do cancer men come back?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by adlibra22 on Thursday, January 1, 2015 and has 5 replies.

I've been with my cancer man (July 15th) for about a year. I told him I loved him and he didn't call or text me the next day....then I called him and we talked and he said he cares but doesn't love meSad( and broke things off

He is a really good guy close to his mom works hard etc...he then told me we can't be together because how I feel. He says it's not fair for me because he states he made the decision that the relationship is going nowhere...what I'm confused is that in the beginning of the relationship he told me he loved me and I asked him if he was sure. Then I put my guard down and the next month he said we should take things that it's been a year I know I truly love him and I want him back. ...what can I do to get my cancer man back??? Everything was OK until I told him how I felt. ..he said he was happy with everything and now he had to make that decision. .

btw our relationship was very healthy until this.
Cancers are confusing for me too. My ex was one and we were in a relationship for for 4 years. He made me so special but there were days he gets me confused if he really cares. The last year of our relationship got worst and he can't even tell me his real feelings anymore. He said he cares so much for me but he is not sure anymore. If i ask him should we end the relationship he can't decide.
He was so selfish in keeping me hanging because he loves the way i love him but he just can't commit like i do (He cheated and lied so many times). I do not know if it was of him being a cancer but I learned in time that when a man really loves you... They will make sure you will be loved, they will show it to you in their best possible way. If he is confuse himself you should give him a time to be himself and think about what he really wants from you.
That is what i think though.. but you know what is the best for you in the end. smile
And to answer your question. Yes and no. My ex and I broke up once.. and we were not together for the whole summer break, he got a new girl friend but he broke up with her and get back to me. On the 4th year he broke up with me again and i tried to get him back (How pathetic of me then) but of course he did not. Which I was so glad because of that i was able to be a better person and realized he was not that worth keeping.
Sorry to say but he couldn't have been any clearer here and he's not coming back. He probably meant what he said in the beginning but that is part of the chase and reflects his desire to win you. It really sucks when men do the switch a roo like this but you are better of knowing the truth and moving on. There are no guarantees in love and it's best to take what men say in the beginning with a grain of salt for this reason.
I suggest that you move on to someone who is much more confident and sticks by his words! Dont beat yourself up over someone who changes his mind like a weathercock - irrespective of how good a person is - inconsistency in actions is a sign of a weak character!