks everyone
He's older. He's moved on. Thanks for the wishes. That's it.
Yeah so to the "I'm not mad at you" I just wrote "care to expand this thought?" his messages and replies often make wonder If he's really talking to me or someone else. Hisreply again vague and having nothing to do with anything since I didn't ask how he is doing.. was... "I'm good. Things are ok. I've been working a lot and spending less time online. It's summer and I've been enjoying the beach,going out with my friends etc. My free time is out and about (Smiley face,)

Just way too much games and drama... To me the above reads like.. . I don't consider you friend. I don't have time for you.... Yet what's confusing is then write me?
When there is no tie, there's less pressure.
Lots of rules when in a relationship. If you're his girlfriend you have a right to demand etc...
Posted by Oxygenada
Lots of rules when in a relationship. If you're his girlfriend you have a right to demand etc...

yeah he friend zoned me, things were too intense between us and lots of things to work out for the both of us... Should have taken it slower... And I already knew this... But you're right friendship less ties, less pressure. Anyway I've stepped back and have no intention in even replying to this message. Even in friendship I consider my friends priorities not options... And in the message was clear I'm not even a friend... So sorry buddy I'm not a yoyo.