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Sep 10, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 562 · Topics: 51
I as a Cancer have tried it many times but it make me paranoid and I feel like I am not in control of the situation at all and I feel like everyone is judging me hardcore.
I am just wondering how a Cancer handles the emotional effects of pot. I feel like it puts me on an uncomfortable level emotionally where I think about things that bother me but that I don't think about not high.
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Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
Every cancer I know loves it. Except 1. She's so uptight though that she turns her nose up at everything that doesn't suit her exactly.
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Dec 05, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 22
I know one Cancer who uses daily because it helps relieve some of the constant anxiety (and opposite to you - less likely to think of bothersome things). I once knew two who claimed to have tried it a few times but found that it really wasn't their thing. And I know two who have never touched it. Of the two who never touched it, one is hardcore anti-pot (and other mood-altering substances) in general and the other is maybe a little curious, but afraid of the effect it will have.