Decode this FB message for me? I'm going INSANE.

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by electricXeel on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 and has 2 replies.
We've been friends for over a year now, we started hanging out more frequently and things got intimate quickly,quickly. Things got so intense but at the same time it just felt right... I'm not sure how to explain. ANYWAY, he pulled the crab walk and scurried a little. I gave space... then he got TOO distant, to the point where we were barely interacting with each other in social settings (though he'd be hurling that lovely crab stare at me every chance he got, with or without me looking hehe love that). He was also working a lot so I was patient, believe me.
I got really upset one day and messaged him after many times of us both trying to talk and not really getting anywhere. He took initiative to get together with me and "get all weird and talking things out" in person at the bagel shop we always went to in town. Adorbz. We got together, texted me in advance, he picked me up exactly when he said he would and we went there, had lunch but neither of us had the balls to bring up the subject. It wasn't awkward but you could feel we both wanted to talk it out.
Anyway after that I attempted to talk to make plans the following weekend so we could actually talk (lol) and he took awhile to get back to me (texted him at 8a, didn't hear back until I texted him again at 10p)... I'm not normally like that but I was really emotional at the time but I didn't chew him out or anything.
About four days later I would hear from him here and there nothing deep though then I found myself SO hurt and pissed off about the situation. However, there's something beyond wishful thinking like deep in my core that keeps telling me not to give up on it. I've tried with cancer men and other signs but this is so different. We're chained or something idk.
Regardless of that I was fed up so I typed him a message on FB. I was gentle but I basically broke down how I felt. I told him I was hurt and I was so pissed that he reassured me in such a way and took it back. I told him that I saw a lot of beauty in him and I saw there was more to it so I was willing to talk to him. I told him I was bummed that it seemed there was no romantic potential left with us (that was a mistake I hope I can fix) and that we hardly even scratched the surface before it went to poo.
Everyone I talk to says give up but there's something so deep down that's telling me to hold on. It's not my ego it's my core. Here's his response:
It took him one night to get back to me, even that shocked me... I wasn't expecting much at that point:
I had to read this a few times over to even formulate a response. I feel awful about the actions that seem to have been mine. I work now more then ever. Which leaves me so wasted I can barely type this right now. I want you to know that what happen, it meant something to me. I feel we rushed into things
I also see now that not being accountable for what's happened, has made it worse I feel it. I need you on my side. But as a friend, at first.
I don't think I've done anything I regret except not saying all this to you soon, I owe you that. You've being such a caring person. I feel like my past relationship really f*cked me and it made it hard for me to be completely committed to someone. It seems any time I try tho happens I push away the person. You get me.
It's self destructive behavior
If I missed something, please.
So what do you guys think? Does he care and he's just having a hard time and not ready yet or is he just dragging me a long. I care so much but I'm honestly so drained from this whole thing but like I said, there's something there telling me to be patient.
btw, he's a gemini rising, cancer sun, sag moon, cancer merc, taurs venus and virgo mars
I'm a scorp rising, aqua/pisces sun(more watery traits), leo moon, pisces merc, cap venus, and an aqua mars