Deep Astrology: Cancers Have a Spider Form (The Water Trinity Pt. 1)

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Emhendo on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 and has 25 replies.
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I've been brainstorming for quite sometime over the dynamics of the signs. It's evident people really portray the Anamilia and objectivity of the zodiac sign chosen for this life time.

Whether in looks or behavior, people act like the symbol. People look like the symbol.

It has been discovered for quite sometime that insects are indeed descendants of the sea. People crack jokes all the time, "we're eating Sea bugs for dinner".

The anthropology behind the water signs makes a lot of since.

Shouldn't the water element be represented by water inhabitants?

///A lot of people use to like to believe Scorpio wasn't a water sign, simply because it's anamilia symbol doesn't inhabit water - like the Crab and the Fishes.

But to break it down simply,

Scorpios foundation the water trinity, and they hold the most essence of water energy. Every foundation needs a "middle" , like your body needs a torso, like your torso needs a core. Scorpio energy is in the sky because it is needed to make sense of the three modes of water.

Scorpions inhabit deserts and rain forest. It is said that deserts used to be rain forest and oceans.. A desert is just a pool that got it's plug pulled, pretty much.

The origin of Scorpions is very very deep, but there is no doubt that this anamilia came from the water and has numerous interesting ancestors.

Scorpios have other forms. Water forms and sky forms. I have met these distinctive and "evolved" or bewitched Scorpions. They are people worth meeting.

But that's another thread. Scorpio coming up next..///

Cancers have a rare form, the form of a Spider..

I've met some very distinctive crabs that take on more of a role of the anamilia's descendant. Very stealthy, quiet and biting characters.

I want to call them Dark-Sided Cancers, but they haven't given me much of a reason to think this form is dark sided. It's just in the way they move, it could been seen a sketchy.

It doesn't exactly sound appealing to be called a spider.

I have a few depictions to support my theory of this form.

It's Cancers famous for their spidery behavior. OJ Simpson, Jodi Arias, Courtney Love, Bill Cosby..

I believe Jodi Arias was in Black Widow form when she murdered her ex-boyfriend.

I know other Cancer women to kill WITH or just plain kill their spouse/partner..

It's also the theory of the Cancer TUMOR. I believe a Cancer can leave a a spiritual tumor

inside others. Killing people slowly, spiritually.

Cancer can be of the most toxicity, if appointed that direction.

These are simply spiders AKA Cancers that "eat" their partners and the loved ones around them. Male or female.

They trap these people in their web, and they liquify these people spiritual bodies for easier feeding of their being.

Much like how a spider feeds and digests.

The webbing ability is the nesting and home-maker qualities, often found in Cancers.

It's stealthy, invisible, you don't see the trap - you fly right into it. You don't see the kill coming.

You can tell a Cancer is in spider form, by their home. By their actions and stealth.

Does it feel like a cozy sand barrier or a web?

We talking about Cancers with the filthy and uncomfortable homes, but have all the vices that make us feel comfortable.

Instead of NATURALLY feeling comfortable in the home, we are offered vices to make us not give a shit that there aren't any chairs.

OR the home is very Grand and well-kept. You are told to take your shoes off upon entering. You feel uncomfortable in this web, and be careful not to disrespect it. You are walking on eggshells in this home.. The home has vices available.

Notice again that I said VICES.

Cigarettes, liquor, drugs, weed.

That's the Spider's web.

Their webber goes with them wherever, because it's a part of who they are. The webbing is essentially functional in any situation..

It's the feelings that this Cancer won't let you go without harm. It's the feeling of being constricted and spiritually bounded in the web of this anthropod.

A crab is an Anthropod.

A spider is an anthropod, being studied to be a descendant of a crab.

The Anthropods are an interesting Anamilia dynamic.

That's all I have for now... Think about it.

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I don't find it much of a coincidence that this Cancer male had a spider web and actual spider in this video.
Toby Maguire playing Spider-Man.

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I believe people's fictional characters ABSOLUTELY fit the sun sign of the actor.

Rocky Balboa was definitely a Cancer man in that universe, as he is a Cancer in real life, for example.

Another example

Dwayne The Rock Johnson, has an earthy name. Never failed to play a Taurus character.. He depicts the true essence of a Taurus man.

Halle Barry playing Cat Woman as a Leo was a good role for her. Very natural role, very fitting.. That cat form of a lioness woman was on point.
A quick Google search of my theory led me to this page. First time seeing it today..

It seems I'm not the only one thinking outside the box with the zodiac signs.

I believe arachanophobia can be karmatic from Cancer energy.

Just as ATTRACTING a lot of insects is karmatic from Scorpio energy.
Posted by TheWeirdOne

Well i am stealthy. I am 12th house lol.
Posted by TheWeirdOne

With some of the things i do i sometimes come to the conclusion in my mind i am a weaver.

