Do Cancer end up receiving hatred from many?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Twinkitty91 on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 and has 17 replies.
Is it true that many hates Cancer?

Even the water signs itself? Like Scorpio?

If yes why?
I deff dislike pisces and cancer women. Manipulative victims and shit. However I love scorpio bitchez, strong and straight forward women. The guys.. cancer dudes are the woooorst, scorpio meh, pisces meh.

judging on the sun sign is the beeeest
Nope. Pisces has you beat.

Scorpio gets the intense lover label.

Cancer gets the caring feminine label.

Pisces gets the self-victimizing cry baby slut label. 💅
Haters will be haters. It doesn’t matter what sign you have.

I don’t have any problems with cancers
Love and hate them lol
Posted by Twinkitty91

Is it true that many hates Cancer?

Even the water signs itself? Like Scorpio?

If yes why?
Online. Yeah.

Offline, somewhat.
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by imnotvirgo

I deff dislike pisces and cancer women. Manipulative victims and shit. However I love scorpio bitchez, strong and straight forward women. The guys.. cancer dudes are the woooorst, scorpio meh, pisces meh.

judging on the sun sign is the beeeest
Who gives a fu% k b% tch. You're never on our board yet you came to hate

Who gives a fuk what a slut ass weak insecure neurotic Virgo thinks

Don't you have to go sit in a corner and cry yourself to sleep or better yet sleep with taken men

If you don't like us stay the eff away from us. Simple
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Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by imnotvirgo

I deff dislike pisces and cancer women. Manipulative victims and shit. However I love scorpio bitchez, strong and straight forward women. The guys.. cancer dudes are the woooorst, scorpio meh, pisces meh.

judging on the sun sign is the beeeest
Who gives a fu% k b% tch. You're never on our board yet you came to hate

Who gives a fuk what a slut ass weak insecure neurotic Virgo thinks

Don't you have to go sit in a corner and cry yourself to sleep or better yet sleep with taken men

If you don't like us stay the eff away from us. Simple
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You give a fuck, more than obviously. And thanks for proving us right every time you open your mouth, when we say how retarded most Cancers are.

The females mostly, anyway. But now you can add Raakac to the ever-growing list of DXP Cancer Trainwrecks. Gender is irrelevant at this stage.

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Posted by imnotvirgo

I deff dislike pisces and cancer women. Manipulative victims and shit. However I love scorpio bitchez, strong and straight forward women. The guys.. cancer dudes are the woooorst, scorpio meh, pisces meh.

judging on the sun sign is the beeeest
Don’t forget delusional slut bags. We have a reputation to maintain 💅
Posted by nakedgirlavalanche

yeah they get butthurt over jokes made about them when all they do is drag people's insecurities to gain attention and laughs from others
We do? 🤔🤔 hmmm
Who knows? 🤷‍♀️

I only read about it from other peoples point of view.

If they got something to hate about, I dont blame them, theres nothing about them that fancy my interest to see their own flaw
Posted by nakedgirlavalanche

Posted by Echo

Posted by nakedgirlavalanche

yeah they get butthurt over jokes made about them when all they do is drag people's insecurities to gain attention and laughs from others
We do? 🤔🤔 hmmm
I dont know how much truth it holds but I've witnessed it in both men and women it's like they know exactly where to pinch and wont let go
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Meh .-. I dont know if I go with that
Posted by Gobby

Posted by imnotvirgo

I deff dislike pisces and cancer women. Manipulative victims and shit. However I love scorpio bitchez, strong and straight forward women. The guys.. cancer dudes are the woooorst, scorpio meh, pisces meh.

judging on the sun sign is the beeeest

But you have both your Mars and Venus in Cancer...

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I know, sad, isn't it?
I find the only negative of Cancer are when they internalize then explode and when they can be crabby. They have reason to each time that I think is justifying. Just treat a Cancer like a decent human being, do things to show you think of them, and don't be lazy all the dang time. I find that Cancer have expectations of other people especially in relationships but I think that applies to everyone.
My biggest problem with the Crab girls is that they always do the opposite of what is healthy for the start of a relationship.

They like you? They ignore you.

They really like you? They push you away.

Then, when you are really confused, they try to make you jealous with other dudes.

Weird chicks, that's for sure.
Posted by 2Moon

Posted by ValleysofNeptune

Doesn’t seem like it to me. Like there’s always going to be people who have bad experiences with every sign but I’ve never noticed Cancer attract lots of haters. I think Pisces and Scorpio catch more hate from people
Fuck Pisces!

Fish stinks really bad, they always think their shit smells amazing.

Fuck outta here smh
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