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May 22, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 237 · Topics: 24
Just curious, if things are not working out for them in the romance arena will they return to a challenge????
Depends on what the challenge is and what held them back which caused them to leave in the first place.
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May 22, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 237 · Topics: 24
Not sure what held them back, could be I'm just as stuborn and we communicate but I am straight forward and him not so much.....perhaps I played to hard to get....or perhaps he is a idiot and was never interested in the first place....
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1223 · Topics: 12
umm it depends on if the cancer is really up to the cancer if they what to put up a fight for it for me i will say no
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May 22, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 237 · Topics: 24
Well then I guess it would never have worked anyway.....for me relationships and love work both ways, each partner needs to feel loved and wanted and worthwhile, it can't all be one sided not even in the beginning.....if it was ment to be it will happen and I just need to stop torturing myself over someone who perhaps never cared to begin with
Gee sounds like what a cancer would say.....why use all my emotion on someone who can't recipocate or is to afraid too.....too painfull
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May 22, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 237 · Topics: 24
K well I was upfront with them and I got the cold treatment.....I wasn't playing any games in fact I told him I liked him.....and I got nothing.....all I got was him running in the opposite direction.....
I really don't know what I could do to indicate how much I really do like him, I have been open and granted I haven't been chasing him like a puppy but I have put myself out there and I got nothing.....
He hints and I respond, I would say he is the one playing games....perhaps that is why he is alone....
or perhaps I just don't know how to communicate with him.....or maybe I am not what he wants
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Cancer men like hard to get women. Esp. if they KNOW they did something wrong or said something wrong, then YOU HAVE to be hard to get. It might be fun in the beginning to give in to him easily but if you give in "too easily" and not hold your ground, he will walk ALL over you and who wants that to happen?
If you ask me they LOVE hard to get women, esp. if he is commitment phobic!
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Um, YEAH, trust me the more challenging you are, the more he returns. They love unattainable, challenging, hard to get women to a "certain" extent. He wants to work for you and your love. I know this for sure. If you are doing everything, doing all the calling, texting, chasing then you will bore him to death. Mr. Cancer man loves "excitement". He can sit their and lie ALL the hell he wants but HE LOVES EXCITEMENT and CHALLENGE. It is SOOOOO in his blood. If you just lay down and say, here, you can have me without him putting in ANY work, he will walk off and leave your tail. Don't do nothing, don't initiate nothing. He finds his strength in being the man in the relationship.
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1223 · Topics: 12
Krobe u speak for urself i dont like hard to get types
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Feb 06, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 662 · Topics: 22
Cancer men definitely like the hard to get ones they are used to women falling for their romantic schemes at the drop of a hat. Cancer females are totally different I think. The ones I know dont go back once they are done. The Dream you are still young. You are still a teen, when you start growing more into manhood the woman you fall for will be the who seems most unattainable.
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Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
"If you ask me they LOVE hard to get women, esp. if he is commitment phobic!"
my cancer proven to be like this and he is a commitment phobic. but i trust men do value some level of elusiveness in the beginning of courtship
So...scenario...he always keeps in contact...calls almost on a daily but I don't see him as often as I would like...why does he even bother?