I am scared of spiders though watching them on screen does nothing and having one in the same room does nothing i just do not want to touch it.

My mum was petrified and could not even be in the same room. My fear has been over come through years, it was much worse as a child.
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I'm a stealthy person too. I'm very sneaky and can steal from you right in your face. Sneak up on you.. It's some SHIT.

Anyways, I believe Cancer energy carry that karmatic fear of arachnids. I'm not scared of spiders as soon as I see one, but I mosdef jump at them crawling on me. I would never hold a tarantula... HMMM... I really don't know what I would do with a tarantula, they just trigger me.

For awhile I was scared of my pet crab as a teenager.
I was going to read this thread, because I normally find what you write fascinating, and then you had to go and post a big as picture of a spider, and I proceeded to scroll down as fast as possible.

Ugh, spiders.
Posted by nikkistar

I was going to read this thread, because I normally find what you write fascinating, and then you had to go and post a big as picture of a spider, and I proceeded to scroll down as fast as possible.

Ugh, spiders.
Them spiders really give people the heebity jeebies, SHIT.
Posted by Arugula

Severe arachnophobia here, south node in the fourth, asteroid Karma conjunct north node in Cancer
This totally supports the karmatic theory.. Thanks.
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by nikkistar

I was going to read this thread, because I normally find what you write fascinating, and then you had to go and post a big as picture of a spider, and I proceeded to scroll down as fast as possible.

Ugh, spiders.
Them spiders really give people the heebity jeebies, SHIT.
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I have an intense dislike and phobia of them. I can control it, if I see them and can be aware of where they are, and feel as if I have control over the situation. That being said, if I am surprised by one (hand one drop right out of a rolled up newspaper onto my lap), I will go into hysterics. lol
Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by nikkistar

I was going to read this thread, because I normally find what you write fascinating, and then you had to go and post a big as picture of a spider, and I proceeded to scroll down as fast as possible.

Ugh, spiders.
Them spiders really give people the heebity jeebies, SHIT.
I have an intense dislike and phobia of them. I can control it, if I see them and can be aware of where they are, and feel as if I have control over the situation. That being said, if I am surprised by one (hand one drop right out of a rolled up newspaper onto my lap), I will go into hysterics. lol
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Better you than me then, because I don't have it that bad.. Unless a spider was legit crawling on me, I might jump but I'm not gonna freak out into an Oscar award shiddd

Get some lady balls, they smaller than you Ahaaa
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by nikkistar

I was going to read this thread, because I normally find what you write fascinating, and then you had to go and post a big as picture of a spider, and I proceeded to scroll down as fast as possible.

Ugh, spiders.
Them spiders really give people the heebity jeebies, SHIT.
I have an intense dislike and phobia of them. I can control it, if I see them and can be aware of where they are, and feel as if I have control over the situation. That being said, if I am surprised by one (hand one drop right out of a rolled up newspaper onto my lap), I will go into hysterics. lol
Better you than me then, because I don't have it that bad.. Unless a spider was legit crawling on me, I might jump but I'm not gonna freak out into an Oscar award shiddd

Get some lady balls, they smaller than you Ahaaa
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Hell no. Nope. Spiders can all DIAF. Nope. All 8 of their eyes tracking you....

I loved bugs growing up, esp centipedes and spiders.

I currently have 4 tarantulas at the moment, I find them endearing and I’m unsure why people are afraid of them in the first place. This is an amazing post btw @emhendo, I love how thorough you are in your research.
Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by nikkistar

I was going to read this thread, because I normally find what you write fascinating, and then you had to go and post a big as picture of a spider, and I proceeded to scroll down as fast as possible.

Ugh, spiders.
Them spiders really give people the heebity jeebies, SHIT.
I have an intense dislike and phobia of them. I can control it, if I see them and can be aware of where they are, and feel as if I have control over the situation. That being said, if I am surprised by one (hand one drop right out of a rolled up newspaper onto my lap), I will go into hysterics. lol
Better you than me then, because I don't have it that bad.. Unless a spider was legit crawling on me, I might jump but I'm not gonna freak out into an Oscar award shiddd

Get some lady balls, they smaller than you Ahaaa
Hell no. Nope. Spiders can all DIAF. Nope. All 8 of their eyes tracking you....

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I know whatcha mean
Posted by haunt

I loved bugs growing up, esp centipedes and spiders.

I currently have 4 tarantulas at the moment, I find them endearing and I’m unsure why people are afraid of them in the first place. This is an amazing post btw @emhendo, I love how thorough you are in your research.
Thanks. Maybe I would try and own one of those spiders... Something exotic like that..

When you spend a lot of time BY YOURSELF, this is what happens.. I think too much. I'm thinking about starting a YouTube channel full or various topics.. Outside the box thinking.
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by haunt

I loved bugs growing up, esp centipedes and spiders.

