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Dec 28, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 118 · Topics: 11
And to answer your question. Yes and no. My ex and I broke up once.. and we were not together for the whole summer break, he got a new girl friend but he broke up with her and get back to me. On the 4th year he broke up with me again and i tried to get him back (How pathetic of me then) but of course he did not. Which I was so glad because of that i was able to be a better person and realized he was not that worth keeping.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Sorry to say but he couldn't have been any clearer here and he's not coming back. He probably meant what he said in the beginning but that is part of the chase and reflects his desire to win you. It really sucks when men do the switch a roo like this but you are better of knowing the truth and moving on. There are no guarantees in love and it's best to take what men say in the beginning with a grain of salt for this reason.
I suggest that you move on to someone who is much more confident and sticks by his words! Dont beat yourself up over someone who changes his mind like a weathercock - irrespective of how good a person is - inconsistency in actions is a sign of a weak character!