Did I end it too soon?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Moodz2468 on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 8 replies.
So I been talking to a cancer man for a long while now since last year. I wasnt really interested in him until recently we are getting to know eachother and now he's being wishy washy giving me mixed signals. I told him how i don't appreciate being neglected or unappreciated. He would call and text me everyday so I would expect things to keep moving foward. we hung out on Saturday and ever since them he's been avoiding me rushing me off the phone and sounding annoyed when I text him. This is coming from a man who a couple of days before stated he was falling for me. last night was really bad he said he would call and I waited for his call untill about midnight and I tried calling him he didnt pick up so I had enoigh and text him that things between me and him wont work. he got all mad at me and started to be real mean towards me saying I ruined his night when in fact he ruined mine. All I wanted was a little attention because he himself said he likes the attention I give him but why cant he do the same towards me? So i ended things with him saying that if he just text me or called me that he was busy or hanging out with his friends then I would not have acted out thie way thaty I did. It all about communication and compromise he he is not doing neither. I like this man but I dont want to e treated this way. We all have our bounderies and standards and I stand my ground because I don't want to get hurt. I am a cancer womam he a cancer man I thought we would both be a good match but now I dont think so. Although deep down inside I feel as if I may have been spazzing out on him. what do you guys think?
Sorry About the typos. I had to type this fast since I am suppose to be working..lol
yes you ended it way to soon. Don`t let anyone keep you waiting by the phone, go out and do things. He was wanting time for himself without anyone being clinging onto him, you have to allow people to have their space. I would feel so suffocated if I had a man doing that to me all the time. I get that you want the attention, just learn to appreciate the attention he does give you, there is no need to rush a relationship.
your right I understand that. I was out doing my stuff, he was the one that said he would call me back and he didnt. I think if he would have just told me he was busy then I probably would have understood. Also we had plans to hang out sometime tonigh he lives 2 hours away from me and I had sent him a txt in the AM asking what time he was thinking about heading over to my place. He never answered the text and that was one of the main reasons why I was calling him. I called him in the evening and he pretty much rushed me off the phone saying he was talkign to his brother that he wpudl call me right back. once agian he never did. so I dont know. I was trying to make sure that I had everything all set with our plans for tonightm, but I guess that not going to happen now because I was Being too clingy at the moment. Yes I admit that I was clingy. I know when I am at fault.
Men are pretty simple, if dealing with a new women seems to be more stressful then blissful they will drop the women so fast. For now put your focus on something else, let him come to you. Its pretty crappy when someone forgets to call, i have been guilty of this myself, and i have been the receiver so i do understand when it happens. If he does come back don`t try and grab a hold of him let him breathe, don`t freak out on him for this, but let him know that it did bother you, and your time is valuable too..If he doesn`t come back oh well lesson learned. For now don`t make a ass out of yourself and repeatly try to contact him to freak out.
I already told him how this bothered me 2 nights prior. Obviously he didn't care enough to make that small effort. I just don't understand why would he go backwards when things should be moving fowards. If he says he was falling for me then why didnt things stay the same or at least progress. I know where I went wrong and I apologized for my actions. I dont understand why he was so aggressive at first knowing that i could get attached and et use to all of his attention and just take it all away for no apparent reason. so unfair.
Who knows and who cares why they act the way they do?! What's wrong with him telling you that he's not coming to your house? COMMON COURTESY. Kick him to the curb and move on. Aint nobody got time fo dat.
I honestly don't see how 2 Cancers can make it in a relationship. Cancer men need constant reassurance. You being flighty in the beginning, I think that did not make him trust you. You gotta prove you are there for him through thick and thin. Also, as a Cancer woman, you also need this reassurance. His not calling you back, etc sounds like he may have someone else. I am dating a Cancer man and he would never not return my call. Being short with you is kinda disrespectful in my book so I would pull away for a while and see what happens.
Hi Moodz I am sorry your going through this, but it will be ok. Don't ever apologize for speaking on how you feel. You shouldn't settle for anything less than you think you deserve. If you are giving somebody your time and your effort. giving your 100% thats what you should get in return. It sounded like he didnt give a rats ass about your feelings and did what he wanted to do anyways. Its common sense to call or even text somebosy back especially if you guys have plans. its common courtesy takes 2 minutes. You are too precious to deal with that stuff and if they don't see that you are then they are not the one for you. Ohh btw not all cancers mesh well IMO.