I currently have 4 tarantulas at the moment, I find them endearing and I’m unsure why people are afraid of them in the first place. This is an amazing post btw @emhendo, I love how thorough you are in your research.
Thanks. Maybe I would try and own one of those spiders... Something exotic like that..

When you spend a lot of time BY YOURSELF, this is what happens.. I think too much. I'm thinking about starting a YouTube channel full or various topics.. Outside the box thinking.
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You should! I’d definitely sub to you.
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@moontide (???)
When I meet cancers and if they were spiders:

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is spider tattoos gonna be a thing now?
Posted by AneemA04

Spiders are allright for me, but then again i've never seen a tarantula crawling, but roaches on the other hand, no phobia whatsoever but really they're disgusting!
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Posted by aquasnoz

When I meet cancers and if they were spiders:

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The thing is, it's a theory that attests to "cute, soft and quiet" people.

They are most likely the ones to shoot or stab somebody that tests them.

But I don't know what Cancers you are meeting, but I wouldn't take them for granted.

Just like you judged those Cancers book their cover, I am going to judge your book by your conver..

And I THINK you come from a low populated city, town of low violence and chaos. Might not even be from America.

You are around people with clean backgrounds, many job opportunities .. A place that lacks sorrow..

So yeah, if you meet anybody under ANY sign from where YOU'RE from.. They most certainly would have that image. Especially a Cancer.

But I still wouldn't bother them too much.
Posted by Waterbearerwearer

Never scared of a spider I will let them crawl on normal... my dad says I’m the weirdest unit ever, he said I’d look for them as a kid... mars Pisces in 11th house that was. I remember going ape shit at a bf who killed a spider... lost my shit and dumped him. Cried manically.

Wasn’t right.

NN in Cancer

I have spiders dropping on me regularly. It’s random af. I named my daughter after the spider Charlotte in Charlottes Web.

They are my totem animal and I’m protected by them.
South Node/Rahu in Cancer brings a sense of arachanophobia.

So because your North Node/Ketu is in Cancer.. This MAY prove an opposite effect.

I have a mutable Mars in the 11th house as well, and I've never been scared of bugs.

I actually believe I brought a Ant 🐜 back to life when I was a kid, after "half-squishing" it.
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by aquasnoz

When I meet cancers and if they were spiders:

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The thing is, it's a theory that attests to "cute, soft and quiet" people.

They are most likely the ones to shoot or stab somebody that tests them.

But I don't know what Cancers you are meeting, but I wouldn't take them for granted.

Just like you judged those Cancers book their cover, I am going to judge your book by your conver..

And I THINK you come from a low populated city, town of low violence and chaos. Might not even be from America.

You are around people with clean backgrounds, many job opportunities .. A place that lacks sorrow..

So yeah, if you meet anybody under ANY sign from where YOU'RE from.. They most certainly would have that image. Especially a Cancer.

But I still wouldn't bother them too much.
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haha well you're definitely not wrong. More so my first impression then of course a few of them turned out to be slightly hideous.
Posted by aquasnoz

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by aquasnoz

When I meet cancers and if they were spiders:

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The thing is, it's a theory that attests to "cute, soft and quiet" people.

They are most likely the ones to shoot or stab somebody that tests them.

But I don't know what Cancers you are meeting, but I wouldn't take them for granted.

Just like you judged those Cancers book their cover, I am going to judge your book by your conver..

And I THINK you come from a low populated city, town of low violence and chaos. Might not even be from America.

You are around people with clean backgrounds, many job opportunities .. A place that lacks sorrow..

So yeah, if you meet anybody under ANY sign from where YOU'RE from.. They most certainly would have that image. Especially a Cancer.

But I still wouldn't bother them too much.
haha well you're definitely not wrong. More so my first impression then of course a few of them turned out to be slightly hideous.
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On the inside hideous?
I had a best friend Cancer. At first, I was trying to get my personal space but he kept popping out of nowhere... then we become best friends and what to say, friendship made out of heaven. But, at one moment I felt strongly manipulated, like a puppet on a string... I knew he loves me as his best friend, and when Cancer loves you like this it's quite an honour!! But I saw then an image in my head -- that was me naked (all the secrets I told to him, all me naked without hiding anything) and he feeding on me... I got scared, so much scared. I have Mars in Virgo so I pointed at him my high pointed gun and he just said that it hurts too much. Okay, I thought, I am beeing paranoid and that image is just some crazy stuff so I knocked on his door again. He just shut me out eversense. It's been some years to pass by, but I still feel him inside my soul, part of me misses him and wants to start all over again like nothing happend ( I give him that chance, many times!) but I am still shut out. So to regain my peace, I dissapeared, just to get free of his hold of me. So yes, I do believe that they leave a spiritual cancer inside people and very nice OP to spoke the truth. Very dangerious sign.
Oh yea, they don't give closure!! We Virgos need that. Why is that?